Dr Thomas Roelleke
School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science
Queen Mary, University of London
London E1 4NS
email: thor/www@eecs.qmul.ac.uk
Phone +44 20 7882 7988
Fax +44 20 8980 6533
Academic staff @ QMUL EECS
Queen Mary IR @ QMUL EECS
Queen Mary RIM @ QMUL EECS
Internet home page @ QMUL EECS
The Probabilitic DB+IR Team at Work
Thomas Roelleke: Abstraction Hany Azzam: Semantic Data Retrieval Miguel Martinez-Alvarez: Classification Logic Marco Bonzanini: Knowledge-based Summarisation Sirvan Yahyaei: Machine Translation
Fred Forst: Summarisation Logic, PhD 2008 Hengzhi Wu: DB+IR Efficiency, PhD 2010 Jun Wang: Retrieval Models and Theory, PhD 2010
Research Teaching Other

Research profile

List of publications
Thomas Roelleke @ DBLP

Some pointers to slides and papers in the period 2008 - 2012: Some pointers to slides and papers before 2008:


