The People Examples

Is-a versus has-a

In the "Dates: part 2" examples, we saw the declaration of a type BirthDate which extended the type Date by adding a name field. The following is the declaration for a type Person which seems very similar:
 1  class Person
 2  {
 3  protected String name;
 4  protected Date dateOfBirth;
 6   public Person(int d,int m,int y,String n) throws PersonException
 7   {
 8    try
 9     {
10      name=n;
11      dateOfBirth = new Date(d,m,y);
12     }
13    catch(DateException e)
14     {
15      throw new PersonException("Invalid date-of-birth: "+
16                                 e.getMessage()+" for "+n);
17     }
18   }
20   public String toString()
21   {
22    return "Name: "+name+"\nDate of birth: "+dateOfBirth+"\n";
23   }
25   public boolean older(Person p)
26   {
27    return dateOfBirth.lessThan(p.dateOfBirth);
28   }
30   public boolean beforeAlphabetically(Person p)
31   {
32    return name.compareTo(<0;
33   }
34  }
Objects of both type BirthDate and type Person store a date and a name. However, whereas a BirthDate object is an extended Date object, a Person object is not a form of Date object, rather it has a Date object as one of its fields (declared on line 4). The two different relationships are known as IS-A and HAS-A relationships. A BirthDate object IS-A Date object, but a Person object HAS-A Date object as part of it. In general, it only makes sense to use inheritance when you are developing type T2 from existing type T1 if it makes sense to say a T2 "is a" T1. So a BirthDate is a Date, because we were thinking of it just as a date with the extra information of a person's name added to it. However, you cannot say "a person is a date", though you can say "a person has a (birth) date".

The class Person has a toString method which means when you print an object of type Person you will get something that looks like:

Name: Fred
Date of Birth: 5/6/78
It has two methods which allow objects of type Person to be compared, older which compares them by their date of birth, and beforeAlphabetically which compares them according to how their names are in alphabetical ordering. The method older makes use of the method lessThan which was provided with the class Date we developed, while the method beforeAlphabetically makes use of the compareTo method which is built into the String class. Note that compareTo returns an integer, not a boolean. The integer is negative if the string the method is attached to comes before the string given as its argument alphabetically, positive if it comes after, and zero if the two strings are composed of identical letters in the same order.

The class Person has its own exception which is thrown if the arguments provided to create a new Person object are invalid. As the class is given, the only way they could be invalid is if the separate arguments which go to form the person's dat of birth form an invalid date. This would cause a DateException to be thrown given our previous development of the Date class, but lines 13-17 catch the DateException and throw a PersonException in its place. The code for PersonException is simply:

class PersonException extends Exception
 PersonException(String s)

Storing Person records in an array, and sorting it

Now here's a program very similar to the one you saw which read a file of birthdates, stored them in an array, and sorted them:
     1  import*;
     3  class People1
     4  {
     5  //  Read a number of Person records from a file, store them in an array
     6  //  Sort them by age.
     8     static final int MAXPEOPLE=100;
    10     public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException
    11     {
    12      String filename;
    13      Person [] data;
    14      int count=0;
    15      BufferedReader in =,inFile;
    16      for(;;) try
    17          {
    18           System.out.print("\nEnter file name to read from: ");
    19           filename=Text.readString(in);
    20 ;
    21           break;
    22          }
    23      catch(FileNotFoundException e)
    24          {
    25           System.out.println("No file of that name found");
    26          }
    27      data = new Person[MAXPEOPLE];
    28      try
    29         {
    30          for(;;) try
    31             {
    32              data[count++] = readPerson(inFile);
    33             }
    34          catch(PersonException e)
    35             {
    36              System.out.println(e.getMessage());
    37              count--;
    38             }
    39         }
    40      catch(IOException e)
    41         {
    42         }
    43      catch(ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e)
    44         {
    45          System.out.print("Maximum number of people ("+MAXPEOPLE);
    46          System.out.println(") exceeded");
    47         }
    48      count--;
    49      System.out.println("\nThe records (sorted by age) are:\n");
    50      PeopleSorterByAge.sort(data,count);
    51      for(int i=0;i<count;i++)
    52         System.out.println(data[i]);
    53     }
    55     public static Person readPerson(BufferedReader reader)
    56     throws IOException,PersonException
    57     {
    58      int d,m,y;
    59      String n;
    60      d=Text.readInt(reader);
    61      m=Text.readInt(reader);
    62      y=Text.readInt(reader);
    63      n=Text.readString(reader);
    64      return new Person(d,m,y,n);
    65     }
    67  }
As a slight innovation, lines 16-26 and lines 30-37 might at first glance seem to introduce a new sort of statement, but it is just a different layout. The layout
for(;;) try
catch(Exception1 e)
is just a for-loop whose body is the try statement. It can be read as meaning "repeat doing statements0 and statements1 when an Exception1 occurs, until an exception which is not an Exception1 occurs". With a break added:
for(;;) try
catch(Exception1 e)
it can be read as "repeat doing statements0 followed by statements1 until statements0 has been executed without an Exception1 occurring".

