Algorithms and Data Structures in an Object-Oriented Framework (“ADSOOF”)


The best way to think about recursion is to use the principle of induction: make sure the base case is correct, write your code under the assumption that the recursive call(s) will work, then the whole code will work. You can find a simple explanation of the idea of proof by induction here. You can use this way of thinking to reason that a method which uses recursion will give a correct result. However, this leaves many dissatisfied - they still want to know how exactly it works underneath. To see this, we will show here what happens in the underlying method calling mechanism.

The most important thing is to note that a method call runs in its own environment. It has its own variables which it uses, comprising those which are its parameters and any further declared in the code of the method as local variables. Each time a method call is made, a new set of variables is set up with those names, they are not the same variables as existed with previous calls to the same method. When a method call finishes, the execution mechanism goes back to the code where the method call was made and continues executing it in the old environment that existed before the method call was made, possibly updated by the value the method call returned being assigned to a variable in that environment.

The same applies when a method “calls itself”. A new environment is set up with new variables having the same names as the previous variables but not necessarily the same values. When the recursive call finishes, the execution mechanism returns to the old environment with the variables in that environment having the values they had before the recursive call was made, possibly changed by the result of the recursive call being assigned to a variable in that environment.

Let us consider the method append, which we saw previously, used to join two Lisp lists together:

 public static <T> LispList<T> append(LispList<T> ls1,LispList<T> ls2)
 // Join ls1 to ls2 (implemented using recursion)
     return ls2;
      T h = ls1.head();
      LispList<T> ls3 = append(ls1.tail(),ls2);
      return ls3.cons(h);
This method, and support code to test it can be found in

Now let us consider the situation where we are appending two Lisp lists, one with the textual representation [1,2,3], the other [4,5,6]. When the call to the append method is made, initially the environment will consist of two variables referring to these two Lisp lists:

Execution of the method checks that ls1 does not refer to an object representing the empty list. As it does not, it goes on to the else part of the conditional statement. Here an additional variable, h is added to the environment and set to the head of the list referred to by ls1, that is to 1. A variable ls3 is set up, ready to be assigned the result of the recursive call. When the recursive call is finished, the statement return ls3.cons(h) will be executed, and the append call will return its result. This can be shown diagrammatically by:

The recursive call append(ls1.tail(),ls2) will set up its own environment for execution, with its own variables called ls1 and ls2. In this environment, ls1 will refer to the first argument to the recursive call, and ls2 will refer to the second argument. So the new ls1 refers to an object which is the tail of the old ls1 (textually represented by [2,3]), and the new ls2 refers to the same object as the old ls2. The previous ls1 and ls2 variables remain in existence, because the environment they are in will be returned to when the recursive call finishes. This can be shown diagrammatically as:

Now the same process as before takes place. The new ls1 is tested to see if it refers to an empty list object. As it does not, the else part of the conditional statement is executed, causing a new variable h to be added to the new environment, set to the head of the list referred to by the new ls1, and a new ls3 is set up, set to refer to the result of the call to append(ls1.tail(),ls2) in the new environment. This can be represented diagrammatically as:

The call of append(ls1.tail(),ls2) in this environment sets up another environment, with its own ls1 and ls2. In this environment, ls1 refers to the tail of what ls1 referred to in the previous environment, which was the tail of what ls1 referred to in the environment before that. So ls1 in this latest environment refers to the list written textually as [3], that is the list of one element where that element is 3. The variable ls2 in this latest environment is a separate variable from the ls2 in the previous environment, but it refers to the same object. As ls1 does not refer to the empty list, as before, a new variable h is set up to store its head, a new variable ls3 is set up to store the result of the recursive call append(ls1.tail(),ls2), and ls3.cons(h) is what is to be returned after the recursive call finishes. This can be represented diagrammatically as:

For this latest recursive call, again a new environment is set up, containing initially two new variables, ls1 and ls2. But now we have hit the base case, since ls1 refers to the empty list. In this case, ls2 is returned as the result of the call, there is no recursive call made. This situation is shown in

