Algorithms and Data Structures 2006: Lecture summary

Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
Week 9
Week 10
Week 11

Week 1: 9/10 January

This week was spent introducing the use of objects in Java. We saw that the Java language enables you to introduce your own types. Such a type is defined in a separate class, but we can use it even if we don't know the contents of the Java file defining the class. All we need to know are the public methods of the class, including its constructor.

The name of the class can be used as a type to declare variables and method parameters in just the same way as the types provided automatically by Java such as int and String. It's important to note there's a difference between a variable of a particular type and an object of that type. The variable can be considered a name that can be given to the object. We can only refer to objects through the names they are given in this way. But declaring a variable of a particular object type is a separate thing from creating a new object of that type. A variable is declared by a Java statement having the class name followed by the variable name. A new object is created by a Java value which consists of the word new followed by the class name followed by ( followed by some arguments used to set up the object followed by ) . Often variable declaration and object creation are combined into one statement where a variable is declared and initialised to a new object.

You need to distinguish between a statement and a value in Java. A statement is a command, when executed as the program is run it will have an effect. A value, however, is something which is used within a statement, perhaps as the right-hand of an assignment statement or as an argument in a method call. As a simple example, x+y is a value, it cannot do anything as a command on its own, but x=x+y is a statement, it has the effect of changing the value in variable x. The situation is confused because there are some things in Java which can be both statements and values. For example, x++ has both an effect (increasing the value held in x by 1) and a value (the value held in x before it was increased by 1), so it can be used as a statement on its own, or as a value inside a statement.

Java has two sorts of methods, static methods and object methods. You have seen static methods in your previous programming course, they can be considered as self-contained "mini-programs", which are sometimes called because they have the effect of doing something like displaying some value, and sometimes called because they calculate and return a value. When object methods are called, unlike static methods, the call has to be "attached" to an object. This is generally done by having the method call coming after a variable name with the . character separating them. We say the method has been called on the object which is named (or "referred to" or "pointed to" - these all mean the same thing) by the variable. Like a static method call, an object method call may have the effect of doing something externally like printing, and/or returning a value. But it may also have the effect of changing the internal state of the object it is called on. If an object method has an external effect or returns a value, the effect it has or value it returns will depend on the state of the object it is called on.

It's important to understand that a method call which only returns a value, but does nothing externally and makes no change to any object, only makes sense when used as a value. A method call which does not return a value (indicated by it having return type void) only makes sense when used as a statement. Method calls which both make changes and return a valuie can be used either as statements or values.

In Java, assignment causes aliasing. This means that if a and b are variables, the effect of executing the statement b=a is that "b becomes another name for the object named by a". With a and b being two names for the same object, any change to the object caused by calling a method on variable a will also be observed to cause a change in the object referred to by variable b because they are, in fact, the same object.

We saw that when static methods are called, they are executed in their own environment, meaning that the code in them is executed using the variables from their parameter list and variables declared locally in the method, and making no use of the variables from the code the method was called from. The parameter variables of the method can be considered to have been assigned the matching arguments of the method call. Only when execution of the method call is finished does computation return to its previous point, and back to using the variables which were in existence at that previous point. If a method returns a value, that may be used to set a variable to this value in the code the method was called from.

A method call may also have the effect of changing the state of an object passed to it as an argument. The reason for this is that when a method argument is a variable referring to an object, the method call causes the variable in the method to be an alias of the method argument variable. So if a change is made to an object referred to inside the method through a variable which is one of its parameters, that change will be observed to have taken place to the object outside the method referred to by the variable which was the matching argument in the method call. The change continues after the method call is finished

We illustrated all of this using the "drinks machine" example. We had a Java class called DrinksMachine which simulated a machine into which you could put money and press buttons and it would return cans of drink and your change. The public methods of this class simulated the various operations which could take place on this machine. Just as with a real drinks machine, we do not have to know what exists inside it to make it work, so with a Java DrinksMachine object, we do not need to know what is inside the Java class DrinksMachine in order to make use of the object. All we need to know is its public methods, their names, and the types of their arguments. The types of the arguments tell us how the methods can be used. If the paragraphs above sound rather abstract, it helps to see what it all means in practice with regards to simulation of something we are familiar with.

The DrinksMachine class is something written by a programmer (me), not a part of the Java language as provided by the suppliers of Java. Later in this course, we shall see how to write our own classes. This week the important thing was to see how to use classes already provided, maybe as part of the Java code library, maybe by some other programmer.

Week 2: 16/17 January

We started off by considering the usage of Java variables. A variable is used to hold a value which is used elsewhere. A method may be called on a variable which refers to an object, or an object may be passed as an argument to a method call through having a variable referring to it used as the argument. If an object, once created, needs to be referred to more than once, we need a variable to hold it and be used in the different places where it is referred to. If an object is created and only used once, however, rather than have a separate variable which is used only to transfer reference of it from where it is created to where it is used, it is possible to use the method call which creates an object directly to refer to that object when a method is called on it, or directly as the argument to another method. This may make the program look neater as there are less variables to have to consider, and the creation and use of an object is all in one place. It leads to more complex statements, however, so in some cases it is more clear to break down a complex statement into separate statements with variables holding temporary results. It is important to note that this makes no difference whatsoever to the operation of the program. It is entirely a matter of what you as the programmer consider to be the best way of setting out the program to make it understandable to other programmers who may have to use it or modify it. Similar applies to such things as how you lay out the program in terms of spaces and empty lines between code, and whether you omit brackets in cases where they are not necessary (for example, we saw that a for-loop takes the form for(initialisation;test;update) { body }, but the { and } can be omitted if body consists of just one statement).

The main topic we considered this week was arrays. An array is the most basic form of data structure in Java, similar constructs can be found in most programming languages, and directly reflect the way storage is managed in the hardware of a computer. A data structure is an object which can be treated as a single value, but can also be treated as being made up of components. For any type t in Java, we can also consider t[] to be a separate type, which we call "array of t". We refer to t as the base type of an array of type t[]. Note that Java (unlike, for example, the Pascal programming language) does not make use of the word array in any special way, you do not use it to create or declare arrays, but you could use it as a variable name if you liked. Note that the [] combination without anything between the square brackets is used only to combine with type names to make new type names (for some reason, a common mistake amongst those new to Java programming seems to be to suppose you have to add [] to the name of any variable if that variable is meant to refer to an array object). An array type name, created using [], can be used anywhere in Java where any other type name could be used: to declare variables and method arguments of that type, or as they return type of a method.

If a is a variable which refers to an object of type t[], then a[intval], where intval is a Java value which evaluates to an integer, can be used as if it is a variable of type t: a value can be assigned to it like any other assignment, and it can be used as a value of type t, for example as the argument in a method call where a value of type t is required, or as the value which is assigned to a variable of type t. The important thing is that intval could be a variable of type int, or an arithmetic expression involving a variable of type int. Then, if we assign a new value to that variable, the variable space that intval means will also change, so we can write code which depends on a[intval] changing to refer to different components in an array as a variable in intval changes. Commonly we use the variable name i for a variable whose main use will be as an index to an array.

Array types are like any other object type in Java: declaring a variable of an array type does not create an object of that type, that has to be done separately, and assigning one variable of the array type to another creates an "alias", the two variables can be considered two different names for the same object. So, for example, if a and b are two variable of type t[], and a has been set to refer to an array object, then executing b=a causes b to refer to the same object. Following that, if a[i]=val is executed, where val is a value of type t, then the value of a[i] and b[i] will both change to val. This is because a[i] and b[i] are actually the same thing.

A new array object is created by the word new followed by a space followed by the base type name, followed by [ , followed by an integer value, followed by ] . This creates an array of the length given by the integer to which the integer value evaluates. So, for example

String[] a = new String[n];
is a statement which declares a variable called a which can refer to arrays of strings, and sets that variable to refer to an array of strings of the length of whatever integer is held in variable n.

If a refers to an array object, then a.length gives the length of the array (note, there is no () following the word length). We can consider that there are also then variables named a[0], a[1], a[2], and so on up to a[a.length-1]. So note that Java array indexing always starts at 0 and goes up to one less than the length of the array.

