2015(PI/Technology acceleration project): "Development of an Electronically-Controlled ns Electroporation System".
2014-2015(PI/PHE project): "Modelling of EM wave interactions with the human body near Smart Meters" PHE funded project.
2013:Session Chair: "Communications Security" at the 15th IEEE International Conference on Communication Technology (ICCT2013), Guilin, China on November 17-19th, 2013.
2013:Special session chair/co-organiser: "M2M communications challenges" at the 15th IEEE International Conference on Communication Technology (ICCT2013), Guilin, China on November 17-19th, 2013.
2013:Keynote speach: "Advances Due To Electromagnetic (EM) Waves Computational Methods: From the discovery of EM waves to the most recent advanced applications" at the ARSR-SWICOM 3rd Conference on Applied Radio Systems Research and Smart Wireless Communications for Postgraduates and Early Stage Researchers, 2013.
2013: Co-organiser of the National Vacuum Electronics Conference 2013 (NVEC2013) at Queen Mary University of London.