Title: Topology and computation Speaker: Martin Escardo Abstract: This is a survey of a (limited) selection of ideas and results regarding topology in computation. We first consider computation with simple types (as in Goedel's system T and Platek-Scott-Plotkin's PCF) and then with dependent types (as in Martin-Loef's intensional type theory). We'll first introduce the Kleene-Kreisel spaces, which model simple types so that programs define continuous functions. A computational manifestation of the compact sets in topology are the (finitely) searchable sets in computation. Finite sets are of course searchable, and, conversely, searchable sets are compact. A computational counter-part of the Tychonoff Theorem in topology shows that countable products of searchable sets are searchable, and so e.g. the Cantor type of infinite binary sequences is searchable. Moreover, a non-empty subset of a Kleene-Kreisel space is searchable if and only if it is a computable image of the Cantor type. This is a counter-part of the topological fact that a non-empty subset of a sequential Hausdorff space is compact if and only if it is a continuous image of the Cantor space. The Kleene--Kreisel spaces live in Johnstone's topological topos, which models dependent types. This topos hosts the sequential topological spaces, and also the larger category of Kuratowski limit spaces. The limit spaces model small types. There is also an object modelling the large type of small types, the universe, which is not a limit space. Its topology is trivial, though: it is indiscrete. Moreover, it is a model-independent theorem in type theory that any universe is necessarily indiscrete. From this we derive Rice's Theorem for the universe: it can't have any non-trivial, extensional, decidable property, unless WLPO holds. We also briefly discuss a constructive counter-part of the topological topos (joint work with Chuangjie Xu) that can be defined in type theory (and has been formalized in Agda), applied to extract computational content from type theoretic proofs that use Brouwerian continuity axioms.