@InProceedings{ HowesEtAl14SemDial, author = "Howes, Christine and Hough, Julian and Purver, Matthew and McCabe, Rose", title = "Helping, I Mean Assessing Psychiatric Communication: An Application of Incremental Self-Repair Detection", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 18th {SemDial} Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue ({DialWatt})", month = sep, year = 2014, address = "Edinburgh", pages = "80--89", editor = "Rieser, Verena and Muller, Philippe", annote = "ISSN 2308-2275", issn = "2308-2275", url = "http://www.macs.hw.ac.uk/InteractionLab/Semdial/semdial14.pdf", url = "http://www.eecs.qmul.ac.uk/~mpurver/papers/howes-et-al14semdial.pdf", url = "http://dx.doi.org/10.13140/2.1.1739.3608" doi = "10.13140/2.1.1739.3608", }