On lines 55-65, the readPerson method reads a date followed by a name from a file, and so can in fact use the same files as were used for the BirthDate examples, as these were also read in the date then name order. Where in the BirthDate examples we called a method sort from a class DateSorter to sort the array of BirthDate objects, here (on line 50) we call a method sort from a class PeopleSorterByAge to sort the array of BirthDate objects in order of age. Here is the code for the class PeopleSorterByAge:

     1  class PeopleSorterByAge
     2  {
     4   public static void sort(Person [] a,int n)
     5   // Sort (in place) the first n people in array a. 
     6   // Uses selection sort, sorts by age
     7   {
     8    int sorted,minPos;
     9    for(sorted=0;sorted<n;sorted++)
    10       {
    11        minPos=indexOldest(a,sorted,n);
    12        swap(a,sorted,minPos);
    13       }
    14   }
    16   private static void swap(Person [] a,int pos1,int pos2)
    17   // Swap the people at index pos1 and pos2 in array a
    18   {
    19    Person temp;
    20    temp=a[pos1];
    21    a[pos1]=a[pos2];
    22    a[pos2]=temp;
    23   }
    25   private static int indexOldest(Person [] a,int pos1,int pos2)
    26   // Return the index of the oldest person in the portion
    27   // of array a starting at index pos1 and up to but not
    28   // including index pos2.
    29   {
    30    int i,pos=pos1;
    31    for(i=pos1+1; i<pos2; i++)
    32       if(a[i].older(a[pos]))
    33          pos=i;
    34    return pos;
    35   }
    37 } 
As you can see, it's very similar to the code for DateSorter. Do note that since the aim of the discussion here is not to look at ways of sorting but rather to look at aspects of object-orientation, no attempt has been made to introduce an efficient sort algorithm. In order to focus attention on the main points, the inefficient but easy to program selection sort method is used; this is not a recommendation to use it in general. The sort method is one which sorts in place - the array it takes is actually changed by repositioning the objects within it to put them in age sorted order.

If we are sorting a collection of objects where each object has a number of fields, we have to specify which field we're using for sorting. We could decide to sort the Person records not in order of age, but in alphabetical order of name. To do that, we could write a new sort class called, say, PeopleSorterByName. Then all we need do is change line 50 in People1 from

This is actually done in the file The file could look exactly like the file except that line 32 would be:
It would help keep the program names meaningful to change the name of the private method indexOldest to something like indexFirstAlphabetically, but to Java itself the name used doesn't matter.

However, in doing this we are not really following the re-use principle of object-oriented programming. Re-use does not mean we actually take a file of code, copy it, and change the copied version. It should mean we can make direct use of code we have already written. So, for example, we made calls to existing methods rather than copied the code which did something from one place to another. We inherited from an existing class rather than copy the code for the class and modify it. Ideally what is wanted here is some general sorting code that could be re-used in any situation where we need to sort an array of objects. One very nice consequence of this would be that if we decided to change our sort algorithm from selection sort to something more efficient, we could just change and recompile the one general sort file, and then all the programs that make use of it would automatically change their way of sorting to the more efficient one. Obviously this would be much easier to deal with than going through, and other files which sort Person objects changing each one to sort using the new algorithm.

