Algorithms and Data Structures in an Object-Oriented Framework (“ADSOOF”)

Finding the biggest

Biggest integer in an array of integers

A common operation on an array of integers might be not to find whether a specific integer is present, but to find which is the biggest integer. For example, with the array:

the biggest integer is 119. A variation on this would be to return not the biggest integer itself, but the position of the biggest integer, which in this case would be 7 (remembering that in Java we always start counting positions at 0).

We need to think of a way of doing this - or to use the formal term, an “algorithm”. It is important that our algorithm doesn't make any changes to the array, because any such change would carry on after the method to find the biggest integer has finished. It could cause a serious error if we called a method to find the biggest integer in an array, and unknown to us that method also moved integers around in the array. A method must always do just what it is intended to do, it must never have any unexpected side-effects caused by changing things around in arrays and other objects passed to it as arguments. Of course, if we want a method to change things around, that's fine, but then we should clearly specify that. So once again, we have the importance of specification - always make sure before you write a method that you have clearly specified what it is intended to do, then when you write it make sure it does that and nothing else.

I have sometimes seen the following algorithm used to find the biggest item in an array: “swap the first item with the second if it is bigger than it, then swap the second item with the third if it is bigger, then carry on comparing adjacent items and swapping until you reach the end - the biggest item then will have 'bubbled up' to the end, and you can return it“. I think the reason this is given is that it is a sub-operation of the bubble sort algorithm, which is often given as an example in introductory programming teaching, so people remember it from that. It does find the biggest item, but also moves things around in the array. Because it moves things around in the array, it's just not acceptable as the solution if all you want is to find and return the biggest item.

The most obvious algorithm is as follows. Have a variable to hold the biggest item so far. Set it initially to the first item. Then go through each of the remaining items in turn, if you find one which is bigger than the biggest item so far, replace the value of the biggest item so far by that new value. When you have gone through all the items, the variable holding the biggest item so far must hold the biggest item of all the items. We go through items in turn using the technique we are familiar with of an index variable increased by 1 each time round a loop. If the array of integers is referred to by the variable a, the following code fragment will do this:

int biggestSoFar=a[0];
for(int i=1; i<a.length; i++)
Note that the index variable i is initialised to 1 rather than 0 because if it started at 0 it would mean pointlessly comparing the item at position 0 with itself on the first time round the loop. We might note that each time round this loop, the variable biggestSoFar holds the value of the biggest integer from the portion of a starting with position 0 and going up to but not including position i for whatever value i has. This is what is known as a loop invariant, something which is true each time the loop body starts. When the loop finishes, we know the loop invariant is true, but also the test condition in the loop is false, in this case i<a.length is false because i is now equal to the length of the array a. The combination of the loop invariant being true and the loop test being false tells us what we want - in this case that biggestSoFar holds the value of the biggest integer from the portion of a starting with position 0 and going up to but not including position i, and as i is equal to a.length that's the whole of the array. This might seem so obvious that it's long-winded to spell it out in this way. However, if really want to prove that an algorithm works, the technique of finding a loop invariant and then proving the final result comes from the loop invariant being true and the loop test being false is how to do it. For more complex algorithms it might not be so obvious. Proving algorithms correct through logical reasoning like this is vital to producing safe software, and is something a more mathematical algorithms course would spend a lot of time on.

As previously, we can put our code fragment to do a job inside a method:

static int biggest(int[] a)
 int biggestSoFar=a[0];
 for(int i=1; i<a.length; i++)
 return biggestSoFar;
Now we have a command we can use whenever we have an array of type int[] and want to find the biggest integer in it. If the array was called myInts and b was a variable of type int then b=biggest(myInts) would do it, and the same for any other variables of type int[] and int. Note, the return statement is outside the loop, strictly the { and } which enclose the loop body aren't needed as the body is just a single if statement, but they do make this a bit clearer for the human reader of the code.

