
Topics of interest include but are not limited to:

  • Security against unwanted interference and dependence
  • Models and theories of program interference
  • Algorithms for reducing or removing interference or for ameliorating its effects
  • Theory and foundations of program slicing and related dependence analyses
  • Resource declassification theories
  • Semantics of dependence and interference
  • Analyses based on interference and dependence
  • Abstract interpretation for dependence and interference
  • Dependence and interference in specifications
  • Slicing models and specifications
  • Interaction between dependence and refinement
The workshop welcomes contributions of on-going work and ideas in the field of dependence and interference.

Important Dates

Those who are interested in giving a talk at the workshop and/or discussing issues related with these subjects are invited to send your expression of interest to Pasquale Malacaria before February 28th, 2009.
A web-page will be organised collecting all the workshop contributions. Submitted extended abstracts should be of at most 10 pages LNCS-style and should be sent before March 15th 2009.
There is no formally published proceedings but, as in previous years, we plan to invite submission of extended versions of accepted papers for a journal special issue.