BSc / MSc Project Suggestions
Dr Pengwei Hao
Office : Engineering Building E104,
School of EECS
0044 20 7882 5207
Currently, I have the following suggestions:
1) Animated video generation for kids' health
2) Computer games for kids' health
3) Image database management system
4) Image object detection/recognition
5) Video database management system
1) Animated
video generation for kids' health
Development of a series of animated videos to promote health for kids; including healthy diet, tooth-brushing, what causes tooth decay, positive/negative reading behaviours, etc. Some pictures can be used for the videos. The animation can be 2-dimensional using 2D graphics or 3-dimensional using 3D graphics, and some cartoon or animation or graphics tools and multiple techniques can be used for the video generation.
The same cartoon characters could be involved in all the videos to provide continuity.
2) Computer
games for kids' health
Development of a computer game with several levels to try and educate children about healthy life. Characters used in the educational videos could also appear in the game. Two ideas are:
a. A game where you have to look after a character and their life and keep them healthy - involves choosing the right foods, taking them for check-ups, promoting positive behaviours
b. A game where a character travels through an environment e.g. city, jungle etc, and has to pick up healthy foods, avoid bacteria, remember to stop negative behaviours, attend regular check-ups, etc, and would be a points based game. The character could progress to different levels.
The games can be run on computers or mobile phones or tablets.
3) Image database management system
To design a user-friendly GUI for image database management with menu, large/medium/small iconic display of images, image information display, add/update/delete/split/merge images or information. Image information includes when and where the image was taken, size of the image, some annotations that users or providers added. Images are provided as individual image files. Image display can be used to view single image in a subwindow, to parallelly view multiple images with alignment in multiple subwindows, to successively and seamlessly view multiple images in a subwindow, and to view as an image collage.
The outcomes should include:
1) A user-friendly GUI
2) A programme for image file and information management and manipulation
3) An integrated programme with image database management for image display for various requirements/applications
4) Image
object detection/recognition
To develop a program to detect/recognise objects in given images. It includes segmentation and object detection. It would be better if it can recognise some simple objects.
Functions from Open source can be used, such as OpenCV. The programming language can be Java, C++, Matlab, Python, etc.
The outcomes should include:
1) A user-friendly GUI to display at least 2 images - the original image and the image with the detected object highlighted.
2) A programme for image input/output/management
3) An integrated programme with image detection/recognition for various requirements/applications
5) Video
database management system
To design a user-friendly GUI for video database management with menu, large/medium/small iconic display of video clips, video information display, add/update/delete/split/merge video clips or information. Video information includes when and where the video was taken, length of the video, some annotations that users or providers added. Video clips are provided as individual video files. Video display can be used to view single video clip in a subwindow, to parallelly view multiple video clips with alignment in multiple subwindows, to successively and seamlessly view multiple video clips in a subwindow, and to view from a given time point and at different speeds, e.g. 1/8x, 1/4x,1/2x, 1x, 2x, 4x, 8x,16x the normal speed.
The outcomes should include:
1) A user-friendly GUI
2) A programme for video file and information management and manipulation
3) An integrated programme with video database management for video display for various requirements/applications