Introduction to Programming: Additional work for week 13

In the second lecture for week 13, you saw an example of how Java could give an effect similar to "higher order functions" of functional languages like Miranda. The example given in the lecture was a static method called map which had the effect of applying a function to every item in an array. Note the contents of the array itself were changed so this was a destructive map. Functional languages have no such destructive operations - in Miranda the higher order function map is provided as part of the system, but it works constructively by producing a new structure which is the result of applying a function to every element in the old structure. Miranda's map works on lists rather than arrays, lists being a data structure fundamental to functional programming as arrays are fundamental to imperative programming.

The code for map is one of the methods in the file, which can be found in the shared directory /import/teaching/BSc/1st/ItP/numbers. You will also find there the code for the interface IntToInt used by this Java map, and code for two classes, Square and Add which implement IntToInt.

In the same file you will find code for another higher order function in Java, zip, which there wasn't time to cover in class. The zip method uses an object representing a function which takes two integers and returns an integer. This type of object is represented by the type IntIntToInt, defined by the interface in the file in the same directory. Files for two classes that implement are also given, and The idea of zip is that it takes a function and two arrays, a and b and produces (constructively, unlike our Java map) a third array c such that c[0] is f(a[0],b[0]), c[1] is f(a[1],b[1]), and so on.

As an exercise, you should try defining the equivalent of further higher order functions in Java. This may involve defining new types representing functions like IntToInt and IntIntToInt, although in some cases you may use those existing types. One example of a method you could define is filter which takes an array and an object representing a function which returns a boolean, and returns an array consisting only of those elements of the original array on which the function when applied gives true. For example if a representation of the function "less than 40" were passed into filter as an argument, it would take an array of numbers and return an array consisting of all those numbers from the original wich are less than 40.

Another higher order function is foldr which takes an array a and an object representing a function f on elements of that array, and returns f(a[0],f(a[1],f(a[2],...,f(a[n-2],a[n-1])...))) where there are n elements in the array. Then if f(x,y) gives the sum of x and y you will get the sum of all the elements in the array, if it gives the minimum x and y you will get the minimum of all the elements in a and so on.

You could also work out how you could do function composition in Java. Function composition is represented by the function o in Java, which works such that if o(f,g) gives h then h(x) is the same as f(g(x)).

Obviously, this exercise is going to be a lot easier for those who have done functional programming and thus are familiar with the idea of these higher order functions than those who haven't. But the others should still try to understand this important idea and give it a try.

I have also made available (copies were distributed in the lectures) the second semester tests for Introduction to Programming used last year. You can find the test here, and you will also need a copy of the code which the first part of the test refers to, available here. You ought to be able to do most of this test, though there are a few aspects of the first part of the test (particularly regarding the issue of inheritance) which we have't covered yet. It would be a good exercise to try and do as much of this test as you can, looking up for yourself (learning by doing) any aspects you are not yet familiar with. We did a little bit on inheritance in week 10, and I intend to cover it in more detail later.

Matthew Huntbach
22nd January 2001