A variation on the theme is a method which instead of returning the biggest integer in an array of integers return the position of the biggest integer in an array of integers. Here's the code for it:

static int posBiggest(int[] a)
 int posBiggestSoFar=0;
 for(int i=1; i<a.length; i++)
 return posBiggestSoFar;
Note the subtle difference, instead of having a local variable holding the biggest integers so far, we have one holding the position of the biggest integer so far. It is initialised to 0. When we do the comparison, we use it to index the array in a[i]>a[posBiggestSoFar], but we don't index the array when changing the value of this local variable in posBiggestSoFar=i.

In the code index there is a link to the file which gives a method for finding the largest integer in an array of integers, and a front end for running it. The file gives the method for finding the position of the largest integer in an array of integers, and a front end for running it.

Special cases

When writing code, we must always make sure we have considered all possible cases, not just the obvious ones. The code we have given assumes the array passed as an argument has at least one item in it. It is possible for an array to have 0 length. In this case, when biggestSoFar=a[0] is executed, we will get an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException thrown. If that's acceptable, it should still be noted that it's what happens when the argument is a 0-length array. If we wanted instead to return some special value, we should make sure it's a value which could never be returned in other circumstances. When returning the position of the biggest integer, a special value of -1 is fine, as -1 could never be a real position. But it isn't fine for the biggest integer in an array, as we could have an array of integers which happens to hold only negative integers, in which case -1 could be the biggest integer in it. Note here we're being sloppy about what we meant by “biggest”. We actually mean “greatest in numerical order”. Informally many people would think that -100 is “bigger” than -1. If the integers are sums of money, -100 is a debt of a hundred pounds, and that's “bigger” than a debt of one pound. So we really needed to specify more clearly what we meant by “bigger”.

It's also possible for an array variable to be set to null, which as mentioned previously is not the same thing as as array of length 0. Again, this would be discovered when biggestSoFar=a[0] is executed, but this time a NullPointerException would be thrown. This is likely to be acceptable, but again we should note it if we want to make sure we have fully specified our method.

The other thing to consider is what if the biggest integer in the array occurs more than once. Suppose in the array we used as an example above, instead of 119 we had 19. In that case, the biggest integer in the array is 54, and 54 occurs in position 1 and position 6. That's no problem when returning the biggest integer, with our code in this case when i is 6, the test a[i]>biggestSoFar will evaluate to false as a[i] and biggestSoFar will both be equal to 54, and 54 is returned in the end. It is unlikely we would want anything else done to indicate that the value returned is the biggest but occurs more than once, but to be on the safe side we should note that's how it works.

When we come to the position of the biggest integer, however, it's more tricky. Should we return 6 or 1 or do something special to indicate there isn't a unique biggest integer? When we have an unclear specification, the best thing is to ask for clarification. We should not take it on ourselves to make it do some special action that we were never asked for. For example, don't return -2 as a special code to mean “the biggest integer occurred twice” unless that was actually given to you as what to do. The best thing to do here would be to leave the code as it is, and just note that means when the biggest integer occurs more than once it will return the position of its lowest indexed occurrence. Of course, if you wanted the position of its highest indexed occurrence when it occurred more than once, you could just reverse the order you go through the array:

static int posBiggest(int[] a)
 int posBiggestSoFar=a[a.length-1];
 for(int i=a.length-2; i>=0; i--)
 return posBiggestSoFar;

An incorrect algorithm

I have often seen code something like the following given by students as a solution to a “finding the biggest” problem:

static int biggest(int[] a)
 int biggestSoFar=a[0];
 for(int i=0; i<a.length-1; i++)
 return biggestSoFar;
This is another case where I think the reason students come up with it is because it has some similarity with what is done in bubble sort, where items are compared with the item in the next position. Also it looks a bit like the correct code for finding the biggest as given above.

However, a little bit of thought about this code should indicate why it will not work correctly. On each time round the loop it sets to variable biggestSoFar either to a[i] or to a[i+1]. So, unlike the correct algorithm, each time round the loop no use is made of the previous value of biggestSoFar. This means that on the last time round the loop it will set biggestSoFar either to the last item in the array or the next-to-last. So, it will only ever return whichever is the biggest of the last two items. For the array given above it would return 23 rather than 119, because 23 is the biggest out of 7 and 23.