We saw that a common pattern in programming using arrays is to go through the elements of an array one element at a time, using a loop which will have a header of the form

for(int i=0; i<a.length; i++)
We may wish to halt when we have found an array element which satisfies some particular test. This could be done using a break statement rather than have the test in the test part of the for loop. However, if we want to know the value of the array index when we halted, we then have to declare the array index variable i before the for loop, so we can access it after. This will give us code which takes the form:
int i;
for(i=0; i<a.length; i++)
In the lecture, the test of a[i] was that it was an integer with value equal to n so it was written a[i]==n. If the loop is inside a method, and we want to return the array index as the result of the method, then we can use return i instead of break in the above. Note that a return statement always has the effect of completely ending execution of a method call, even if it is inside a loop. We would also need a return statement following the loop to return a value indicating that no component of the array satisfies the test. A convention is that -1 is returned in such a case.

We noted that in most cases in this course we will be working on writing classes and methods to represent particular structures and perform particular operations. In order to experiment with a particular method, we will need support code which enables a human user to type in some data and prints some output as the result of the method call with that data as arguments. It is important that you concentrate on the method that performs the operation, and not on the support code used to run it in the lab. The support code is of no relevance to what you are meant to learn in this course. In exams and tests, you will never be asked to write code that interacts with a human user. When you are asked to write a method, it is important that you understand this means with a signature giving its arguments and return type, but not a program with a method called main taking an array of strings as its argument. Do not confuse "take as argument" with "read from the screen" and "return" with "print to the screen".

When we write a method, we need to specify the result we want it to have. It is possible our specification is open to more than one interpretation, in which case the method is underspecified. For example, the specification to return the index of a component of an array which satisifes a particular test does not say which index to return when more than one component satisfies the test. The loop above returns the index of the lowest indexed component which satisfies the test, code could be written which is similar but checking the array elements from the highest indexed downwards, in which case the index of the highest indexed component which satisfies the test will be returned. Here the loop would take the form:

int i;
for(i=a.length-1; i>=0; i--)

We considered the distinction between destructive and constructive operations on an array. If we pass an array as an argument to a method and make changes on it inside the method, those changes will remain in place once the method call has finished. This is because the variable in the method is an alias to the variable which refers to the array outside the method, so changing the array through the variable inside the method will change the array outside the method as they are the same object. A destructive method on an array is one which has its effect by changing the array (and hence destroying how it was originally). If a destructive method is called, since the actual array is changed, the change is observed through any variable which is an alias to the one passed as an argument to the method as well. A constructive method is once which has its effect by creating a new array which is like a copy of the old array with the desired changes, but does not change the old array

We noted that operations which change the size of an array can only be done using constructive methods. Once an array is created in Java, its size can never be changed. We can, however, create a new array of the new size, and assign the variable which referred to the original array to refer to the new one. This is not the same as changing the actual array, so if other variables were aliases to the variable whose value has been changed, they will continue to refer to the original array.

Week 3: 23/24 January

We started by continuing to look at static methods which manipulate arrays, looking in particular at the code for for methods which remove items from arrays. As noted last week, array objects cannot change their size, so such methods have to be programmed to work constructively: the array passed as an argument is not changed, instead a new array is created representing the desired change, and this is returned as the result of the method.

With a method to remove items from an array, we do not initially know the size of the array that is to be returned. If the item to be removed does not occur in the array, then a copy of the original array should be returned, that is an array of the same length with each component in the new array assigned the value of the component with the same index in the original array. This is done rather than return a reference to the original array so that we can be sure, whether or not the item to be removed from the original array occurred in it, the result of the call to the remove method is not an alias of the original array. Otherwise, after executing the statement b=remove(a,n) we would not know whether making changes to the array named by b would also change the array named by a or not.

If we are to remove exactly once occurrence of an item from an array, and we have checked to see it does occur, the resulting array is of length one less than the original array, and must be created before elements from the original array are copied into it. The elements up to the position where the item to be removed occurs are copied into the same position in the new array, the elements after it are copied to a position indexed by one less than their position in the original array.

If we are deleting all occurrences of a particular item from an array, we need to count how many times it occurs first in order to create a new array of the size needed. Then when elements are copied from the original array into the new array, a separate index variable is used to give the position of the next place to copy an element on each step of the for-loop that does it. This separate index is increased by one only when the next element considered in the original array is not the one to be deleted.

We also noted we could have a method which deletes an item from an array where the item to be deleted is given not by an argument to the method set to the actual value of the item, but by an argument of type int which gives the position of the item to be deleted. When programming with arrays it is important to keep clear the distinction between variables which hold actual values to be copied to or from positions in the array, and variables which hold positions. It is particularly easy to confuse the two when we are dealing with arrays of type int[] where both sorts of variables will be of type int. We noted that we needed to consider how our method which took an array and a position and removed the item at that position would handle the case where the position argument variable was set to a negative value or to a value greater than or equal to the array length. Either code should be written to handle this situation (maybe return a copy of the original array), or the comment which describes the behaviour of the code should state that the position argument must be in the correct range. This again shows the importance of fully specifying a method, covering cases of arguments having unexpected values.

We noted that it is a good idea to comment code, but that there are two sorts of comment which a method would have. One would go with the signature of the method, and would describe how the method appears to work to code that calls it. This is for the benefit of anyone else who wants to use the method, it would not normally say what happens inside the method for it to have the required external result or effect. The other sort of comment is inside the method, and is for the benefit of anyone who wants to see how the method works, perhaps to modify it. This would only be necessary where the code is complex, so perhaps it is helpful for a comment to be attached to a particular section to explain the particular circumstances that section was added to deal with.

We next looked at arrayLists. An arrayList can be considered like an array but more flexible. Where the type of an array whose individual components are of type t is t[], the type of an arrayList array whose individual components are of type t is ArrayList<t>. Although you might want to think of ArrayList as a Java keyword, it is actually a Java class provided in Java's code library, in package java.util, so if you use it in a class you have to include the import statement in the file import java.util.*;.

Whereas arrays use special symbols in Java (the square brackets [ and ] are used only for array operations), arrayLists are manipulated entirely by Java method calls. The equivalent of setting the component of an array indexed by i to value n with arrayLists is to use the method set attached to the variable naming the arraylist. So if a is of type t[] and als is of type ArrayList<t> and e is of type t and i is of type int, then the equivalent of a[i]=e is als.set(i,e). The equivalent of accessing the component of an array indexed by i is to use the method get. So what is done by e=a[i] with arrays is done by e=als.get(i) with arrayLists. It is important to note that with arrayLists the "angled brackets" (< and >, the same characters as used for arithmetic comparison, but treat them here as brackets, not arithmetic operators) are just one aspect of a wider aspect of Java called generic types, which was introduced with the new version of Java, Java 5, in 2004. They are not used like the square brackets with arrays to access individual elements.

Unlike arrays, arrayList objects can have their size changed destructively. If als refers to an arrayList of type ArrayList<t>and e is of type t, then the statement als.add(e) increases the size of the arrayList referred to by als by one, and sets the new highest indexed component to e. If i is of type int then als.add(i,e) increases the size of the arrayList by one, sets the component indexed by i to e, and causes every component of als that was indexed by an integer higher than the value of i to become indexed by an integer one higher than its previous index. The operation als.remove(e) will cause the lowest indexed occurrence of an object equal in value to e in the arrayList to be removed, so the size of the arrayList decreases by one, and every component indexed by an integer i greater than the index of the object that was removed is changed so that it refers to the object that was previously referred to by the component indexed one higher.

The method size gives the length of an arrayList object meaning the total number of elements it has, and thus also one greater than the maximum index i that can be used in the call als.get(i) where als refers to an arrayList. So the call als.size() gives the current length of the arrayList referred to by als. Unlike a.length where a refers to an array, als.size() may change the value it returns without als changing the object it refers to, for example, it will be one greater after the call als.add(e) to what it was before. Where array objects are always created of a fixed length, arrayLists objects are generally created with initial length 0, which is increased as elements are added to them. The call new ArrayList<t>() creates a new arrayList to store elements of type t, initially storing 0 elements. There is not the direct equivalent of creating an array of a particular length with its components initially set to null, as with new t[n].

One restriction on arrayLists which does not apply to arrays is that the base type must be an object type. This is any type (including String) except the primitive numerical types (int, double and the others representing numerical values stored in extra or less space), and char and boolean. Java has wrapper type which match the primitive types, Integer matching int, Character matching char, and the others the same word as the primitive type except the initial letter is upper case. These should be used instead of the primitive types, so an arrayList of integers is given by the type ArrayList<Integer>. In older versions of Java, to convert a value from a primitive type to its equivalent in the wrapper type, or vice versa, required calling special methods. In Java 5, it is done automatically every time a value of a primitive type is used where a value of the equivalent wrapper type is needed, or vice versa. So you can almost treat Integer as if it was just another way of writing int and so on. One place where you can't is that als.remove(i) where i is of type int is taken to mean removing the element at the position indexed by i from the arrayList referenced by als, rather than removing an element equal to i. If als is of type ArrayList<Integer> and you want to remove the number i from wherever it is stored in als, you will need to do that by declaring i to be of type Integer when using it in als.remove(i).