So the return from this latest call results in ls3 in the previous call being set to ls2 in the latest call, which is [4,5,6]. This situation is shown in:

The code left to execute in the environment returned to is return ls3.cons(h), and in this environment, ls3 has the value [4,5,6] and h stores 3. So l3.cons(h) returns the value [3,4,5,6], and this value is returned to the previous remaining environment to be assigned to its variable ls3. This gives the situation:

The same happens in this environment: ls3 has the value [3,4,5,6] and h has the value 2. So ls3.cons(h) has the value [2,3,4,5,6], and executing return ls3.cons(h) causes this method call to finish and return [2,3,4,5,6]. Now execution returns back to the environment of the initial call to append where ls3 is assigned this value returned by the recursive call. Diagrammatically, the situation is:

In this environment, h is 1, so returning ls3.cons(h) returns [1,2,3,4,5,6] (or, strictly, a reference to an object whose textual representation is [1,2,3,4,5,6].

So you can see, step-by-step, the stages which cause [1,2,3] to be appended to [4,5,6] to give [1,2,3,4,5,6]. You can see that environments are built up where a separate variable h in each environment takes the next value from the original first list argument. Then in returning from the recursive calls a new list is built up by joining the h from each environment to the list returned from the previous environment.

Now let us consider the same operation implemented using the “stack and reverse” technique:

 public static <T> LispList<T> append(LispList<T> ls1,LispList<T> ls2)
 // Join ls1 to ls2 (implemented using iteration)
  LispList<T> ls4 = LispList.empty();
  for(;!ls1.isEmpty(); ls1=ls1.tail())
      T h = ls1.head();
      ls4 = ls4.cons(h);
  LispList<T> ls3 = ls2;
  for(;!ls4.isEmpty(); ls4=ls4.tail())
      T h = ls4.head();
      ls3 = ls3.cons(h);
  return ls3;
Note that really we do not need a separate variable ls3 which is initially set to be an alias of ls2 and then gets changed. We could just re-use the variable ls2, as its original value is not required again in the method. Changing what ls2 refers to in the method does not change what the variable used as the second argument to the method call refers to outside the method, since ls2 in the method code is a separate variable in a separate environment. However, it helps the explanation given below to have a separate variable ls3. In the version of the method given in the file, the variable ls2 is reused, the file also has support code to enable you to test the method.

What is happening in the recursive version is that the values of h in each environment can be considered as forming a list which works like the list given by the variable ls4 in the iterative implementation of append. The first for-loop in the iterative version is the equivalent of going down to the base case in the recursive version. Whereas in the recursive version there is in fact a new variable ls1 for each recursive call, in each call referring to a list one item shorter than the ls1 of the previous call, in the iterative version there is just one ls1 variable which is changed each time round the loop to refer to a list one element shorter than before. In the recursive version, there is a new variable ls2 for each recursive call even though all these ls2 variables refer to the same object, in the iterative version there is just one variable ls2 throughout which always refers to the same object.

The second for-loop in the iterative version is the equivalent of coming back up from the base case returning to finish off previous calls in the recursive version. In the recursive version there is a separate variable ls3 for each call, as we return from the recursive calls each variable called ls3 is set to refer to a longer list. In the iterative version, there is a single variable called ls3 which is set to refer to a longer list each time round the loop.

Recursion can be a useful way of developing and describing problems. It often has the advantage of being very concise. However, as we have shown with an example here, recursion should not be thought of as a “magic” way to solve a problem. Conversion of a recursive algorithm to an equivalent iterative version is possible with the employment of an extra data structure representing some of the structure given automatically behind the scene by the stack of environments in a recursive implementation. Recursion also tends to have the disadvantage, as shown in this example, of taking up more space due to the creation of new variables for new environments, whereas the iterative version would just change the value a variable refers to each time round a loop.

