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Real-Time Face Detection, Tracking and Pose Estimation

A robust real-time face detection and tracking system using standard PC based hardware has been successfully developed during the course of this project [9, 10, 18, 17]. In particular, methods were developed for

  1. learning face appearance models and models for real-time visual motion estimation and clustering [9, 10],
  2. learning Gaussian mixture based colour models for both tracking skin tone objects and multi-colour based foreground and background segmentation and tracking [22, 23, 24, 25],
  3. learning an adaptive temporal colour model to cope with extreme lighting changes [19, 20].
In particular, effort was focused on developing colour models which can be learned and also adaptive. Colour offers many advantages over both geometric and motion information in dynamic vision such as robustness under partial occlusion, rotation in depth, scale changes and resolution changes. The main difficulty in modelling colour robustly is the colour constancy problem which arises due to variation in colour values brought about by lighting changes. We addressed the problem by employing colour adaptation over time. Data fusion in object detection and tracking using both motion and colour cues was used to bring about the required consistency in face tracking [16]. The system is able to perform face detection and tracking in the following manner:
  1. real-time detection and tracking of moving faces in cluttered scenes,
  2. robust tracking of multiple moving faces,
  3. robust tracking under changes in lighting, scale and image resolution,
  4. robust tracking under ``facial distortions'' such as spectacle, facial hair and hair-style changes.
Related to face detection and tracking, we also addressed the issue of real-time head pose estimation [14] which is important in tracking moving faces across views. We introduced a composite Gabor wavelet transform as a representation scheme for capturing pose changes. We derived a pose eigenspace based on the principal components analysis to represent and interpret the distribution of pose changes from continuous sequences of face rotation in depth [5, 18].

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