BeatRoot: An Interactive Beat Tracking and Visualisation System
Download Page
BeatRoot has moved. It now lives on the
Sound Software site
Release 0.5.8 (31.10.2011): Bug fix (-t option wasn't working)
Release 0.5.8-rc1 (10.2.2011): Modifications of BeatRoot by
Sebastian Flossmann and Werner Goebl (Thanks!). I haven't checked
these yet, but I expect they are all good:
- Display of Number of Beats
- Display Length of Audio file
- Swapped mouse buttons for inserting beat (from middle to right button) and
deleting beats (right to middle)
- Magnetic beat line (insert or move a beat line with CTRL and it jumps to the
nearest detected onset)
- Selecting part of audio file: sensitive region enlarged to 30 pixel
- Make panel resizable in both directions (and redraw in x dimension so as
to use the entire width of the modern big screens)
- Scroll display in x dimension (+ key shortcuts with the arrow keys)
- Save beats: updates the extension from .wav to .tmf automatically
- Added two sliders to control two parameters of the onset detection.
This is helpful when you have audio files with too many or too few onsets
Release 0.5.7 (1.12.2009): Missing source files added.
Release 0.5.6 (9.11.2007): Several requested updates and features.
Release 0.5.3 (21.10.2006): Complete documentation,
improved batch file processing, and first release of the 0.5.x source
BeatRoot tops the results of the MIREX 2006 Audio Beat
Tracking Competition:
See the results here
Release 0.5.2 (21.09.2006): Some simple batch file processing
and text output for the MIREX 2006 competition.
Release 0.5.1 (11.09.2006): bug fixed where some files failed
beat tracking.
Release 0.5.0 (23.08.2006): new version of BeatRoot written entirely
in Java. Runs on Linux, MAC and Windows operating systems. New features
- Annotation of multiple metrical levels
- Annotation of phrase boundaries
- Improved onset detection
- Improved tempo induction
- Platform independent (Java run-time environment required)
Previous versions of BeatRoot are no longer maintained.
Up to date versions of BeatRoot are available from the
Sound Software site
Download BeatRoot 0.5.8 (requires Java 1.6
or higher run-time environment)
Download BeatRoot 0.5.7 (requires Java 1.6
or higher run-time environment)
Download BeatRoot 0.5.7
with source code and documentation (for Java 1.5 or higher; use this version
and recompile if you need to use Java 1.5)
Update on BeatRoot and several evaluations
including MIREX 2006:
Evaluation of the Audio Beat Tracking System BeatRoot,
Journal of New Music Research, 36 (1), 39-50, 2007.
Short paper describing the
version of BeatRoot submitted to MIREX 2006
DAFx'06 paper describing the new
onset detection algorithm
Original paper describing beat
tracking algorithms,
Journal of New Music Research, 30 (1), 2001, pp 39-58.
Paper describing
interactive system,
Proceedings of the 2001 International Computer Music
Conference (ICMC'2001), pp 215-218.
My other papers are available here
User Documentation for software, in HTML (needs updating)
Javadoc Documentation
Simon Dixon, London: updated 23 Apr 2013