
Recording problems (incident count metrics)

No serious attempt to use measurement for software QA would be complete without rigorous means of recording the various problems that arise during development, testing, and operation. No software developer consistently produces perfect software the first time. Thus, it is important for developers to measure those aspects of software quality that can be useful for determining

  • how many problems have been found with a product
  • how effective are the prevention, detection and removal processes
  • when the product is ready for release to the next development stage or to the customer
  • how the current version of a product compares in quality with previous or competing versions

The terminology used to support this investigation and analysis must be precise, allowing us to understand the causes as well as the effects of quality assessment and improvement efforts. In this section we describe a rigorous framework for measuring problems

The problem with problems

In general, we talk about problems, but Figure 6.1 depicts some of the components of a problem’s cause and symptoms, expressed in terms consistent with IEEE standard 729. [IEEE 729].

Figure 6.1: Software quality terminology

A fault occurs when a human error results in a mistake in some software product. That is, the fault is the encoding of the human error. For example, a developer might misunderstand a user interface requirement, and therefore create a design that includes the misunderstanding. The design fault can also result in incorrect code, as well as incorrect instructions in the user manual. Thus, a single error can result in one or more faults, and a fault can reside in any of the products of development.

On the other hand, a failure is the departure of a system from its required behavior. Failures can be discovered both before and after system delivery, as they can occur in testing as well as in operation. It is important to note that we are comparing actual system behavior with required behavior, rather than with specified behavior, because faults in the requirements documents can result in failures, too.

During both test and operation, we observe the behavior of the system. When undesirable or unexpected behavior occurs, we report it as an incident, rather than as a failure, until we can determine its true relationship to required behavior. For example, some reported incidents may be due not to system design or coding faults but instead to hardware failure, operator error or some other cause consistent with requirements. For this reason, our approach to data collection deals with incidents, rather than failures.

The reliability of a software system is defined in terms of incidents observed during operation, rather than in terms of faults; usually, we can infer little about reliability from fault information alone. Thus, the distinction between incidents and faults is very important. Systems containing many faults may be very reliable, because the conditions that trigger the faults may be very rare. Unfortunately, the relationship between faults and incidents is poorly understood; it is the subject of a great deal of software engineering research.

One of the problems with problems is that the terminology is not uniform. If an organization measures its software quality in terms of faults per thousand lines of code, it may be impossible to compare the result with the competition if the meaning of "fault" is not the same. The software engineering literature is rife with differing meanings for the same terms. Below are just a few examples of how researchers and practitioners differ in their usage of terminology.

To many organizations, errors often mean faults. There is also a separate notion of "processing error," which can be thought of as the system state that results when a fault is triggered but before a failure occurs. [Laprie 1992] This particular notion of error is highly relevant for software fault tolerance (which is concerned with how to prevent failures in the presence of processing errors).

Anomalies usually mean a class of faults that are unlikely to cause failures in themselves but may nevertheless eventually cause failures indirectly. In this sense, an anomaly is a deviation from the usual, but it is not necessary wrong. For example, deviations from accepted standards of good programming practice (such as use of non-meaningful names) are often regarded as anomalies.

Defects normally refer collectively to faults and failures. However, sometimes a defect is a particular class of fault. For example, Mellor uses "defect" to refer to faults introduced prior to coding. [Mellor 1986]

Bugs refer to faults occurring in the code.

Crashes are a special type of incident, where the system ceases to function.

Until terminology is the same, it is important to define terms clearly, so that they are understood by all who must supply, collect, analyze and use the data. Often, differences of meaning are acceptable, as long as the data can be translated from one framework to another.

We also need a good, clear way of describing what we do in reaction to problems. For example, if an investigation of an incident results in the detection of a fault, then we make a change to the product to remove it. A change can also be made if a fault is detected during a review or inspection process. In fact, one fault can result in multiple changes to one product (such as changing several sections of a piece of code) or multiple changes to multiple products (such as a change to requirements, design, code and test plans).

We describe the observations of development, testing, system operation and maintenance problems in terms of incidents, faults and changes. Whenever a problem is observed, we want to record its key elements, so that we can then investigate causes and cures. In particular, we want to know the following:

  1. Location: Where did the problem occur?
  2. Timing: When did it occur?
  3. Mode: What was observed?
  4. Effect: Which consequences resulted?
  5. Mechanism: How did it occur?
  6. Cause: Why did it occur?
  7. Severity: How much was the user affected?
  8. Cost: How much did it cost?

