* Dielectric Properties of tissues: Measurement of tissue dielectric properties over a range of frequencies. This also covers a range of techniques for preparing compatible tissue samples.
* In- and on-body sensing devices: Covering all asspects of the interactions of EM waves with the human body across the spectrum. Several novel techniques are applied to sense the activities within the human body.
* Interaction of short duration, high intensity pulse with biological cells and tissues: Numerical and experimental investigations on Electroporation processes. This field is particularly useful for gene transfection, drug delivery, food processing, cancer therapy, etc. Starting from the basic theory, numerical and experimental techniques are applied to characterise the required EM pulse amplitudes and shapes to achieve the desired results.
* Studies to propose improvements on the current Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) and Specific Absorption (SA) standards: Based on my earlier work, and on the current discussions with leading researchers in this community, this work aims to develop new techniques to evaluate the CW and pulsed EM wave absorption mechanisms with the body. The work focuses on changes in the way SAR is assessed for new generation systems, such as LTE-A carrier aggregation implications, and absorptions from UWB pulses.
High-Power Microwaves
* Gyrotrons with Special Interaction Cavity configurations: Design and analysis of new interaction structures within gyrotron operation to enable improved THz sources performance. The work focuses on numerical modelling techniques on both hollow and coaxial cavity with azimuthal sinusoidal corrugation to optimise the resonant frequency, power capacity and operation stability.
* Numerical tools for the optimisation of High Power & High Frequency Transformers: A challenging aspect of high-power microwave and pulsed devices is the transformer optimisation for the frequency and power requirements. This project focuses on applying multi-physics analysis tools together with in-house development of tools to address this.
* Enhanced numerical modelling tools: With the recent release of my optimisation software tool with the world renowned MAGIC tool suite™, there are a few further improvements being added to enhance our research capability on magnetron modelling.
RF Fingerprinting (RFFP)
* RF Fingerprints: Exploration of the possibility of coining an RF fingerprint from a collection of RF channel characteristics between two or more nodes to serve as distinguishing features for a number of new or challenging applications, such as location pinpointing, or for establishing authentication or encryption keys for enhanced security at the physical layer.
Computational Electromagnetics
* Electromagnetic Computation: Theoretical and numerical computation methods for solving challenging problems. Solutions including modelling of EM problems over a range of frequencies. They also cover areas where the EM waves interact with charged particles or plasma.
Numerical dosimetry.
Reviewer of:
- Technical program committee / reviewer for APCAP 2015 (2015 IEEE 4th Asia-Pacific Conference on Antennas and Propagation).
- IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking.
- Advances in Electrical and Electronic Engineering journal.
- IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine.
- VENDNET: VEhicular Named Data NETwork Vehicular Communications.
- International Conference on Advances in Communication and Computing Technologies (ICACACT).
China Communications technical journal.