Sorting Lisp Lists

Insertion sort

Suppose we wanted to sort a list of integers (or of any other type which has a natural order) into order, how we would we do it? One way we could do it is to set up a second list, which is initially empty. Then we could keep taking items off the first list and insert them into the second list, each time we do so making sure we put the item we insert into the position in the second list which keeps that list in order. When the first list is empty, the second list holds all its original items in sorted order. Imagine, for example, that our original list is [4,6,3,7,5,1,2,9,8]. Then the following steps will sort the list:
Step       List 1              List2

  1: [4,6,3,7,5,1,2,9,8]          []
  2: [6,3,7,5,1,2,9,8]           [4]
  3: [3,7,5,1,2,9,8]           [4,6]
  4: [7,5,1,2,9,8]           [3,4,6]
  5: [5,1,2,9,8]           [3,4,6,7]
  6: [1,2,9,8]           [3,4,5,6,7]
  7: [2,9,8]           [1,3,4,5,6,7]
  8: [9,8]           [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]
  9: [8]           [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,9]
 10: []          [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]
Here is some code which implements this sorting algorithm
 public static LispList<Integer> sort(LispList<Integer> ls1)
 // Sorting list ls1 using insertion sort
  LispList<Integer> ls2 = LispList.empty();
  for(;!ls1.isEmpty(); ls1=ls1.tail())
     ls2 = insert(ls1.head(),ls2);
  return ls2;

 public static LispList<Integer> insert(Integer n,LispList<Integer> ls1)
 // Insert an integer into an ordered list of integers
  LispList<Integer> ls2 = LispList.empty();
      Integer h=ls1.head();
      Integer h=ls2.head();
  return ls1;
This code can be found, together with supporting code to enable it to be demonstrated, in the file which you can obtain from the directory ~mmh/DCS128/code/lispLists.

The code for the method which inserts an item into an ordered list and keeps it ordered uses iteration with the "stack and reverse" technique we discussed previously. We take the items off the sorted list and stack them onto a temporary list until we come across one which is greater than the one we're inserting, then we know we've reached the right place to insert the new item. We then put the new item in its place, and take the items off the temporary list one by one and put them back on the sorted list, until the temporary list is emnpty. When we're unstacking from the sorted list, we may get down to the bottom of the list (that is, it becomes the empty list), which means that the item we're inserting is greater than any of the items that were in the list, so should be put at the bottom of the stack (that is, the end of the list) with the other items pushed back on top of it.

Note we use h.compareTo(n)>0 to see if h holds a value greater than n. This is because h and n are of type Integer, and you can compare values of this type using compareTo, which you previously saw used to compare strings against each other in alphabetic ordering.

It would have been possible to have written the code for the method sort in a single method, which would look like:

 public static LispList<Integer> sort(LispList<Integer> ls1)
 // Sorting list ls1 using insertion sort
  LispList<Integer> ls2 = LispList.empty();
  for(;!ls1.isEmpty(); ls1=ls1.tail())
      Integer n = ls1.head();
      LispList<Integer> ls3 = LispList.empty();
          Integer h=ls2.head();
          Integer h=ls3.head();
  return ls2;
This code, which can be found in the file, works just the same as the code previously given, but it is harder for humans to look at the code and understand how it works. It often makes sense when writing code to implement an algorithm to have separate methods to implement steps in the algorithm. In this case, the action of creating a list which represents inserting an integer in order into an ordered list of integers is a separate step. Making a separate method to do it makes the code easier for us to follow. We can look at the code for method sort and see it involves repeated calls of the method insert which does the insertion operation. It is not so clear how the code breaks down into separate operations when it is given as just one long method containing loops within a loop. When writing code, it often makes sense to write code which call a method to perform some operation, and only later to write the code for that method itself.

An alternative way of writing the insert method would be to use recursion. Here is code where the problem is tackled in this way:

 public static LispList insert(Integer n,LispList ls1)
 // Inserting an integer into an ordered list, expressed recursively
     return LispList.empty().cons(n);
  Integer h = ls1.head();
     return ls1.cons(n);
      LispList ls2 = insert(n,ls1.tail());
      return ls2.cons(h);
You can find this code in the file The idea is that if you insert an element into a list and it turns out the list is the empty list, all you have to do is put it at the front making a new list of just one element. Otherwise, you compare the item being inserted with the item at the front of the list. If the item at the front of the list is greater than the item being inserted, then to keep numerical order, the item being inserted should be put at the front of the list. If the item at the front of the list is less than the item being inserted, you insert that item into the rest ofthe list, then put the original front item at the front of the result. Inserting an item into the rest of the list is just a version of the problem of inserting an item into a list, so it can be solved by a recursive call.

