Documentation for Barnes' "Object-Oriented Programming with Java"

This is material describing the code from the book by David Barnes, "Object-Oriented Programming with Java".
The book's website is here.

Code for these classes can be found in the directory

This directory contains one sub-directory for each chapter of the book. These sub-directories hold the .java files for the various examples and exercises in each chapter. For instance, the directory Common contains the file, which is referred to in Chapter 2: Common Program Components.

In some cases, additional sub-directories have been created beneath the individual chapter directories. For instance, for Chapter 3, the directory Creating contains sub-directories Bank and Ships. These collect related groups of examples and exercises.

In order to run many of these examples, additional .class files are required. These supply, for instance, GUI functionality. The corresponding .java sources of these classes may be found in src sub-directories, such as the Creating/Bank/src and Creating/Ships/src. These sources typically contain more complex features of Java than will have been covered at that stage of the book.

So, to run examples from the book, copy all the files ending in .java and .class from the appropriate subdirectory listed below (in some cases from a subdirectory listed within one of those below) into a subdirectory of your own. Then just compile the program using javac. You need not worry about what the Java code that produced the .class files you copied is like, though it will generally use advanced aspects of Java. But if you are interested, you can take a look at it in the src subdirectory. Code for several of the GUI classes used is also found in the utilities directory.

The utilities directory contains packaged versions of several of these GUI classes, and javadoc documentation on them. The .class files for this package are stored in utilities.jar.

Applets - Chapter 20: Applets
Arrays - Chapter 9: Arrays and Further Statements
AWT - Chapter 16: AWT Applications
Bits - Chapter 1: Bits, Bytes, and Java
Collections - Chapter 10: Collection Classes
Common - Chapter 2: Common Program Components
Creating - Chapter 3: Creating and Using Objects
Defining - Chapter 4: Defining Classes
Exceptions - Chapter 11: Exceptions
IO - Chapter 12: Input-Output
Inheritance - Chapter 14: Class Inheritance
Interfaces - Chapter 13: Interfaces
Nested - Chapter 15: Abstract and Nested Classes
Networks - Chapter 19: Networking
Packages - Chapter 8: Packages and Utility Classes
Repetition - Chapter 7: Adding Repetitive Behavior
Selection - Chapter 6: Adding Selective Behavior
Sequence - Chapter 5: Adding Sequential Behavior
Simulation - Chapter 21: Simulation
Swing - Chapter 17: Swing
Threads - Chapter 18: Threads
utilities - utility classes, such as SimpleInput

On-line documentation

Chapter 3: Creating and using objects

Chapter 6: Adding Selective Behaviour and Chapter 7: Adding Repetitive Behaviour