We saw some examples of methods which worked with arrayLists, noting the distinction between methods which work destructively and methods which work constructively. As arrayList object may have their size changed, unlike with arrays, destructive methods are not limited to those which keep the size of the collection unchanged. We saw that, for example, a method to perform some operation on an arrayList of integers would look exactly like a method to perform the same operation on arrayLists of strings, except that everywhere the word String occurred in one, the word Integer would occur in the other. We might want to perform the same operation on arrayLists with other base types, does this mean we have to have a different version of the method for every base type we might want to use? The answer is "no", because Java 5 introduces the idea of type parameters to methods.

In a method signature, if there are type parameters they are given between angled brackets, separated by commas if there are more than one, before the return type of the method. Then this variable name can be used as a type name in the rest of the method. When the method is called, the value of the type parameter is not given as a separate argument, instead it is worked out from the types of the arguments in the method call. For example,

static <T> ArrayList<T> replace(ArrayList<T> a,T m,T n)
is the signature of a static method which is intended to take an arrayList of any base type and two values of that base type, and return an arrayList of the same base type where all occurences of the first value are replaced by the second. Here T is the type variable, and may be used further in the body of the method. When the method call replace(als,p,q) is made, the method will be executed with T actually meaning String if als is of type ArrayList<String> and p and q are of type String, and with T actually meaning Integer if als is of type ArrayList<Integer> and p and q are of type Integer.

Week 4: 30/31 January

We started by discussing the type String which is provided as part of the Java language. Although in some ways, String has special treatment in Java, in others it can be regarded as just another class. An object of type String in Java is an indexed collection of value of type char. Unlike some other programming languages (C, for example) a string is not directly equivalent to an array of characters. A string should be considered an object, which like other objects can have methods called on it. Strings are an example of immutable objects, meaning there are no methods which can be called on them which change the object itself. The methods that can be called on a string object either provide some information about the string without changing it, or represent a change but do it constructively, that is by returning a new string object which is like the string object with the required changes, but the object the method is called on is not changed. For example, the method toUpperCase can be thought of as changing all lower cases letters in a string to their upper case equivalent, but it does so by creating a new string. So if we have variable str1 of type String set to "Hello World", then the statement str2=str1.toUpperCase() will cause the variable str2 of type String to refer to "HELLO WORLD", but str1 still refers to "Hello World".

The method charAt takes an int value as its argument and is called on a string and returns the character indexed by the integer argument, with the usual Java convention that indexing starts at 0. So with str1 set as above, if variable i of type int is set to 4 then str1.charAt(i) will return 'o'. As it is a method call, you should not expect it to work like array indexing, so for example, str1.charAt(1)='u' will not change str1 to "Hullo world", it will not be accepted by the Java compiler as the Java language simply does not have assignment statements where the assignment is to a method call.

The 0-argument method length gives the length of a string, so with the above, str1.length() returns 11. Another important method is substring which takes two arguments of type int and returns a new string consisting of characters from the string it is called on starting with the one indexed by the first argument and going up to but not including the one indexed by the second argument. So str1.substring(1,7) would return "ello W. There is also a one-argument version of substring which returns a new string starting with the character from the argument position and going up to the end of the string it is called on. So str1.substring(7) returns "orld". The class String in the Java language provides a few other methods which would commonly be used with strings, some were covered in the lecture, but it is not important for this course that you should know them all.

One feature of strings which makes them different from other Java objects is that there is a way of writing literal values of string objects, meaning a way of referring to a particular object value rather than referring to it through a variable set to it. As we have already seen, a string literal is the characters of the string, in order, between two double-quote symbols. Java also treats the + symbol as a string append operations (do not assume from this that * and - can also be used as operator on strings, they can't). The value str1+str2 is a new string consisting of all the characters from str1 followed by all the characters from str2. Also, str+obj where str is of type String but obj any object variable, is treated as meaning str+obj.toString(), while str+n, where n is a numerical value, is treated by meaning the string obtained from appending the string representation of n to str. Always be aware that a string consisting entirely of digits is a different thing from the integers value it represents. For example, "57" is a string of length 2 whose first element is '5' and whose second element is '7'. It is a different thing from the integer whose literal value is 57 but which is stored in the computer as a binary value which makes no reference to 5 or 7.

We noted that the wrapper classes which we considered last week in the context of their use as base type for arrayLists also contain convenient static methods relevant to their types. For example, the class Character has methods for testing whether individual characters fall into various categories, so for instance Character.isDigit(ch) where ch is a variable of type char returns true if ch is set to a numerical digit character, and false otherwise. Note that when we call a static method, unless we are calling it in the class where it is defined, we have to call it attached to the class name, which is what is being done here.

We looked at how we would program methods which operate on strings. We cannot ourselves add new methods to the class String, so we have to code any additional operations we might want as static methods. For example, Java provides a method in class String to return the string obtained by replacing all occurrences of one character by another. If str is of type String, and ch1 and ch2 of type char, then str.replace(ch1,ch2) gives the string obtained by replacing all occurrences of ch1 by ch2 in str, but if we wanted to write a static method to do this, the string would have to be an argument as well, so the call would be replace(str,ch1,ch2).

We looked at methods which involve using a loop to go through the characters in a string one at a time, this technique is known as iteration. When the method has to return a new string, the loop will also add characters to a string to build up the new string. Note that str=str+ch might be said to be "adding character ch to the back of string str", but what it is actually doing is creating a new string object and setting the variable str to refer to it, it is not really changing an object.

Another technique that can be used for operations on strings is recursion. It is often easy to express an operation on a string in terms of an operation on a smaller string, often the string which consists of all but the first character of the original string (given by str.substring(1) if str is the original string). Thinking this way translates directly to writing methods which involve a call to the same method. The important thing to note when considering how this actually works is that each method call has its own environment. So when a method "calls itself", new variables with the same names, but possibly different values, as the variables in the previous method call are set up. A recursive method must always have a base case which is a condition when it does not make a further "call to itself". So what happens is that computation keeps making calls until it reaches a base case, then does further work when it returns to the old environments which are left waiting. When there is no work left to be done on return from the recursive call (that is when the return statement returns no more than the value of the recursive call), it is known as tail recursion. Tail recursion can easily be changed into iteration by changing the recursive call to a re-use of the existing variables with new values, and adding a loop where the exit condition is what was the base case.

To take consideration of these algorithm issues (iteration and recursion) further, we considered Lisp lists. Although this is not a type provided by Java, it is easy to write a class which provides it, and this has been done for the purpose of this course. As with previous classes you have been introduced to, at this point you were shown the use of the class without considering what goes inside it (the implementation). The class you have been given, LispList is a generic class, so just like ArrayList which you have already seen, it is parameterised by giving it a base class to provide a full type, so for example, LispList<Integer> represents the type "Lisp list of integers".

The name "Lisp list" comes from an early programming language called Lisp, which was intended for processing lists of data (hence its name, from "List processing"). It was one of the earliest example of an abstract programming language - start from the sort of computation you want and see how you can get the computer to do it - as opposed to the standard programming language which starts from what the electronics of the computer can do and works upwards towards something more human oriented. It was the forerunner to a class of programming languages known as the functional languages. Although these languages have not obtained widespread use, they have been influential in the development of more practical programming languages, and many top universities have an introductory course in functional programming, seeing it as a good way to introduce some fundamental topics in programming. Using the class LispList enables us to get some of the benefits other universities see in having a dedicated functional programming course, while remaining in the Java programming framework.

There are just four operations which can take place on a Lisp list: head which returns the first item in the list, tail which returns a new list containing all the items of the original list in the same order, but missing the first one, cons which takes an item as its argument, and returns a new list which consists of all the items of the original list in the same order, with the argument item added to the front, and isEmpty which returns a boolean saying whether the list it is called on is empty. These can all be represented by Java methods. In addition, there is a Java static method, empty which returns an object representing a list which contains zero elements. You can call cons on an empty list, but you cannot call head or tail on it (in Java terms, attempting to do so will cause an exception to be thrown). Note the relationship will always hold that if c is set to t.cons(h), then c.head() will be equal to h and c.tail() will be equal to t. Like strings, Lisp lists are immutable: the operations cons and tail return new Lisp list objects, they do not change the object they are called on.

