Dataset Access

To gain access to the dataset and download the files on this page, please visit AMIGOS dataset request server, in order to obtain a username and a password. You need to use them to access the files below. Please note that the license of the dataset is for research only.

The following files are available. Please see the dataset description for a thorough explanation of what is in each file.


All metadata contained in four spreadsheets (video_list, participant_questionnaire, participant_selfassessment and participant_questionnaire). Available in the following formats:

Physiological Recordings

Recordings of EEG and peripheral physiological signals. Two formats are available: The original unprocessed recordings and preprocessed recordings in Matlab format (see the dataset description for more information).

Video recordings

Three modalities of video recordings are available. The frontal face video recordings, the full body RGB recordings from Kinect and the full body depth recordings by Kinect. Timestamps for the videos obtained through Kinect are also included.


Two versions of annotations are available. The selfassessment of participants, and external annotations for 340 20 second segments by three annotators.