Double Recursion

The recursion described above is the simplest form, where a method always makes one recursive call until the base cased is reached. When we considered sorting algorithms, quick sort and merge sort were examples of double recursion where each method call is either a base case or makes two recursive calls. Double recursion cannot be so easily viewed in terms of iteration as single recursion.

Let us consider a simple example, in less detail than above. Suppose we are sorting the list [5,6,9,8,2,4,7,3] by quicksort. This will be divided into two lists, with the first item, 5, taken as the pivot, giving us [3,4,2] and [7,8,9,6]. The first recursive call is with the argument [3,4,2] as the list to be sorted. This will be divided into the two lists [2] and [4]. The list [2] is a base case, so when it is completed giving [2], computation returns to the environment where [3,4,2] was being sorted, but then goes into the environment for the call where [4] is being sorted. As [4] is a base case, it returns to the environment where [3,4,2] is being sorted, and this method call finishes returning [2,3,4]. Computation returns to the top level call where [5,6,9,8,2,4,7,3] is being sorted, and sets up a new call to sort [7,8,9,6]. This then makes two recursive calls to sort [6] and [9,8]. So computation of the whole problem cannot be analysed in terms of execution of a sequence of the code in each call before the recursive call going down to the base case, then a sequence of the code in each call returning from the base case.

This can be illustrated diagrammatically by:

which shows how the original list is split into two with the lines representing the recursive calls. Given the code

 public static LispList<Integer> sort(LispList<Integer> ls)
    return LispList.empty();
  Integer pivot = ls.head();
  ls = ls.tail();
  LispList<Integer> smaller = LispList.empty();
  LispList greater = LispList.empty();
  for(; !ls.isEmpty(); ls=ls.tail())
      Integer h = ls.head();
         smaller = smaller.cons(h);
         greater = greater.cons(h);
  smaller = sort(smaller);
  greater = sort(greater);
  greater = greater.cons(pivot);
  return append(smaller,greater);
we saw previously, the following represents the situation in terms of environments when the sort with the argument [6] has been called and is about to return:

In the environment where [5,6,9,8,2,4,7,3] is being sorted (bottom of the diagram), execution of ls=ls.tail() has caused ls to refer to [6,9,8,2,4,7,3], completed execution of smaller=sort(smaller) has caused smaller to refer to [2,3,4], while execution of greater=sort(greater) is still underway, so greater still refers to [7,8,9,6]. In the environment where [7,8,9,6] is being sorted, execution of smaller=sort(smaller) is underway where smaller has the value [6]. When this has been completed, the remaining statements at this level, shown in the diagram, will be executed. In the environment where [6] is being sorted, it has been found that this is a base case, so ls is being returned as the result of the call.

Mutual Recursion

Another form of recursion is known as mutual recursion. This is where one method calls a second method, but that second method calls the first method. Or there could be a chain of three or more mutually recursive methods, for example method 1 calls method 2, method 2 calls method 3 and method 3 calls method 1. A very simple example is to test whether a list is of odd or even length. A list of length 0 is of even length. A list of length 1 is of odd length. Otherwise, a list is of odd length if a list of length one less is of even length. A list is of even length if a list of length one less is of odd length. This definition translates directly to two mutually recursive methods:

public static <T> boolean oddLength(LispList<T> ls)
// Returns true if ls is of odd length, false otherwise
    return false;
 else if(ls.tail().isEmpty())
    return true;
    return evenLength(ls.tail());

public static <T> boolean evenLength(LispList<T> ls)
// Returns true if ls is of even length, false otherwise
    return true;
 else if(ls.tail().isEmpty())
    return false;
    return oddLength(ls.tail());
This method, and support code to test it can be found in

In fact, there is no need to have two tests in each method, since it means the test whether the tail is empty is done again if it is not. So the following is better:

public static <T> boolean oddLength(LispList<T> ls)
// Returns true if ls is of odd length, false otherwise
    return false;
    return evenLength(ls.tail());

public static <T> boolean evenLength(LispList<T> ls)
// Returns true if ls is of even length, false otherwise
    return true; 
    return oddLength(ls.tail());
This can be found in