Generic Person sorting

The trick to generalising the sorting code is to replace the specific call that compares two Person objects by age or by name with a general call to some ordering object that does the comparison. If the ordering object is one that compares by name, the whole sort will be by name, if the ordering object is one that compares by age, the whole sort will be by age. Code which is generalised in this way is called generic code. Here is a generic sorting class for arrays of Person objects:
     1  class PeopleSorter
     2  {
     4  PeopleOrder myOrder;
     6   public PeopleSorter(PeopleOrder order)
     7   {
     8    myOrder=order;
     9   } 
    11   public void sort(Person [] a,int n)
    12   // Sort (in place) the first n people in array a. 
    13   // Uses selection sort, sorts by PeopleOrder object
    14   {
    15    int sorted,minPos;
    16    for(sorted=0;sorted<n;sorted++)
    17       {
    18        minPos=indexFirst(a,sorted,n);
    19        swap(a,sorted,minPos);
    20       }
    21   }
    23   private static void swap(Person [] a,int pos1,int pos2)
    24   // Swap the people at index pos1 and pos2 in array a
    25   {
    26    Person temp;
    27    temp=a[pos1];
    28    a[pos1]=a[pos2];
    29    a[pos2]=temp;
    30   }
    32   private int indexFirst(Person [] a,int pos1,int pos2)
    33   // Return the index of the first person in the portion
    34   // of array a starting at index pos1 and up to but not
    35   // including index pos2.
    36   {
    37    int i,pos=pos1;
    38    for(i=pos1+1; i<pos2; i++)
    39       if(myOrder.before(a[i],a[pos]))
    40          pos=i;
    41    return pos;
    42   }
    44  }
Line 38 uses an object called myOrder which has a method called before to compare two Person objects at different positions in the array. Where PeopleSorterByAge and PeopleSorterByName were classes with only static methods, PeopleSorter has non-static methods. That means that individual PeopleSorter objects are created, and methods are attached to them, rather than attached to the class. myOrder is in fact a field which each PeopleSorter object has. You can create a version of PeopleSorter which sorts by age by creating a new PeopleSorter object whose myOrder field is an object that compares people by age. You can create a version of PeopleSorter which sorts by name by creating a new PeopleSorter object whose myOrder field is an object that compares people by age. Lines 6-9 are the constructor used to create new PeopleSorter objects. Line 4 is where the myOrder field is declared, this field has type PeopleOrder which we shall describe later. The method swap in PeopleSorter (on lines 23-30) remains static because it does not depend on the value of myOrder so can be used unchanged in any PeopleSorter object.

So, if comp is a comparer object, of type PeopleOrder, a new object which can be used to sort arrays according to the comparison method in comp can be created by:

sorter = new PeopleSorter(comp);
where sorter is a variable of type PeopleSorter. Of course, it is possible to declare such a variable and create a value for it at the same time:
PeopleSort sorter = new PeopleSorter(comp);
Having done this,
sorts the Person objects in the array data, assuming that the first count cells in the array are actually in use to store data.

The code for PeopleOrder is as follows:

interface PeopleOrder
 public boolean before(Person p1,Person p2);
That's it. What this means is that an object of type PeopleOrder has to have a method before which takes two Person objects as arguments and returns a boolean. It is an example of an interface.

An interface is like a class, but does not provide the details of the methods and fields within it. So in the PeopleOrder example, the interface simply gives the header for the method before, but no body, that is it doesn't say how the result is calculated. Note also the use of the Java keyword interface in the place of class. The idea of an interface is that the details are filled in by a form of inheritance. For example, here is the code for PeopleOrderByAge which fills in the details for PeopleOrder, giving one way of doing the before operation:

class PeopleOrderByAge implements PeopleOrder
 public boolean before(Person p1,Person p2)
  return p1.older(p2);
Note the use of the Java keyword implements rather than the words extends used for standard inheritance. When a class implements an interface, it has to give a method for every method in the interface. This is different from inheritance where if a method is not mentioned it is inherited from the superclass, but if a method from the superclass is mentioned (with the same argument types) the result is to give a new method which overrides the old one. Or another way to put it is that a class which implements an interface has to override every method in the interface, since otherwise there would be methods with no body. Another point about interfaces is that whereas in Java a class may only extend one other class, it may implement more than one interface.