The eight attributes of a problem have been chosen to be (as far as possible) mutually independent, so that proposed measurement of one does not affect measurement of another; this characteristic of the attributes is called orthogonality. Orthogonality can also refer to a classification scheme within a particular category. For example, cost can be recorded as one of several pre-defined categories, such as low (under $100,000), medium (between $100,000 and $500,000) and high (over $500,000). However, in practice, attempts to over-simplify the set of attributes sometimes result in non-orthogonal classifications. When this happens, the integrity of the data collection and metrics program can be undermined, because the observer does not know in which category to record a given piece of information.

Example: Riley describes the data collection used in the analysis of the control system software for the Eurostar train (the high-speed train used to travel from Britain to France and Belgium via the Channel tunnel). [Riley 1995] In the Eurostar software problem-reporting scheme, faults are classified according to only two attributes, cause and category, as shown in Table 5.1. Note that "cause" includes notions of timing and location. For example, an error in software implementation could also be a deviation from functional specification, while an error in test procedure could also be a clerical error. Hence, Eurostar’s scheme is not orthogonal and can lead to data loss or corruption.


Cause Category
error in software design category not applicable
error in software implementation initialization
error in test procedure logic/control structure
deviation from functional specification interface (external)
hardware not configured as specified interface (internal)
change or correction induced error data definition
clerical error data handling
other (specify) computation
  other (specify)

On the surface, our eight-category report template should suffice for all types of problems. However, as we shall see, the questions are answered very differently, depending on whether you are interested in faults, incidents or changes.


An incident report focuses on the external problems of the system: the installation, the chain of events leading up to the incident, the effect on the user or other systems, and the cost to the user as well as the developer. Thus, a typical incident report addresses each of the eight attributes in the following way.

Incident Report

Location: such as installation where incident observed - usually a code (for example, hardware model and serial number, or site and hardware platform) that uniquely identifies the installation and platform on which the incident was observed.
Timing: CPU time, clock time or some temporal measure. Timing has two, equally important aspects: real time of occurrence (measured on an interval scale), and execution time up to occurrence of incident (measured on a ratio scale).
Mode: type of error message or indication of incident (see below)
Effect: description of incident, such as "operating system crash," "services degraded," "loss of data," "wrong output," "no output". Effect refers to the consequence of the incident. Generally, "effect" requires a (nominal scale) classification that depends on the type of system and application.
Mechanism: chain of events, including keyboard commands and state data, leading to incident. This application-dependent classification details the causal sequence leading from the activation of the source to the symptoms eventually observed. Unraveling the chain of events is part of diagnosis, so often this category is not completed at the time the incident is observed.
Cause: reference to possible fault(s) leading to incident. Cause is part of the diagnosis (and as such is more important for the fault form associated with the incident). Cause involves two aspects: the type of trigger and the type of source (that is, the fault that caused the problem). The trigger can be one of several things, such as physical hardware failure; operating conditions; malicious action; user error; erroneous report while the actual source can be faults such as these: physical hardware fault; unintentional design fault; intentional design fault; usability problem.
Severity: how serious the incident’s effect was for the service required from the system. Reference to a well-defined scale, such as "critical," "major," "minor". Severity may also be measured in terms of cost to the user.
Cost: Cost to fix plus cost of lost potential business. This information may be part of diagnosis and therefore supplied after the incident occurs.

There are two separate notions of mode. On the one hand, we refer to the types of symptoms observed. Ideally, this first aspect of mode should be a measures of what was observed as distinct from effect, which is a measure of the consequences. For example, the mode of an incident may record that the screen displayed a number that was one greater than the number entered by the operator; if the larger number resulted in an item’s being listed as "unavailable" in the inventory (even though one was still left), that symptom belongs in the "effect" category.

Example: The IEEE standard classification for software anomalies [IEEE 1992] proposes the following classification of symptoms. The scheme can be quite useful, but it blurs the distinction between mode and effect:

  • operating system crash
  • program hang-up
  • program crash
  • input problem
  • correct input not accepted
  • wrong input accepted
  • description incorrect or missing
  • parameters incomplete or missing
  • output problem
  • wrong format
  • incorrect result/data
  • incomplete/missing
  • spelling/grammar
  • cosmetic
  • failed required performance
  • perceived total product failure
  • system error message
  • other
  • service degraded
  • loss of data
  • wrong output
  • no output

The second notion of mode relates to the conditions of use at the time of the incident. For example, this category may characterize what function the system was performing or how heavy the workload was when the incident occurred.