The sort method can also be expressed recursively. If a list is empty, then the sorted version of that list must be the empty list. Otherwise, if you sort the tail of the list and then insert its head item into the result, you must get a list which consists of all the items from the original list in sorted order. This is expressed by the following code:

 public static LispList<Integer> sort(LispList<Integer> ls)
     return LispList.empty();
     return insert(ls.head(),sort(ls.tail()));
You can find this code in the file Here, insert(ls.head(),sort(ls.tail())) means that first the value of ls.head() is found, then the value of ls.tail(), then the value of sorting ls.tail is found through the call sort(ls.tail()), then the values of ls.head() and >sort(ls.tail()) are passed as arguments to the insert method. Remember, in Java the arguments to a method are fully evaluated (in left-to-right order) and then evaluation of the method itself takes place. If an argument to a method is itself a method call, then the arguments to that method have to be evaluated first and so on.

We noted that it often makes sense to write code which uses a separate method without at first being concerned about what is in the method. So we can write code for sort making it use insert, assuming the code for insert works and without being concerned about how it works. We can then write the code for insert separately, at this point all we need to be concernd about is that it performs the operation of inserting an item into an ordered list correctly. With recursion, it is even easier, we can write code with a recursive call, and assume the recursive call works. Then we don't have to write any more code since the recursive call uses the code we have already written. Although this can seem mysterious, what is actually happening is that the mechanism of making the recursive call, establishing a new environment for it, and then returning to the old environment when the recursive call finishes, does a lot of book-keeping work for us which we would otherwise have to program in.

The important thing with a recursive method is that there must always be cases where when it is called it does not make a recursive call. Such a case is called a base case. In our recursive code for sort, the base case is when the list we're sorting is the empty list. In our recursive code for insert, there are two base cases. The first is when the list we're inserting the item into is the empty list, the second is when the item we're inserting is less than the first item in the list we're inserting it into. In a recursive method, any recursive call must have an argument which is closer to a base case than the argument of the original call. In recursion with lists, this will usually be through a list argument in the recursive call being a shorter list than the original list argument.

Although we gave several ways of coding the algorithm above, they are all really coding variations on the one algorithm called insertion sort. There are many different algorithms for sorting a list other than insertion sort, and we shall discuss a different one below.

Quick sort on Lisp lists

The basis of the quick sort algorithm is as follows: you divide an unsorted collection into two parts, all those items less than a particular item (called the "pivot") and all those items greater than it. Then you sort each part. Then you join the result of sorting the two parts together with the particular item used to make the split in the middle. The result is a sorted collection. Suppose, for example, we want to sort the Lisp list [4,6,3,7,5,1,2,9,8]. We could break it into two parts, the list of all those elements less than the first element (4) and the list of all elements greater than the first element. This would give us the two lists [3,1,2] and [6,7,5,9,8], if we assumed the items in the lists were in the same order they were in the original list. Sorting these two lists gives [1,2,3] and [5,6,7,8,9]. Joining them together with the original first item in the middle gives [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9], which is the original list sorted.

The following code gives sorting of a Lisp list using quick sort:

 public static LispList<Integer> sort(LispList<Integer> ls)
 // Returns a list containing the elements of ls in numerical ascending order
 // Sorts using quick sort.
    return ls;
  Integer pivot = ls.head();
  ls = ls.tail();
  LispList<Integer> smaller = LispList.empty();
  LispList<Integer> greater = LispList.empty();
  for(; !ls.isEmpty(); ls=ls.tail())
      Integer h = ls.head();
         smaller = smaller.cons(h);
         greater = greater.cons(h);
  smaller = sort(smaller);
  greater = sort(greater);
  greater = greater.cons(pivot);
  return append(smaller,greater);