The fact that in tests and exams students often come up with code like this where it ought to be obvious that it is wrong illustrates the important point that trying to memorise and recall code is just not the way to learn to program. When you write code, you must always think carefully through about what it is actually doing. You should be able to think about it in terms of its algorithm, rather than just its visual resemblance to what you think is the required solution.


What if we wanted the smallest rather than the biggest integer in an array of integers? We could just alter the test for replacing the biggest so far, and we should make sure we alter the variable name as well. Altering code while keeping a variable name which now no longer reflects how it is used is a very bad thing to do. The code may work correctly, but it would be very confusing to a human who was looking at the code and trying to work out how it worked, maybe to modify or debug it. Imagine you were debugging someone else's code and a variable called biggestSoFar actually held the smallest so far. So, altering the test, and altering the method name to reflect what it now does, and altering the lcoal variable name to make it correctly meaningful in its new context gives us:

static int smallest(int[] a)
 int smallestSoFar=a[0]; 
 for(int i=1; i<a.length; i++)    
 return smallestSoFar;
What if we want to take an array of DrinksMachines, that is of the type we used previously, and return the cheapest one? That is easily done using similar code:
static DrinksMachine cheapest(DrinksMachine[] a)
 DrinksMachine cheapestSoFar=a[0];  
 for(int i=1; i<a.length; i++)        
 return cheapestSoFar;
Here we just change the type of the array, we have to change the type of the local variable, but the array index type remains int as array indexes are always integers. We change the names to make them reflect the new use, and we change the test for setting a new value for the local variable. Instead of comparing two values directly, we compare the result of calling the method getPrice on two DrinksMachine values. If we wanted to take an array of Strings and return the longest String in it, there would be a very similar pattern:
static String longest(String[] a)
 String longestSoFar=a[0];   
 for(int i=1; i<a.length; i++)        
 return longestSoFar;
and so on. The point here is that the algorithm remains the same, but just the details change. To find the ...est item in an array, we have a variable which holds the ...est item so far, set it initially to the first item then go through the rest in turn. If we find an item which is than the ...est item so far, we replace the ...est item so far with that latest item. When we have gone through the whole array, we return the value of the ...est item so far, knowing it must now be the ...est item in the array. Here we can replace ... by any quality we like.

In the code folder there is a link to the file which gives the method for finding the position of the longest string in an array of strings, and a front end for running it.

The code which we saw previously for finding whether a particular integer is in in array of integers can also be generalised. Here is a method for finding whether a String is in an array of Strings:

public static boolean isIn(String[] a,String str)
 for(int i=0; i<a.length; i++)
       return true;
 return false;
The algorithm is the same, go through the array one item at a time but halt when you find the one you want. The == test is replaced by an equals call because, as we have seen, == is only an equality test for primitive values. For other values == is an alias test, and we should use an equals call to test for equality.

Here is the version which returns the position of the String if it is in the array, or -1 if it isn't:

public static int position(String[] a,String str)
 for(int i=0; i<a.length; i++)
        return i;
 return -1;

We could generalise further by altering the test used. So the problem of finding the position of an item equal to a particular item can be considered just one case of the more general problem of finding an item with some particular quality. Essentially the same algorithm is used, go through the items one by one until you find one with the property you are looking for. Here, for example, is a method which takes an array of Strings and an integer and returns the position of the first String in the array with more letters than the integer, or -1 if no String in the array is longer than the integer:

public static int longerString(String[] a,int n)
 for(int i=0; i<a.length; i++)
        return i;
 return -1;

Java gives us techniques for writing code which is much more general than what we have seen so far. This means that instead of writing lots of methods which essentially do the same thing, but differ in details such as the exact test between two items to establish which is “bigger”, we can have just one method where the test depends on the particular type of items in the array. We can also make the test itself a separate argument to the method rather than something fixed in the code. Since finding the ...est item from a collection is an operation which is needed in many situations, Java provides library code for us to do it, so we don't have to write our own code anyway.