The type "Lisp List" is an example of an Abstract Data Type (often abbreviated to "ADT"), meaning a data type which is completely defined by the operations possible on it, not by how it is stored in the computer.

We saw some simple examples of methods which gave further operations on Lisp lists. As with strings, these methods are static methods, as we are not making any additions to the basic methods of the type. As with strings, methods that may be described as making changes to a structure actually create new objects representing the change, because as with strings, Lisp lists are immutable, there is no operation which actually changes the object it is called on. We saw that with various problems it is often possible to come to an iterative solution by thinking of it one way, and a recursive solution by thinking of it another.

Week 5: 6/7 February

We looked at examples of various methods which work on Lisp lists. As Lisp lists are a recursive data type, it often makes sense to try and think recursively when programming with them. For example, suppose we want to change all occurrences of item M to item N in a Lisp list. Recursive thinking involves noting that if we change all occurrences of M to N in the tail of the list, then all we have to do to get the final result is to put the head of the old list onto the front of the result, or to put N on the front of the result if the head was M. The Lisp list operation cons works to put an item at the front of a list.

We saw how this actually works is that the work following the recursive call in the method is left waiting to be done once the recursive call has finished. So, with the previous example, as one recursive call makes another recursive call, a trail of cons calls is left waiting, which are picked up as computation of each recursive call finishes and a return is made to the recursive call which made it.

When we solve a Lisp list problem iteratively, the general process is to construct a new list starting with the empty list and adding items to it using cons as we go through the argument list. Since as we go through the argument list from front to back we add new items to the new list at the front each time (as that is how cons works) the result is often a list almost like the one we want except in reverse. So we then need to use the same technique to reverse this list: go through it one element at a time, adding each element to a new list. We call this technique stack and reverse. One way of thinking about this is to consider the lists as stacks of building blocks, one on top of the other. The only way we can manipulate them is to take an item off the top of the stack (equivalent to calling tail on a list variable then setting that variable to refer to the result) and to put an item on top of the stack (equivalent to calling cons on a list variable, with the item as the argument, then setting the list variable to the result), and to look at the top item of a stack without changing it (equivalent to calling head on a list variable).

We looked at three different sort algorithms working on Lisp lists, and saw code to implement them.

The first was insertion sort. The idea is that we set up a new Lisp list, initially empty, then go through the list to be sorted taking each item in turn and inserting it in its ordered position in the new list. We can also express this recursively: to sort a list, sort its tail, then insert its head in ordered position into the result. Inserting an item into its correct position in an ordered list can be expressed iteratively: take items off the list, stacking them onto a temporary list, until the correct position is found. Then take items off the temporary list and stack them back onto the original list. The correct position to insert is either when the original list is empty or when the first (top) item is greater than the item being inserted. Alternatively, insertion can be thought of recursively. To insert an item into an empty list, or into a list whose first item is greater than the item being inserted, add that item to the front of the list. To insert an item into a list whose first item is less than the item being inserted, insert that item into the tail of the list, then put the original first item onto the front of the result.

Next, we looked at quick sort. This is an algorithm for sorting collections which can be described simply as follows: "take one item out of the collection (the "pivot"), and then divide the collection into two parts: all those items less than the pivot and all those items greater than the pivot; then sort those two collections, then join the two sorted collections together with the pivot in the middle". This is a recursive description, sorting is described in terms of sorting. The intention is that the two collections should be sorted using the same algorithm, so this is a complete description, nothing more is required except to note that the base case is when the collection being sorted has zero or one elements, in which case it can be returned as it is. Since the recursive calls always take as arguments collections of smaller size than the original argument, we know they will always be a step closer to the base case, so the recursion will always come to a halt.

A variant of quick sort avoids the need for a separate join operation, it works on the idea that sorting a list is a special case of sorting a list and joining the result to another list (the "accumulator"), with that other list set to the empty list. In this case, if the list being sorted is empty, return the accumulator. Otherwise, as before divide the list into a pivot and two parts, elements smaller than the pivot and elements greater than the pivot. Sort the greater list with the accumulator, join the pivot to the front of the result, then use this as the accumulator to sort the smaller list.

We also looked at an algorithm called merge sort. Like quick sort, merge sort works by dividing a collection into two parts, sorting each part, and joining the results together (with the base case being the collection having none or one elements). With quick sort, the work on comparing elements is done in the division into two parts, but with merge sort is done in joining the two sorted parts. With merge sort, any element can be put into either part so long as the result is two roughly equal parts. But joining the two sorted lists in merge sort involves merging, where whichever element is the smallest from either sorted list is taken off and put onto a new list, and this is done repeatedly until one of the sorted lists is empty, then the rest of the elements from the other sorted list are added in order. So the comparison of elements takes place in this merging.

The final thing noted was that recursion may sometimes be mutual recursion. This is where rather than having a method "call itself", it may call another method and that method may call the first method. There could even be a chain of three or more method calls to have a method "call itself" indirectly.

Week 6: 13/14 February

The Monday lecture slot was taken over by the first test for the course. You can find a copy of the test on-line here. In the Tuesday lecture we started looking at implementing objects. Before Tuesday we had only looked at using objects, we saw we could use the object name as a type for variables, we could call methods on objects, and we could create new objects using constructors. But we had not seen the code that provides those objects.

In some cases, classes to provide objects are already provided as part of the Java library. In others, we must write our own. The class DrinksMachine which we used in week 1 is not provided as part of the Java library. You were able to use it because it has already been written, all you needed was the .class file that the original file compiled into.

A Java class is generally stored in a separate file with the same name as the class with the addition of .java to the end. It starts with the word class, followed by the name of the class, followed by an opening {, followed by the code which implements the class, followed by a closing }. In the case of a class which uses classes from the Java library that are part of any package except the java.lang package, the file needs an import statement before the class to use them, but this is the only thing which occurs outside the class definition. The name of the class may be used as a type in other Java classes. If you have the class file in the same directory as the file of code which uses that type, when you compile the code which suses the type, the file which implements the type will also be compiled automatically.

Variables which are declared in a Java class but not inside any methods in that class, and which are not declared as static, are known as object variables or fields. Every object of that class has its own variables of those names. Methods which are declared in a class, and are not declared as static, are known as instance methods. When an instance method is called it must be attached to an object. The method may have its own variables, both those given as its parameters and those declared inside it as local variables. Like the variables in static methods, these exist only for as long as the method call is executing, with the parameters being assigned to the matching argument values when the method was called. But instance methods may also use object variables from the class they are in, and in this case the object variables when inuse in a method call are taken to be the object variables of the object the method was called on. These object variables remain in existence for as long as the object remains in existence. So the call of one instance method may change the value of an object variable, and that change will be observed when another method is called on the same object.

Note, an instance method may be called inside the code for another instance method without it being given as attached to any object. In this case, it is taken to be attached to the object the enclosing method call is attached to.

The code for constructors is like the code for methods, it just looks like a method with no name and the return type the same type as the class. The code in constructors sets initial values to the object variables. We saw that the method call this in a constructor followed by ( followed by some arguments followed by ) has the effect of using the code from another constructor in the same class whose parameters match the arguments. It is possible to have more than one constructor in a class so long as the number or types of the arguments differs, we saw an example in the DrinksMachine class. It is also possible to have other cases of methods with the same name but differing in number or types of arguments, though we didn't see an example of this. More than one constructor or method of the same name is known as overloading.

We ended up by going through question 1 of the mid-term test. The important thing here is that the types in the method headings tell us how to fit together method calls and variables. A method call must be made on a variable of the class the method call is in. If a variable is assigned to the result of a method call, the variable must have the same type as the return type of the method call. Arguments to a method call must be variables or literals of the same type as the matching parameter in the method call signature, or the argument can itself be a method call whose return type matches the type of the parameter. A method call may be made on a method call so long as it is from the class of the return type of the method call it is made on. If a method call is used as the test in an if or while statement, it must have return type boolean. If a method call is used as part of an arithmetic expression, it must have a numercial return type, such as int.

Week 7: 20/21 February

We considered how we would implement a type like ArrayList if it wasn't already provided by Java. We would need a class which has some fields to hold the data representing the arrayList object, and public methods to represent the operations. A simple class to implement an array-like object might just have an array inside it, with methods get and set to return the value of the cell of the array at a particular index, and to change the value to another one, respectively. The constructor for this class would just take an integer argument and create an array of its length. So what we have is a layer around an array which enables it to be manipulated through methods like a standard Java object.