Tail Recursion

We saw previously the idea of tail recursion, which is really just iteration expressed as recursion. A recursive method is tail recursive if the method returns the result of its recursive call as its own result. This means there is nothing to execute after the recursion. An example is the following method, where reverse(ls1,ls2) returns the result of reversing ls1 and joining it to ls2, so for example if ls1 is [1,2,3] and ls2 is [4,5,6] the result will be [3,2,1,4,5,6]:

public static <T> LispList<T> reverse(LispList<T> ls1, LispList<T> ls2)
    return ls2;
    return reverse(ls1.tail(),ls2.cons(ls1.head()));
As there is nothing to execute after recursion has finished, the result returned from the base case is the result of the whole method call. There is no need to save the old environments as they are never used, and instead of creating new environments for recursive calls we could just re-use the variables from the old environment. The above could be re-written as:
public static <T> LispList<T> reverse(LispList<T> ls1, LispList<T> ls2)
 return ls2;
The tail recursive reverse method and support code to test it can be found in The iterative equivalent and support code to test it can be found in

In general, if a method takes the tail recursive form

public static R meth(T1 p1,T2 p2,...,Tn pn)
     return r;
     return meth(a1,a2,...,an);
where the parts in italics could be replaced by any appropriate code, the method could be converted to the iterative form:
public static R meth(T1 p1,T2 p2,...,Tn pn)
     p1 = a1;
     p2 = a2;
     pn = an;
 return r;
with the slight complication that the ordering of the assignments pi = ai must be such that ai does not contain any references to a pk that has already been reassigned. That is why in the conversion of reverse the assignment to ls2 was done first so that in ls2.cons(ls1.head()), the variable ls1 refers to the value before the assignment ls1 = ls1.tail().

Note that in a similar way, iterative methods can always be converted to tail recursive methods. The functional programming languages do not have the concept of variables whose values can be reassigned, so it is necessary to use tail recursion in them. However, in a language like Java if you find you can express a method using tail recursion it pays to convert it to iteration as that means the extra effort involved in creating new environments for the recursive calls is eliminated.

Recursion with arrays and arrayLists

We saw some examples of recursion, but using arrays, given previously. Because arrays are not a recursive data structure as Lisp lists are, recursion does not work quite as well on them. As the examples shown there indicate, it generally involves introducing helper methods in which array indexes are given as arguments.

Recursion with arrayLists could be done in the same way as with arrays. That is, the recursive call takes the same collection as the call that makes it, but changes the index or indexes used to refer to different parts of the arrayList. Here is code which uses tail recursion to find the biggest integer in an arrayList of integers in this way:

 public static int biggest(ArrayList<Integer> a)
  return biggest(a,a.get(0),1);

 private static int biggest(ArrayList<Integer> a,int biggestSoFar,int i)
      int n = a.get(i);
         return biggest(a,n,i+1);
         return biggest(a,biggestSoFar,i+1);
     return biggestSoFar;
As with arrays, the recursion needs to be done in a helper method which actually does all the work, because the recursion requires extra arguments. However, this is not really thinking about the problem recursively. It is just translating iteration to a form of recursion which closely resembles it. Here is the iterative equivalent of the code above:
 public static int biggest(ArrayList<Integer> a)
  int biggest = a.get(0);
  for(int i=1; i<a.size(); i++)
      int n = a.get(i);
  return biggest;
There is no reason to write the code in the tail recursive form, and it is unlikely anyway that you would think first of writing the code in this way rather than the obvious directly iterative way.

You can find the tail recursive code and code to run it in the code directory as The code for the directly iterative form is in the code directory in the file, but in order to give another demonstration of how tail recursion and iteration are just variants of the same thing, the code which sets up the arrayList of integers in that file makes use of a tail recursive method rather than the obvious loop which is used in the set-up code in the other file.