So a field or variable of type PeopleOrder can be filled with any object of any class so long as that class implements PeopleOrder. Dynamic binding means that a before call attached to an object declared to be of type PeopleOrder will in fact be carried out by whatever before method is in the class of that object. So, for example, an object which has a before method that compares people by age may be declared with name comp and created by:

PeopleOrderByAge comp = new PeopleOrderByAge();
Then that object can be used to fill the myOrder field in a PeopleSorter object, as shown above. That will make the PeopleSorter object one that sorts by age. The whole thing could be done in one step:
PeopleSort ageSorter = new PeopleSorter(new PeopleOrderByAge());
A sorter that sorts people by name could be declared and created by:
PeopleSort nameSorter = new PeopleSorter(new PeopleOrderByName());
Here we need a class which we have called PeopleOrderByName which implements PeopleOrder, and has a before method which compares two people by name. Here it is:
class PeopleOrderByName implements PeopleOrder
 public boolean before(Person p1,Person p2)
  return p1.beforeAlphabetically(p2);
With these two declarations, if we were to call
it would cause the data in array data to be sorted by age, while if we were to call
it would sort it by alphabetical order of name. The files and show this. It is possible to compress things even further by not explicitly naming the object which does the sorting. For example, if line 50 in were replaced by
new PeopleSorter(new PeopleOrderByAge()).sort(data,count);
the data would be sorted by age, whereas if it were replaced by
new PeopleSorter(new PeopleOrderByName()).sort(data,count);
it would be sorted by name. In both cases a new PeopleSorter object is created and used just the once for its sort method, when it is created it has to be specialised by giving it a new comparer object, either a PeopleOrderByAge or a PeopleOrderByName object. Note that when an object is created but is no longer used by anything, it is automatically destroyed. This is referred to as garbage collection. In other languages, such as C, you have to write a command to destroy an object, otherwise it never disappears (and the computer memory it takes up is wasted) until the program terminates.

Generic Person Filtering

For another example of generic code, let us consider where rather than sort an array of records, we want to filter it, that is discard some records and keep other. For example, suppose we want to store only the records of whose birthdates are a particular date. Here is a program that does that:
     1  import*;
     3  class People6
     4  {
     5  //  Read a number of Person records from a file, store them in an array
     6  //  Filter them to give all those older than a given date
     8     static final int MAXPEOPLE=100;
    10     public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException
    11     {
    12      String filename;
    13      Person [] data;
    14      int count=0;
    15      int day,month,year;
    16      Date dDay;
    17      BufferedReader in =,inFile;
    18      for(;;)
    19          try
    20             {
    21              System.out.print("\nEnter file name to read from: ");
    22              filename=Text.readString(in);
    23    ;
    24              break;
    25             }
    26          catch(FileNotFoundException e)
    27             {
    28              System.out.println("No file of that name found");
    29             }
    30      data = new Person[MAXPEOPLE];
    31      try
    32         {
    33          for(;;)
    34             try
    35                {
    36                 data[count++] = readPerson(inFile);
    37                }
    38             catch(PersonException e)
    39                {
    40                 System.out.println(e.getMessage());
    41                 count--;
    42                }
    43         }
    44      catch(IOException e)
    45         {
    46         }
    47      catch(ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e)
    48         {
    49          System.out.print("Maximum number of people ("+MAXPEOPLE);
    50          System.out.println(") exceeded");
    51         }
    52      count--;
    53      System.out.println("\nThe records are:\n");
    54      for(int i=0;i<count;i++)
    55         System.out.println(data[i]);
    56      for(;;)
    57         try
    58           {
    59            System.out.print("Enter day: ");
    60            day=Text.readInt(in);
    61            System.out.print("Enter month: ");
    62            month=Text.readInt(in);
    63            System.out.print("Enter year: ");
    64            year=Text.readInt(in);
    65            dDay=new Date(day,month,year);
    66            break;
    67           }
    68         catch(DateException e)
    69           {
    70            System.out.println("Invalid date: "+e.getMessage());
    71           }
    72      count=PeopleFilterByAge.oldFilter(data,count,dDay);
    73      System.out.println("The records of those older than this date are:")
    74      for(int i=0;i<count;i++)
    75         System.out.println(data[i]);
    76     }
    78     public static Person readPerson(BufferedReader reader)
    79     throws IOException,PersonException
    80     {
    81      int d,m,y;
    82      String n;
    83      d=Text.readInt(reader);
    84      m=Text.readInt(reader);
    85      y=Text.readInt(reader);
    86      n=Text.readString(reader);
    87      return new Person(d,m,y,n);
    88     }
    90  }
Here we use, on line 72, a special class which filters an array of people by age. This is the code for it:
     1  class PeopleFilterByAge
     2  {
     4   public static int oldFilter(Person [] a,int n,Date d)
     5   {
     6    int count=0;
     7    for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
     8       if(a[i].older(d))
     9          a[count++]=a[i];
    10    return count;
    11   }
    13   public static int youngFilter(Person [] a,int n,Date d)
    14   {
    15    int count=0;
    16    for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
    17       if(!a[i].older(d))
    18          a[count++]=a[i];
    19    return count;
    20   }
    22  }
It has two methods, one for giving those older than a date passed in as an argument, one for giving those younger. The methods work by changing the data in the array they take as input, using i as an index to go through the array, and count as an index which goes through the array but is increased only when a new record which fits the test is found. Since i is always greater than or equal count we can safely copy the value from cell i of the array into cell count without losing any data. The methods return as their output the value of count after this operation, which is the number of records in the new filtered data.