This was our first example of a generic class. A generic class is defined by following the class name (after the word class) in the header of the class by the type variables enclosed in angled brackets. The rest of the class is then written as if those variables were actual types. So, for example if a class is headed class MyClass <T>, we can create actual objects of type MyClass<Integer>, MyClass<String>, in fact MyClass<...> with ... replaced by any type (including a type which itself has type arguments). Then when the methods for object of that class are executed, T will be taken as meaning whatever type the ... is. One problem is that Java does not allow you to create an array directly using a type variable. So we cannot have new T[n], where T is a type variable and n is an integer value. Instead, we have to use (T[]) new Object[n], which achieves the same thing. As Java is set up at present, when this is compiled it will give a warning about "unsafe" code, but you can ignore that.

Java's ArrayList objects, however, do not behave exactly like arrays. They have methods which enable them to grow or shrink in size by adding or removing items. ArrayLists are created of initial length 0, and then grow in size as items are added using the add method. They do not have the equivalent of the array constructor where an array is constructed of an initial length with all its cells initialised to null. In order to simulate an arrayList growing or shrinking in our own class, the variable inside the object referring to the array could be changed to refer to a new array representing the addition or removal of an item. Although the new array is created constructively, because the variable inside the object is changed to refer to it, the object itself is changed destructively.

A better way of dealing with this is to use an array and count technique to represent the arrayList object. This means that the array inside the object is of fixed length, but only part of it is used to store the data. There is a separate variable which holds a count of the number of cells in the array currently counted as data of the arrayList. When a new item is added to the end of the arrayList, it is put in the next unused cell in the array representing it, and the count variable is increased by one. The other methods which appear to change the size of the arrayList are actually managed by moving items up and down the array as required, and changing the value of the count variable. This means there does not have to be a copying of every item into a new array every time the arrayList changes size.

A modification to the array and count technique overcomes the problem that we might increase the size of the arrayList beyond the size of the array used to represent it. The modification is to change the array to a new much bigger one if the size of the arrayList reaches the size of the array. So the array is replaced at times, but not every time the arrayList changes size. This is how Java actually implements ArrayList.

Note that if we had some code which used our own class for arrayLists, and we changed the internal representation in that class from an array the size of the arrayList to an array and count, we would not have to change the code. That is because a clear distinction has been made between the way the arrayList object operate in terms of the public methods which manipulate them, and the way they are represented in terms of the private variables used to implement them, which are manipulated by these public methods. This uses the principle known as information hiding. The idea is that information in some parts of the program is hidden from other parts. This is a good principle because we know if one part of a program cannot access data in another part, it cannot rely on it, so we can safely make changes to that data without causing problems. The fewer ways two parts of a program can interact, the easier it is to keep track of the interactions and ensure nothing done in one part of the program causes something unexpected to happen in the other.

We also looked at sorting algorithms on arrays and arrayLists. One algorithm was insertion sort. A simple version of this algorithm creates a new arrayList, initially empty, and goes through each of the items in the original arrayList inserying them into the new arrayList in order. A method is needed which takes an arrayList with its items assumed to be stored in order, and takes another item, and has the effect of adding that item to the arrayList in the correct place to keep it in order. So the insertion method goes through the items in the arrayList to which the new item is being added, until it reaches the end or the first item greater than the item being inerted, it then inserts the item at that position.

A variation of insertion sort does not keep a separate sorted arrayList. Instead, it has part of the arrayList sorted and part unsorted. At each step in the sorting, the first item from the unsorted part is put in order in the sorted part. This is done by moving items in the sorted part up one place, covering the initial position of the item currently being inserted, until the correct place for the item being inserted is found. So each step in the sorting increases the size of the part of the arrayList being sorted until the whole arrayList is sorted. As this never changes the size of the arrayList, the same algorithm may be used with arrays as well.

A similar algorithm is selection sort. Again, it works by having the array divided into a sorted and unsorted part, with each step in the algorithm increasing the size of the sorted part and decreasing the size of the unsorted part until the whole array is sorted. With selection sort, the lowest item in the unsorted part is found and is swapped in position with the first item in the unsorted part. Since the sorted part will consist of those items previously picked out as being the lowest, the next item picked out will be the next lowest, and so is in the correct order for the final result. So the consequence is that the sorted part can be taken to have been increased by one in size, and the unsorted part decreased by one.

Finally, we looked at solutions to question 2 of the mid-term test. It was noted that a destructive method does not return a new value, but changes an object passed as a parameter, so its return type is void. A constructive method constructs a new object, so its return type is the type of the object constructed, in this case int[]. The basic loop to move items one place up an array referenced by variable a, doing it destructively is:

for(int i=a.length-1; i>0; i--)
The original last item of the array is saved in a variable before this loop so it can be put in the first cell after it. Note, you have to go through the loop from the highest indexed position downwards. If the loop went the other way:
for(int i=1; i<a.length; i++)
the result would be to copy a[0] into a[1], then to copy a[1] into a[2] but a[1] now holds a copy of a[0] so a[0] is copied into a[2] as well, and in fact the original value of a[0] will be copied into every cell.

Week 8: 27/28 February

We returned to sorting algorithms, which we first looked at in week 5. We considered how we would apply those algorithms to arrays and arrayLists rather than to the Lisp lists we applied them to then. One thing to note was that as Lisp lists are immutable, we can only sort them constructively, that is by creating a new Lisp list which contains the same elements as the original Lisp list but in their sorted order. The original Lisp list is not changed, however. As arrays and arrayLists are mutable, we can sort them destructively, that is by changing the order the elements are stored in the actual array or arrayList object. This is called sorting in place.

We saw a variation on insertion sort where instead of setting up a new array or arrayList to hold the sorted collection, items were moved around the array or arrayList being sorted, with it remaining of a fixed size. The technique was to consider the array being divided into a sorted part and an unsorted part, with the sorted part initially being just the first element. Then, repeatedly, the first element in the unsorted part is placed into the sorted part by moving elements up one place in the sorted part (covering the initial position of this element) until its place in order in the sorted part is found. Each time this is done, the sorted part increases in size by one element, and the unsorted part decreases in size by one element. So eventually the whole array gets sorted.

A similar algorithm is called selection sort. Again, it works on the basis of the array being divided into a sorted and an unsorted part, with the sorted part growing in size by one and the unsorted part decreasing in size by one in each iterative step of the algorithm until the whole array is sorted. With selection sort, at each step the lowest item in the unsorted part of the array is swapped in position with the item at the first position in the unsorted part of the array, and this results in the sorted part growing by one as this swapped item must now be in its correct final position.

Destructive merge sort still requires extra arrays to copy the contents of the original array into (two of half the size of the original array, but the recursive sort on a half-sized array will require two more arrays and so on). However, to make it destructive, the sorted elements from the two arrays are copied back into the space of the original array when they are merged.

Destructive quick sort can be done without any extra storage. Instead of creating two new arrays, one of elements less than the pivot, the other of elements gretaer than the pivot, an index is started at each end of the array, and the two indexes changed to become closer to each other, with elements at the position they refer to swapped in place in the array every time the element at the position given by the upper index is less than the pivot and the element at the position given by the lower index is greater than the pivot. The separate portions of the array, now holding all elements less than the pivot in one, and all elements greater than the pivot in the other, are sorted recursively (that is, the same algorithm is applied, only to those sections).

We noted that the Java language already has static methods to sort arrays and arrayLists provided in its library in the classes Arrays and Collections respectively. We learn how these algorithms work in this course, not because we would need to write the code for them in practice (it is always better to use library code if suitable library code exists, rather than write our own code), but because it serves as a good introduction to the topic of algorithms. We have seen that algorithms may be expressed recursively or iteratively, that algorithms to change a structure may be expressed as working constructively or destructively, and that there may be more than one algorithm for a particular problem.

We noted that Java's built-in sort code is generic, it sorts collections of any objects according to their natural ordering. The natural ordering of a type is the ordering given by the operation of the compareTo method on objects of that type. We know, for example, that if we have str1 and str2 of type String, then str1.compareTo(str2) returns a negative integer if str1 is less than str2 in alphabetical ordering, a positive integer if str1 is greater than str2 in alphabetical ordering, and 0 if they are equal. Therefore, the natural ordering of strings in Java is alphabetical ordering (rather than, say, ordering by length of string).