Only some of the eight attributes can usually be recorded at the time the incident occurs. These are:

  • location
  • timing
  • mode
  • effect
  • severity

The others can be completed only after diagnosis, including root cause analysis. Thus, a data collection form for incidents should include at least these five categories.

When an incident is closed, the precipitating fault in the product has usually been identified and recorded. However, sometimes there is no associated fault. Here, great care should be exercised when closing the incident report, so that readers of the report will understand the resolution of the problem. For example, an incident caused by user error might actually be due to a usability problem, requiring no immediate software fix (but perhaps changes to the user manual, or recommendations for enhancement or upgrade). Similarly, a hardware-related incident might reveal that the system is not resilient to hardware failure, but no specific software repair is needed.

Sometimes, a problem is known but not yet fixed when another, similar incident occurs. It is tempting to include an incident category called "known software fault," but such classification is not recommended because it affects the orthogonality of the classification. In particular, it is difficult to establish the correct timing of an incident if one report reflects multiple, independent events; moreover, it is difficult to trace the sequence of events causing the incidents. However, it is perfectly acceptable to cross-reference the incidents, so the relationships among them are clear.

The need for cross-references highlights the need for forms to be stored in a way that allows pointers from one form to another. A paper system may be acceptable, as long as a numbering scheme allows clear referencing. But the storage system must also be easily changed. For example, an incident may initially be thought to have one fault as its cause, but subsequent analysis reveals otherwise. In this case, the incident’s "type" may require change, as well as the cross-reference to other incidents.

The form storage scheme must also permit searching and organizing. For example, we may need to determine the first incident due to each fault for several different samples of trial installations. Because an incident may be a first manifestation in one sample, but a repeat manifestation in another, the storage scheme must be flexible enough to handle this.


An incident reflects the user’s view of the system, but a fault is seen only by the developer. Thus, a fault report is organized much like an incident report but has very different answers to the same questions. It focuses on the internals of the system, looking at the particular module where the fault occurred and the cost to locate and fix it. A typical fault report interprets the eight attributes in the following way:

Fault Report

Location: within-system identifier, such as module or document name. The IEEE Standard Classification for Software Anomalies, [IEEE 1992], provides a high-level classification that can be used to report on location.
Timing: phases of development during which fault was created, detected and corrected. Clearly, this part of the fault report will need revision as a causal analysis is performed. It is also useful to record the time taken to detect and correct the fault, so that product maintainability can be assessed.
Mode: type of error message reported, or activity which revealed fault (such as review). The Mode classifies what is observed during diagnosis or inspection. The IEEE standard on software anomalies, [IEEE 1992], provides a useful and extensive classification that we can use for reporting the mode.
Effect: failure caused by the fault. If separate failure or incident reports are maintained, then this entry should contain a cross-reference to the appropriate failure or incident reports.
Mechanism: how source was created, detected, corrected. Creation explains the type of activity that was being carried out when the fault was created (for example, specification, coding, design, maintenance). Detection classifies the means by which the fault was found (for example, inspection, unit testing, system testing, integration testing), and correction refers to the steps taken to remove the fault or prevent the fault from causing failures.
Cause: type of human error that led to fault. Although difficult to determine in practice, the cause may be described using a classification suggested by Collofello and Balcom: [Collofello and Balcom 1985]: a) communication: imperfect transfer of information; b) conceptual: misunderstanding; or c) clerical: typographical or editing errors
Severity: refer to severity of resulting or potential failure. That is, severity examines whether the fault can actually be evidenced as a failure, and the degree to which that failure would affect the user
Cost: time or effort to locate and correct; can include analysis of cost had fault been identified during an earlier activity


Once a failure is experienced and its cause determined, the problem is fixed through one or more changes. These changes may include modifications to any or all of the development products, including the specification, design, code, test plans, test data and documentation. Change reports are used to record the changes and track the products most affected by them. For this reason, change reports are very useful for evaluating the most fault-prone modules, as well as other development products with unusual numbers of defects. A typical change report may look like this:

Change Report

Location: identifier of document or module affected by a given change.
when change was made
Mode: type of change
Effect: success of change, as evidenced by regression or other testing
Mechanism: how and by whom change was performed
Cause: corrective, adaptive, preventive or perfective
Severity: impact on rest of system, sometimes as indicated by an ordinal scale
Cost: time and effort for change implementation and test

Next section - Standards for measurement: CMM, ISO and GQM


Last modified: July 28, 1999.