Discussion on the topic of generalising, so that algorithms involving an ordering comparison between objects we do not have to write separate code for each type of object, will come later in this module. Also we will see how collections of a particular type of object can be sorted in different orderings by providing a separate Comparator object to do the ordering of individual pairs of objects. At this point it is important that you realise that we are looking at algorithms involving comparisons of integers using the numerical comparison operators, such as <, just concentrate on the basic idea of the algorithm. In practice, code for algorithms like this should be written using the more generalised comparison operators we will look at later.

Recursion with arrays

The topic of recursion is covered in more detail later in this module. It is best considered there with the LispList abstract data type. It works better there because Lisp lists easily break into parts and that enables recursion to be considered more naturally. The recursion covered here does not break the array into parts, but instead it works by passing indexes which have the effect of breaking the array into parts. However, when we get to that topic, it may help to come back and look at these examples of recursion, in order to get a general feel for it.

The following method is a way of expressing what we saw done with loops previously. As you can see, it does not use a loop at all, instead it uses a separate “helper method”:

 public static int biggest(int[] a)
  return biggest(a,a[0],1);

 private static int biggest(int[] a,int biggestSoFar,int i)
        return biggest(a,a[i],i+1);
        return biggest(a,biggestSoFar,i+1);
     return biggestSoFar;
As the helper method is intended only to assist in the work of other method it is declared as private which means it cannot be accessed by code outside the class where it occurs. The helper method takes two extra arguments, one holding the biggest integer so far, and the other holding a position. The parameters are given the same names as the variables used in the method where it was done by a loop. In fact the method is just an alternative way of representing what is done in the loop. Recursion of this sort is known as tail recursion. Recursion is when a method makes a call to the same method. Tail recursion is when the result of this call is returned as the result of the whole method. In forms of recursion which are not tail recursion, the result of the recursive call is found, but there is more computation which uses it.

The helper method above which takes three arguments rather than the one of the public method can be thought of as performing the following operation: “take an array of integers, an integer representing the biggest-so-far, and an integer representing a position in the array. If there is a bigger integer in the portion of the array after that position, return that bigger integer, otherwise return the biggest-so-far value”.

A loop can be converted to a recursive call in the way shown in this example. The test for exiting the loop (which is the negation of the test for continuing it) becomes the test for the “base case”, which is when the method does not make a recursive call. Variables used in the loop become parameters to the method. The base case retuns the value of the parameter which represents the variable which should hold the final result from the loop. There is no real benefit to converting a loop to tail recursion, it is given here just as an illustration of a recursive method. In fact, if recursion turns out to be tail recursion, it is beneficial to convert it to the equivalent loop. The algorithms are really equivalent, but there is extra work done in managing the method calls when it is expressed as tail recursion rather than as a loop.

In the code folder, the file gives code for solving this problem using tail recursion.

Now here is another method with a recursive helper method which solves the same problem:

 public static int biggest(int[] a)
  return biggest(a,0);

 private static int biggest(int[] a,int from)
     return a[from];
      int biggestOfRest = biggest(a,from+1);
          return a[from];
          return biggestOfRest;
This is not tail recursion, because the result of the recursive call is put in a variable, and then further processing takes place. The variable is called biggestOfRest, the value of that is returned unless the value of the variable at the position in the parameter from is bigger, in which case that is returned. The way to think of the helper method here is that it takes an array a and a position in the array from and it returns the biggest integer in the section of the array starting at position from. This problem can be though of quite naturally in a recursive way. If from is the last position in the array, then the integer at that position must be the biggest in the section starting from position from because that section has just that one integer in it. Otherwise, the biggest integer in the section starting from position from must be the biggest integer in the section starting at position from+1 unless it happens that the integer at the actual position from is bigger than biggest integer in the section starting at position from+1. If we want the biggest integer in the whole array, we do it by finding the biggest integer in the section starting at position 0, because that is the whole array.

In the code folder, the file gives code for solving this problem using recursion as described above which is not tail recursion.