We looked at algorithm efficiency in terms of time taken to complete an operation. Experimenting with running the code for the sort algorithms will show that whatever type of elements is being sorted and on whatever computer, quick sort and merge sort will always complete a sorting task quicker than insertion sort and selection sort, with a huge difference in time taken once we apply them to collections of thousands of elements. In order to consider this further, we first looked at a simpler problem than sorting, the problem of searching, that is checking whether a particular element occurs in some collection, possibly giving its position in the collection.

If the collection we are searching is not in any order, then we have no choice but to look at each of its elements in turn until we have either found the one we are searching for, or we have looked at every one and not found it. Looking at each element in turn like this is called linear search. If the collection is ordered and we use linear search, if we come across an item which is greater than the one we are searching for, we know the rest must be even greater, so we can halt the search and report the item not found without looking through the other items. However, if the collection is ordered, a much better way of searching is to use binary search. With binary search, we look at the middle item first. If it is not the item we are searching for, we can then restrict our search either to the items positioned before it or to the items positioned after it in the array, depending on whether the middle item is greater than or less than the item we are searching for.

So, consider how linear search works. At each step in the algorithm it reduces the size of the data it is searching by one. If the search is of an array of size N, at most it will look at every item in the array and check it to see if it is equal to the one being searched for. On average, assuming the items in the array are a representative sample of all the possible items, it will make N/2 checks. With binary search, each step in the array makes one check of an item being looked at against the item being searched for, and if they are not equal, cuts the amount of data being searched by half. It must end when there is just one data item being searched. So the total number of checks for an array of size N is at most the total number of times N can be cut in half. In mathematical terminology, this is the logarithm to the base 2 of N, written "log2N". We say that linear search is "of order N" and binary search is "of order log N". This is conventionally indicated by O(N) and O(log N) respectively. The order of an algorithm is an estimate of the number of operations is takes to complete expressed as a function of the size of the problem (such as the length of the array being processed). The estimate ignores constant mutiplying factors, and considers only the highest term. This is known as the big-O notation due to this convention of indicating it using the capital O letter.

With selection sort, it can be seen that with an array of length N, on the first step in the algorithm N-1 comparisons of one item against another are done to find the lowest item in the unsorted section, on the second step N-2, and so on down to the last step where just one comparison is made to find the lowest of the last two items. With insertion sort, 1 comparison is made on the first step to insert the first item from the unsorted part into the sorted part (consisting of the first two items). Then, up to 2 comparisons to insert the next item into the sorted part, and so on until up to N-1 comparisons are made to insert the last item into its correct position to make the whole array sorted. We know that the sequence (N-1)+(N-2)+...2+1 adds up to N2/2. This means we categorise both selection sort and insertion sort as O(N2).

With merge sort, the array is divided into two halves, which are sorted. Then merging the two halves into one takes approximately N comparisons for an array of length N. But each of the two arrays, of length N/2, was itself produced by merging two arrays of length N/4. In total, that's another approximately N comparisons. At the next level down, there's eight arrays of length N/8 merged to form four arrays of length N/4. We continue down until the arrays have been halved until they are of length 1. So there are approximately N comparisons multiplied by the number of times N can be halved, which as we already said is log2N. So we say that merge sort is O(N log N). Note we don't give the base of the logarithm in big-O notation, because the logarithm of any number in one base is the logarithm of the same number in another base multiplied by a constant factor (the logarithm of the first base in the second base).

By a similar argument, quick sort can also be categorised as O(N log N), except that the N comparisons at each level are made as the arrays are divided into two, and not as they are joined. We noted that quick sort has a worst case: when applied to an array which is already sorted and the first element is used as the pivot, it partitions into an empty array and one of size one less than the original array, with the same happening when that second array is partitioned and so on. So the result is that on each step of recursion the size of the problem is reduced by one, not halved, which means that quick sort when considering the worst case is O(N2).

We finished by considering question 3 of the mid-term test. One point to note is that it asked for generic code, which implies a type variable. A type variable is surrounded by angled brackets, as in <T>, when it is initially declared and then only when it is combined with a generic type, as in ArrayList<T>. Angled brackets are not used in any other circumstances. It was also noted that when a question asks you to write a method which "takes ... and returns ...", what it takes becomes parameters of the appropriate types in the method heading, and what it returns becomes the return type. You should never interpret such a question as asking you to write code that prompts a human user to type something on the screen, or which prints anything to the screen. Also, you will be given an English description of the problem, and usually an example which illustrates it. But when, for example, the question says "takes an integer" and illustrates it by an example where that integer is 3, that does not mean you are being asked to write code that deals with the integer 3, your code should deal with any integer as given as an argument to the method call not just the one that happened to have been given in the example.

In part a) of question 3, to get the reversing effect, the best thing was to go through the original arrayList in reverse order, so using a loop variable initialised to one less than the size of the arrayList and then reducing it by one each time round the loop. Then a.add(n) with adds the argument n to the end of the arrayList a. Alternatively, a.add(0,n) adds n to the beginning of a if you did use a loop which went through the original array in normal order.

In part b) of question 3, you needed to note that the loop

    for(; j<a.size(); j++)
ends either when j has reached a.size() or when j indexes a cell in a whose contents are equal to thing, where previous code makes thing the item stored at position i in a, and j start the loop with value i+1. So if the loop exits with j equal to a.size() it must be because no duplicate of the item at position i has been found later in the arrayList a. In this case, a count held in variable n is increased by 1. That is what the code
does. All this is in a loop which goes through the entire arrayList with ias the index of each item in turn. So the count is increased for each item where there is no later occurrence of the item in the arrayList (including the last occurrence of a repeated item). Hence the effect of the method is to return a count of the number of items in the arrayList argument, ignoring duplicates. Note that when you are asked what value a method returns, what is required is a description in terms of the arguments to the method only, not a description in terms of variables internal to the method.

Week 9: 6/7 March

This week we covered the important issue of inheritance, followed up by Java interface types, followed by bounded type variables. The first two of these are topics you will also have covered in your object-oriented programming course. These are such an important topics, but ones that can be quite difficult to grasp properly, that it makes sense for them to be covered in two different ways with different sets of examples.

The whole issue of type variables and generic classes isn't being covered in the object-oriented programming course. That is because they were introduced only recently in the latest revision of Java, whereas the decision in the object-oriented programming course has been to use the version of Java before type variables were introduced. So note in that course there is an introduction to Java's Collections framework in its week 9, but described using the "raw" collection types, in which generic types store elements only of type Object, and type-casting has to be used when elements are retrieved from collections to restore a view of their original type. It is a useful contrast for you to see both approaches.

Inheritance describes a new class in terms of its difference from another class. The key word extends is used after the class name in the header to the class, followed by the name of the class it changes, to indicate this. The new class only gives those aspects where it differs from the class it extends. It may add new variables and methods to that class, or it may change the behaviour of existing methods. You can use methods from the class which is being extended (which is referred to as the superclass) on objects of the new class (which is referred to as the subclass) even if those methods are not mentioned in the code for the sub class, and they will operate as they did in the superclass. If there is code in the subclass for a method with the same name and number and types as one in the superclass, that method is said to be overridden, and when a method call is made on objects of the subclass, this new code will be used, so the effect is to change the behaviour of the method. Objects of the subclass can be assumed to have the internal variables of the superclass within them, but those variables can only be accessed in the code of the subclass if they have been declared as protected rather than private.

An important point is that a variable which is declared as of the type of the superclass may be set to refer to an object of the subclass, including variables which are parameters to methods. This means that any use of a variable of an object type has an apparent type (the type the variable is declared as having), and an actual type (the type of the constructor used when the object it is referring to was created), which may not be the same. Methods that are called on a variable must be from its apparent type (that includes from classes which are superclasses of the apparent type). However, if a method which has been overridden in the actual class is used on a variable whose apparent type is the superclass, the code from the subclass is used to execute the method call. This behaviour is known as late binding or dynamic binding, meaning that the decision on what actual code is used to execute a method call is made when the code is executed and not when it is compiled (since it is not always possible to tell at compile time what the actual type of a variable will be when the code is executed).

A variable of a subclass may not be directly assigned the value of a variable of a superclass, even if it is known the actual type of that value will be the subclass. To do such an assignment, it is necessary to use casting, which means putting the name of the subclass in round brackets before the value. Java has an operator, instanceof, which enables you to test whether a variable refers to a value which is of a subclass of its apparent type.

