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S. Abramsky, R. Jagadeesan and P. Malacaria, Full abstraction for PCF (extended abstract). In Proc. TACS'94, LNCS 789, pp 1-15, Springer-Verlag, 1994.

S. Abramsky and G. McCusker, Linearity, sharing and state: a fully abstract game semantics for Idealised Algol with active expressions. In Algol-like Languages, Volume 2, P.W. O'Hearn and R. D. Tennent (editors), Birkhaüser, 1997.

D. Clark,S. Hunt and P. Malacaria, Automatic Quantitative Security Analysis. Submitted to Process Algebra and Performance Modelling, Probabilistic Methods in Verification 2001

C. L. Hankin and P. Malacaria. Program Analysis Games.
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ACM Computing Surveys, 31(3), 1999.

P. Malacaria
Dalla geometria dell'interazione alle macchine ad ambienti manuscript 1992.

P. Malacaria
A game based tool for the flow analysis for higher-order concurrent object-oriented languages.
Submitted for publication, 2000.

P. Malacaria
A control flow analysis tool based on games: pm/cfa.html

P. Malacaria and C. L. Hankin.
Non-deterministic games and program analysis: An application to security.
In LICS '99: Proc. the Fourteenth Annual IEEE Symposium on on Logic in Computer Science, Trento, Italy, July 1999.
IEEE Computer Society Press, 1999.

P. Malacaria and C. L. Hankin.
Generalised Flowcharts and Games.
In ICALP '98: Proc. the Twenty fifth International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming, Aalborg, Denmark, July 1998.
volume 1443 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, 1998.

P. Malacaria and C. L. Hankin.
A new approach to control flow analysis.
In CC '98:Proc. the Seventh International Conference on Compiler Construction, Lisbon, Portugal, March 1998.
volume 1383 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, 1998.

Pasquale Malacaria