Note that in order to deal with this, we need to introduce a new method into the class Person. Here it is:

 public boolean older(Date d)
  return dateOfBirth.lessThan(d);
You will see that it has the same name, older as a previous method, but takes a different argument, a Date rather than a Person. This is allowed in Java, and the actual code used when a call to older is made will depend on the argument to that call: if it is a Person object, the older method for Person object arguments given previously will be used, if it is a Date object, this new method will be used.

However, the code is not very general, as it can only filter by age. A generic version would involve a general filtering object which takes as its argument an object which chooses between individuals. Here is Java code for such a generic filtering class:

     1  class PeopleFilter
     2  {
     4  PersonChoose myChoose;
     6   public PeopleFilter(PersonChoose chooser)
     7   {
     8    myChoose=chooser;
     9   }
    11   public int filter(Person [] a,int n)
    12   {
    13    int count=0;
    14    for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
    15       if(myChoose.choose(a[i]))
    16          a[count++]=a[i];
    17    return count;
    18   }
    20  }
Just as PeopleSorter was a generic class for sorters, with each PeopleSorter object having its own ordering object when it is created, so PeopleFilter enables filtering objects to be created, each taking its own chooser object which decides whether someone is to be chosen or not in the filtering. Just as the type PeopleOrder was just an interface, giving the header of a single before method, so PersonChoose is just an interface giving the header for a single choose method:
     1  interface PersonChoose
     2  {
     3   public boolean choose(Person p);
     4  }
Here is a class for choosing people by their age which implements PersonChoose:
     1  class PersonChooseByOldAge implements PersonChoose
     2  {
     3   Date myDate;
     5   public PersonChooseByOldAge(Date d)
     6   {
     7    myDate=d;
     8   }
    10   public boolean choose(Person p)
    11   {
    12    return p.older(myDate);
    13   }
    15  }
It is slightly more complex than the PeopleOrderByAge class because each PersonChooseByOldAge object has to have its own Date object, which is set when the object is constructed. With this, we can replace line 72 in the previous People6 program by:
 PeopleFilter myFilter = new PeopleFilter(new PersonChooseByOldAge(dDay));
and it will work exactly the same. The advantage of doing it this way is that we can choose to put other chooser objects in the place of the PersonChooseByOldAge(dDay) objects to filter on any other basis we require.

Note: if you want to see some more notes on a similar theme to the notes here, I found the following example of notes on sorting, interfaces and polymorphism which you may find useful.

Matthew Huntbach

These notes were produced as part of the course Introduction to Programming as it was given in the Department of Computer Science at Queen Mary, University of London during the academic years 1998-2001. Last modified: 8 Feb 2000