The usefulness of the mechanisms described above is that it enables you to write generalised code. If a method only relies on operations from a superclass, you can write it with parameters declared of the type of the superclass, then the same method will work for objects of any of its subclasses, you do not have to write separate versions of the method for every possible subclass. Taking this further, a Java interface enables you to define a type solely as something on which a particular method or set of methods may be called. A Java interface is written like a Java class, but methods are given only in terms of their signatures. The idea is that the interface is a superclass given in order that generalised code can be written, but variables of that superclass will always have an actual type of one of its subclasses. The same rules for superclasses and subclasses apply, except that a class is decalred as implements an interface rather than extends, and it must have methods with full code for all the methods named in the interface. Also, a class can only extend one class, but it can implement any number of interfaces.

So, if we have class Sub extends Super where we also have class Super, or we have class Sub implements Super where we also have interface Super, a variable of type Super can always refer to an object of type Sub. However, Java does not also allow a variable of type ArrayList<Super> to refer to an object of type ArrayList<Sub>, and the same for any generic type with the type variables set to Super and Sub. The reason for this is that an object of type ArrayList<Super> could contain elements of type Sub, but could also contain elements of other subclasses of Super, whereas an object of type ArrayList<Sub> could only contain elements of type Sub. So there are operations you can do with the former that you can't do with the latter, so it is not a proper superclass-subclass relation. This means you cannot write generalised code with parameters of type ArrayList<Super> and expect it to deal with matching arguments of type ArrayList<Sub>, or of an arrayList of any other subclass of Super. This would seem to weaken our ability to write generalised code, but Java provides a way round it. If we declare the parameter as of type ArrayList<T>, we can then state that T must be set to Super or to a subclass of Super (such as Sub) by bounding the type variable T when it is declared. This is done by writing the declaration of the type variable as <T extends Super> instead of just <T>. Doing this also means that a variable declared as of type T in the method may have methods from the class Super called on it, and may be passed as an argument in method calls requiring arguments of type Super.

We then noted that the Java library has many interface types built into it, one of the most important being Comparable. You can see this documented in the official Java documentation here. It is actually a generic type, so it takes type variable T, and is defined as having a single method with signature int compareTo(T o). Any class Thing (where Thing could be any class name) which is declared as implements Comparable<Thing> must have a method with signature int compareTo(Thing t) in it. This method establishes the natural order for items of type Thing. If t1 and t2 are two variables referring to objects of type Thing, then t1.compareTo(t2) returns a negative integer if t1 is considered to be less than t2, a positive integer if t1 is considered to be greater than t2 and 0 if they are considered to be equal in this ordering. For example, the natural ordering of objects of type String is their alphabetic ordering. Java's built-in sort methods, which you can find in class Collections documented here and in class Arrays documented here, use this natural ordering to sort data structures.

So if you have written your own class, and you want to be able to sort it using Java's built-in sorting, you can do so by declaring it as implementing Comparable<C>, where C is the name of the class repeated, and writing a compareTo method to give it the ordering you want. If you are writing generic code for your own algorithm, and that code relies on the items it is working with having an ordering, you need to define the code as working on objects of a type variable T declared as <T extends Comparable<T>>, and use compareTo in the code to compare the items in order. We saw this done when we wrote our own sort algorithms, and we saw our own made-up class ScrabbleWord written to represent words with a natural ordering given by their score in the game Scrabble.

One complication is that a more general way of writing generic code which relies on ordering is to declare the type variable as <T extends Comparable<? super T>>. This means that T may actually be a subclass of some other class S where S is declared as implements Comparable<S>. That is, it allows for the possibility of working with a class of items ordered not by their own compareTo method, but by a compareTo method inherited from a superclass.

Week 10: 13/14 March

We noted the difference between implementation and application of an abstract data type. The application is the code which uses objects of that type. This code views objects of that type purely in terms of the public methods the class for that type provides, with the assumption that they work according to a predefined set of rules. For example, if we have variable t of type Thing, and variables list1 and list2 of type LispList<Thing>, we know that if we execute list2=list1.cons(t) then list2 will be set to an object such that list2.head() will return an object equal to t and list2.tail() will return an object equal to list1 and list2.isEmpty() will return false. We do not have to consider the code that is executed when these methods are called, we can just assume that it always functions in this way.

The implementation of an abstract data type is the code within the class for that type which actually makes the methods work as they should. There will be a set of variables, declared as private so they cannot be interfered with directly by code outside the class, which together form a data structure which represents objects of the abstract data type. The methods will have code which manipulates the data structure to represent destructive changes, or creates a new data structure and encloses it inside a new object of the type to represent a constructive method.

We first considered using an array as the data structure representing the abstract data type LispList. Elements are stored in the array in the same order as in the corresponding Lisp list. The operations tail and cons return a new LispList object, so they are implemented by setting up new arrays of size one less and one greater respectively than the size of the array in the object the methods are called on. Then items are copied into the new array from the old into their correct positions (one position lower for tail with the item at position 0 not being copied, one position higher for cons with position 0 holding the new item). The new array is incorporated into a new LispList object via a constructor. The constructor is declared as private, so it is not possible to use it outside the class LispList to create new LispList objects, it is used only to create new LispList objects to be returned by the public methods tail, cons and also empty (which returns an object representing the empty list, with an internal array of length 0).

Next we considered an entirely different implementation of LispList using a data structure known as a linked list. A linked list is made up by linking together "cells", which are objects of a recursive class. A recursive class is a class which has a variable inside it of its own type. A linked list is composed of objects of the simplest sort of recursive type, where each cell object has one variable holding a data item of its base type, and one recursive variable, linking to another cell. The chain formed can come to an end because the recursive variable can always be set to null (another way it can come to an end, which we did not consider, is for the recursive variable to be set to refer to a cell earlier in the list, forming a circular list).

We used diagrams to represent this structure called cells and pointers diagrams. A cell object is represented by a box with two parts, one holding the data of the cell, the other holding a reference to a further cell. A reference to a cell is indicated by an arrow leaving from the part of the box representing the reference (or a single one-part box if the reference is in a separate variable which is not part of a cell) and pointing to the whole two-part box representing the cell being referred to. Since a variable may only refer to one object, there can only be one arrow leaving a particular box, but since several variables may alias one object, there may be any number of arrows leading to a particular box. There is no concept of the arrows pointing to a particular part of a box. A box with a diagonal line through it rather than an arrow leaving from it represents a variable set to null.

The operation to add a new item to the front of a linked list is done by creating a new cell whose data variable holds the item, and whose recursive field is set to the linked list. This is used to implement the cons operation of Lisp lists, making a reference to the new cell inside a new LispList object to make cons constructive. The tail operation is implemented by a method which creates a new LispList object whose cell variable is set to the value of the cell variable of the linked list of the LispList object it is called on, thus making it an alias of the second cell. The result is that although Lisp List objects implemented in this way may share cells, there is no way a cell reached from one can be changed by an operation on another Lisp List objects, since all operations work by creating new objects, not by changing existing ones.

We also saw how the type ArrayList could be implemented using a linked list data structure, rather than the array or array and count data structure we considered in week 7. Since the type ArrayList has destructive methods, we do need to alter the linked lists inside them destructively. However, this will not cause a problem if the cells of the linked list are not shared by any other object.

To destructively remove a cell from a linked list, we need a variable (referred to as a pointer) which refers to (or "points to") the previous cell in the linked list. We then set this cell's recursive variable to the value of the recursive variable of the cell it refers to, so changing it to refer to the next cell in the list. This implements the remove operation. Adding a new cell to implement the add operation again involves having a pointer to the previous cell, but in this case setting the recursive variable of the cell it points to to a new cell which holds the data item to be added and whose recursive variable holds the previous value of the recursive variable which now points to this new cell. Destructively changing the value of cell to implement the set operation involves having a pointer to the cell being changed and using this to change the data variable of that cell. In implementing these operations, a common pattern is to use a loop with a pointer initially at the first cell in the linked list, and with the update moving it one cell down, possibly also with a count variable holding the number of links moved down. The common operation of adding a new element to the end of an arrayList (single argument add) is implemented, when the arrayList is implemented by a linked list, by moving the pointer down the list until it points to the last cell, the one whose recursive variable is set to null, and then setting that recursive variable to refer to a new cell holding the data item to be added and a recursive variable set to null.