Another way of solving this problem which is does not use tail recursion but is similar to what we saw with arrays is the following:

 public static int biggest(ArrayList<Integer> a)
  return biggest(a,0);

 private static int biggest(ArrayList<Integer> a,int from)
  int n=a.get(from);
     return n;
      int biggestOfRest = biggest(a,from+1);
          return n;
          return biggestOfRest;
This can be found in the code directory in the file

This is still not fully thinking about the problem recursively, although it is closer. Thinking about it recursively, as we did with Lisp Lists, should be about seeing directly how we can view the problem in terms of smaller versions of the same problem. With Lisp lists, the smaller version of the problem was often the problem expressed using the tail of the original list, which is natural because the class LispList provides us with the method tail which gives us a Lisp List smaller (by one element) than the original Lisp List. However, when we considered quicksort and merge sort, the recursive calls were not on the tail of the original Lisp list, but instead on smaller Lisp lists which we constructed from the original Lisp list.

With arrayLists, there is a built-in method which gives us smaller lists based on the original list. The method is called subList and it is rather like the method substring which we saw with Strings previously. If a refers to an ArrayList<T> object, then a.subList(p,q) returns a new object of type List<T> whose elements are the elements of the original ArrayList<T> starting at position p and going up to but not including position q. So if we have b=a.subList(p,q) the element given by b.get(0) is the element given by a.get(p), the element given by b.get(1) is the element given by a.get(p+1), and so on. This means that a.subList(1,a.size()) is very much like what a.tail() would be if the class ArrayList had a method tail as the class LispList does, it is a new List object whose elements are the same elements in the same order as the elements of a but without the first one in a. Using this, we can write a method to give the biggest integer in an arrayList which is similar to how we would tackle this problem with a Lisp list. Here is the code for it:

 public static int biggest(List<Integer> a)
  int n = a.get(0);
     return n;
      int biggestInRest = biggest(a.subList(1,a.size()));
         return biggestInRest;
         return n;
The recursive thinking that leads to this is to consider that if we have the biggest integer in the list of all but the first integer of the original list, either that integer is the biggest integer in the whole list, or the first integer of the whole list is the biggest integer of the whole list. So we can use recursion to get the biggest integer in the list of all but the first element of the biggest list then compare it with the first element, and return the biggest. The previous version used the same sort of thinking, but it still involved passing the whole arrayList to the recursive call, along with an index value. Here, where a smaller arrayList object is passed, there is no need for a separate argumemt giving an index value, and so no need for the problem to require most of the work to be done in a separate recursive auxiliary method.

Note that it is not a mistake that we are using the generic type name List here rather than ArrayList. The type List<E> is a supertype of ArrayList<E>, so a variable (including a method parameter) of type List<E> can be set to refer to an object of type ArrayList<E>. This is explained in more detail later. It needs to be used here because the return type of subList is actually List<E> rather than ArrayList<E>, so we need to use that type as the parameter type of the method in order for the recursive call to be able to accept the resut of a call of subList as its argument. You can see the code for this, including the set-up code, in the code library as

Instead of recursion being on an arrayList of size one less than the original arrayList, we could use find the biggest integer in an arrayList of integers using the technique we saw with quicksort and merge sort, where the recursion is on lists approximately half the size of the original list. Unlike with Lisp lists, we do not have to write any code to do the splitting, the method subList will do it for us. Here is code for the problem solved this way:

 public static int biggest(List a)
     return a.get(0);
      int mid=(a.size()+1)/2;
      int biggest1=biggest(a.subList(0,mid));
      int biggest2=biggest(a.subList(mid,a.size()));
         return biggest1;
         return biggest2;
The idea is to split the list into two parts of roughly equal size, find the biggest integer in each part, and then return whichever of the biggest integer from the two parts is the biggest, as that must be the overall biggest integer. Finding the biggest integer in each part can be done using recursion. If the arrayList is of length 1, the only integer in it must be the biggest integer, if it is of length 2 than we can just directly compare the two integers to find the biggest. So our base cases are when the arrayList is of length 1 or 2. You can see the code for this, including the set-up code, in the code library as

Matthew Huntbach

Last modified: 24 February 2019