With the idea that we can have a helper method which finds the biggest integer in a section of the whole array, we can also consider a solution which uses binary recursion. This is where there a method makes two calls to the same method. Here it is:

 public static int biggest(int[] a)
  return biggest(a,0,a.length);

 private static int biggest(int[] a,int from,int to)
     return a[from];
  else if(to==from+2)
        return a[from];
        return a[from+1];
      int mid=(from+to+1)/2;
      int biggest1=biggest(a,from,mid);
      int biggest2=biggest(a,mid,to);
         return biggest1;
         return biggest2;
The idea here is that we find the mid-point of the array. We then find the biggest integer in the section up to the mid-point, and the biggest integer in the section after the mid-point, and return whichever of these is the biggest. The base case is when the section being considered contains just one or two integers, then we return that one, or the biggest of the two.

This is an example where the code would look neater if we were to use Java's conditional operator. The conditional operator is something like an if-statement, but it forms an expression not a statement. It takes the form boolexpr ? expr1 : expr2. The expressions expr1 and expr2 must be of the same type, and boolexpr must be of type boolean (meaning it is something that evaluates to true or false). An expression made up like this can be used in any place where expr1 or expr2 could be used on its own. Using this structure doesn't make any difference to the performance of the code, it's just a way of cutting down on complex use of ifs and elses to make the code look neater and so easier to follow. This operator tends not to be used much, but sometimes people get to like it and use it a lot. That is generally not a good idea, because complex usage of it (with expr1 and/or expr2 themselves being conditional expressions) soon leads to code which is hard to follow. Here is a version of the helper method of the previous code which makes use of the conditional operator in a sensible way:

 private static int biggest(int[] a,int from,int to)
     return a[from];
  else if(to==from+2)
     return a[from]>a[from+1] ? a[from] : a[from+1];
      int mid=(from+to+1)/2;
      int biggest1=biggest(a,from,mid);
      int biggest2=biggest(a,mid,to);
      return biggest1>biggest2 ? biggest1 : biggest2;

Note in the above example, the variables biggest1 and biggest2 are used to store the results of the recursive calls. Sometimes a variable is used to store a result just to help break the code into parts, but at other times it is necessary because the same value has to be used more than once. Consider the following, which is a way of writing the helper method for binary recursion given above but without the variables to store the results of the recursive calls. Instead, one of the recursive calls is made again to give the result that is returned by the method, even though the call will give the same value as it did when it was made with the same arguments in the test part of the if statement:

 private static int biggest(int[] a,int from,int to)
     return a[from];
  else if(to==from+2)
        return a[from];
        return a[from+1];
      int mid=(from+to+1)/2;
         return biggest(a,from,mid);
         return biggest(a,mid,to);
The unnecessary repeat of the recursive call will not just add one extra method call, since the recursive calls it makes also do the same thing as so add more unnecessary calls, and so on for the recursive calls they make. It may not show up when running the code for the sort of small number of integers you could type in by hand, but it would make a huge difference for an array of a large size.

Just to show what excessive use of the conditional operator can lead to, here is the same code but all done using the conditional operator rather than if-statements:

 private static int biggest(int[] a,int from,int to)
  int mid=(from+to+1)/2;
  return to==from+1 ? a[from] :
     ( to==from+2 ?
         (a[from]>a[from+1] ? a[from] : a[from+1]) :
         (biggest(a,from,mid)>biggest(a,mid,to) ?
             biggest(a,from,mid) :

In the code folder, the file gives code for solving this problem using tail recursion, while the file shows the same algorithm but coded using the conditional operator. The file shows the example which is inefficient because of repeated recursive calls with the same argument where just saving the result and using the saved result would have worked. The file shows this as well, but it is given mainly to show how it is possible (but not advisable) to place expressions built using the conditional operator inside expressions built using the conditional operator.

The files and are given so that you can see the inefficiency caused by unnecessary repeated recursive calls. They are like and, but have been modified to include a count which is incremented by 1 every time two integers from the array are compared to see which is the biggest. This is done with a static variable called count in the class. A static variable is shared by all code in the class, so every method call accesses the same variable when this name is used. In most cases this is bad practice, it is easy to lose track of how methods are interacting if they do so not just by what they take and return but also by using and changing shared variable. However, this is one example where it is a useful technique, since the shared variable enables a count easily to be made, and keeps the code which does this simple without much change needed to the original code to add it.

Matthew Huntbach

Last modified: 22 February 2019