The array implementation of ArrayList has the advantage that the get and set operations work very efficiently, as access to an indexed position is gained in one step. However, it is less efficient with the add and remove operations for an indexed item, as this involves moving all following items up or down the array. In this case, a linked list implementation may be more efficient as it is easier to add or remove a cell from a linked list. This shows how there is not always one best way of implementing an abstract data type, sometimes one way is best if one sort of operation is more commonly used, another way is best if another sort of operation is the one used more often. This is recognised in the Java code library, where there is not only the type ArrayList, which we have considered before, but also the type LinkedList, which has official documentation here. The type LinkedList has similar operations to the type ArrayList, but its implementation underneath is with a linked list rather than an array and count. The methods they have in common are shown by them both implementing Java library interfaces such as List documented here which give those methods.

Week 11: 20/21 March

We continued looking at ways of implementing the abstract data type ArrayList. This abstract data type has operations on it which take an integer argument representing a position in the collection. If such an argument is set to a value beyond the current size of the collection, an exception should be thrown. With just a linked list as the data structure representing an arrayList, we would only find if a position value is greater than the size by moving a pointer down the linked list until it has reached the end, and keeping a count of the number of links followed which has not reached the position required when the end of the linked list is reached. To give correct Java behaviour, at this point a new exception should be created and thrown. A Java method which is called when it "can't be done" should always throw an exception of an appropriate type, it should not cause an error message to be printed, or throw an exception of a type which does not indicate what the problem was. The appropriate type of exception to be thrown when an index value is greater than the size of the collection it is indexing is IndexOutOfBoundsException (rather than, say NullPointerException, which would be thrown if there was no check the end of the linked list had been reached before the required position).

If the data structure used to represent an arrayList was a linked list and a separate variable giving the number of cells in the linked list, when an operation involving an index is called and the index is beyond the size of the collection, an exception can immediately be thrown after comparing it with the value in the size variable, rather than only finding out after the whole list has been gone through. So although the size variable does not give any additional information that could not be worked out (by sending a pointer down the linked list until it reaches the end, and counting the number of links passed), it improves the efficiency of the operation in time terms. The cost is the additonal storage required for each arrayList object to store the size variable. With data structures used to represent abstract data types, there often is this tradeoff between efficiency in time and efficiency in storage: to save time we must use more storage.

Another way of representing an arrayList, which we saw, has an additional variable in the object of type ArrayList which holds a pointer directly to the last cell in the linked list representing the arrayList. The advantage of this representation is that a common operation on arrayLists is to add a new item to the end of the list. With a pointer to the last cell of the linked list, this can be done in the two steps of creating a new cell following from the cell this back pointer points to, then moving the back pointer to point to this new cell. This is more efficient in time than starting a pointer at the first cell in the linked list and moving it down one cell at a time until it reaches the last cell.

With these extra variables in the representation of arrayLists, care needs to be taken to ensure they are always correctly updated in all operations. Whatever happens, the back point must always be left pointing to the last cell in the linked list (or set to null in the representation of an empty collection) and the size variable must always be left having the value of the number of items stored in the collection.

Finally, we looked at a representation of arrayLists using doubly-linked lists. This uses cells like the linked lists we have been considering, but each cell has two recursive variables, not one. The second recursive variable is always set to point to the cell whose first recursive variable points to it. In other words, there is one chain of links pointing one direction in the list, and another pointing in the reverse direction. This is an improvement on just having one pointer in the arrayList object to the back cell, since if the back cell is removed that back pointer can be reset in one step rather than by following down the entire linked list to get to the new back cell. Operations to reach a particular cell in the list can be implemented by starting at whichever end of the doubly-linked list is closest and moving either backwards or forwards in the list. Adding or removing a cell from the linked list involves resetting the links so that when the operation is finished, the correct doubly-linked property is maintained. However, only the links surrounding the cell which is to be added or removed have to be changed. The rest of the data structrue can be left unchanged.

As noted last week, the Java library has two classes which appear to operate very similarly, ArrayList and LinkedList. The main difference is the representation underneath, with ArrayList using an array-based representation, and LinkedList using a linked list representation, which is actually a doubly-linked list. These two classes are linked by both implementing the interface type List. As a result, if we write methods whose arguments are given as of type List, the code will work for objects which are of type ArrayList or LinkedList. In most cases, the only time we need refer to these types rather than the more general interface type is when we actually create new objects.

We noted that these types form just part of the Collections Framework in Java, and gave brief consideration to other types provided in this framework. The main property of List objects (whose actual types will be one of the types which implements the List interface) is that they are indexable: they have the concept of their contents being stored at particular locations given by an integer value index in the range from 0 to one less than the size of the collection. The methods given in the List interface include those necessary for an indexable collection. Another interface type in the collections framework is Set, again a generic type so it must be combined with a base type or type variable. A set does not have the concept of its elements occurring at particular locations, nor does it have the concept of duplicates of elements being stored. So the operation to add a new item to a set object is defined as not changing that set object if an item equal to it is already contained in it.

We noted that the Java Collections framework assumes the existence of a method equals which is called on an object, with one argument, and returns a boolean. For example, if we attempt to add an object referred to through the variable obj1 to a set, it will not be added if there is another object in the set, which if referred to by variable obj2 has the property that obj1.equals(obj2) returns true. The equals method is also assumed in the operation remove for List objects, where if list is of type List<Thing>, and obj1 is of type Thing, then list.remove(obj1) will remove an item from the collection referred to by list if when obj2 is a reference to that object, obj1.equals(obj2) returns true.

Since all classes in Java which are not declared as extending other classes implcitly extend the most general class, Object, they inherit the equals method from the class Object unless they are given their own equals method to override it. The default equals method inherited from object works as an alias-tester: obj1.equals(obj2) returns true if and only if obj1 and obj2 are aliases: that is, both variables refer to the same object. The === operation always works this way, so whatever types obj1 and obj2 are, obj1==obj2 will return true if and only if they refer to the same object. In some cases, however, we may wish two different objects to be treated as being equal, for example if they are two different objects but the variables inside one of them all have equal values to the corresponding variable inside the other. To achieve that, we need to write our own equals method to go in the class of these objects. We saw an example to go in our class LispList. Note, the argument type of this equals method must be Object rather than the class it appears in, in order for it to correctly override the default equals and also ensure obj1.equals(obj2) works for any obj1 and obj2 (returning false if they are of different types). Then the instanceof operator is used to check that the argument is of the correct type, and type casting is used to view it as being of this type. Java's dynamic binding mechanism means that when equals is called in the implementation of the collection framework methods, it will be the equals method from the actual class of the object it is called on.

We noted that the Set interface type is implemented by two actual object types, HashSet and TreeSet. The difference between these two types is that HashSet appears to store its contents in a random order, while TreeSet appears to store them in their natural order as described previously. The reason for this is to do with the different data structures used to implement these types, hash tables for HashSet and ordered trees for TreeSet. These data structures were covered when this course was run previously (see here) but they are not covered this year. For this year, you need only know the results of using HashSet and TreeSet, not what happens underneath when they are used. HashSet compensates for its lack of ordering by being more efficient in locating elements in a set.

Since Set objects have no indexing, you may wonder how ordering is involved. The ordering is shown in the text representation, but also when iterators are used. An iterator is an object which is dependent on some collection object, and goes through the items of the collection one at a time. The Java collections framework contains a generic type Iterator<E>, with objects of this type being constructed from the call iterator() in objects of some collection type with base type E. Then, each call of next() on the iterator object returns a different item from the collection until all items have been returned, with the call hasNext() saying whether there are more items to be returned. Java 5 introduced a new from of loop called a for-each loop, which uses iterators automatically. The code for(E item: a) body where a refers to any collection with base type E (it also works if a is an array of type E[]) executes body repeatedly with variable item set to each of the elements in the collection in turn.

We considered comparator object. The Java collections framework gives the generic type Comparator<E>, which is defined by an interface which contains just the method signature int compare(E obj1,E ;obj2). The idea is that if comp refers to an object of type comparator<Thing>, and obj1 and obj2 are of type Thing, then,obj2) behaves similarly to obj1.compareGo(obj2) as used to define the natural ordering. However, it may define a different ordering. So we can write code where the ordering of a class of objects is given by a comparator object passed as an argument rather than fixed as the natural ordering. The type TreeSet has a constructor which takes a comparator object as its argument. The result is to create a TreeSet object where the ordering of objects within it is as defined by the comparator object used when it was created, and not by the natural ordering of its base type. When a TreeSet object is created with a 0-argument constructor, ordering is by natural order.

Matthew Huntbach
Last modified: 22 March 2006