 public static <T> LispList<T> append(LispList<T> ls1,LispList<T> ls2)
 // Join ls1 to ls2
     return ls2;
      T h = ls1.head();
      LispList<T> ls3 = append(ls1.tail(),ls2);
      return ls3.cons(h);
This code can be found in the file Here, the list of all items less than and all items greater than the pivot is actually built in reverse since we do it using iteration and it doesn't matter what order they come in. So here if the original list referred to by the variable ls is [4,6,3,7,5,1,2,9,8], when the for-loop finishes it will result in the variable smaller referring to the list [2,1,3] and the variable greater referring to the list [8,9,5,7,6]. It is important to note that the recursive calls sort(smaller) and sort(greater) are calls to the same method. But remember that method calls are evaluated in their own environment, as we noted previously, and this applies to recursive method calls just the same as any other method call. So when the call sort(smaller) is made, it is executed in a new environment where ls is a separate variable from ls in the old environment, and ls in the new environment refers to what smaller refers to in the old environment. When this recursive call finishes, the assignment smaller = sort(smaller) causes smaller in the old environment to be assigned to stop referring to the unsorted list it use to refer to and start referring to the sorted list passed as the result of the recursive call.

The base case is when the list being sorted is empty or has just one element, in this case the list can be returned as it is. The two recursive calls will always be on a list of at least one less than the original list since the pivot is not included either of the lists passed as arguments to recursive calls. If it happened that all the items in the list were greater than the pivot, one recursive call would have the empty list as its argument, the other would have a list of length one less than the original list. So long as it can't be the case that a list of the same length as the original list is passed as the argument to the recursive call, a base case will always eventually be reached.

The code to join two lists is given by a separate method called append. Since this method does not depend on the contents of the list being of any particular type, it is written as a generic method. Appending two lists together is best expressed as a recursive operation because it can be defined naturally in a recursive way. Appending the empty list to a list gives that same list, for example appending [] to [4,5,6,7,8,9] gives [4,5,6,7,8,9]. Appending a list which is not empty to another list gives the same result as appending the tail of that list to the other list, and then joining the head of that list to the front of the result which can be done using cons. For example, appending [1,2,3] to [4,5,6,7,8,9] gives the same result as appending [2,3] to [4,5,6,7,8,9], giving [2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9] and then joining 1 to the front to give [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]. Writing recursive methods involves looking for patterns like this where a call of the method on arguments which reduce the size of the original problem give a solution which can be midified to give an answer to the original problem.

A variation of quick sort avoids the use of an append operation. Suppose we have a method sort such that the call sort(ls1,ls2) gives the result of sorting ls1 and appending the result to ls2. Then suppose we divide ls1 into two lists as before, s and g where s consists of all those items from ls1 which are smaller than the first item of ls1 and g gives all those items of ls1 which are larger than the first item. Following this, sort(g,ls2) using the same definition of sort gives the result of sorting all the items in g and joining them to ls2 in order. But if g1 is the result of joining the first item of ls1 onto this, then sort(s,g1) will give the result of sorting s and joining the result to g1, and this is the same as sorting ls1 and joining the result to ls2. Now with this, the result of calling sort(ls1,ls2) when ls2 is the empty list is the same as just sorting ls1. So this gives us the following code for a sort method:

 public static LispList<Integer> sort(LispList<Integer> ls)
 // Returns a list containing the elements of ls in numerical ascending order
 // Sorts using quick sort onto an accumulator.
  return sort(ls,LispList.<Integer>empty());

 private static LispList<Integer> sort(LispList<Integer> ls1,LispList<Integer> ls2)
 // Returns a list containing the elements of ls1 in numerical ascending order
 // joined to ls2.
    return ls2;
  Integer pivot = ls1.head();
  ls1 = ls1.tail();
  LispList<Integer> smaller = LispList.empty();
  LispList<Integer> greater = LispList.empty();
  for(; !ls1.isEmpty(); ls1=ls1.tail())
      Integer h = ls1.head();
         smaller = smaller.cons(h);
         greater = greater.cons(h);
  greater = sort(greater,ls2);
  return sort(smaller,greater.cons(pivot));
This code can be found in the file It demonstrates another way of going about solving problems - you consider your problem to be a special version of some other problem, and then write recursive code to solve that other problem. The recursive code is given as a private method, since it is only for use internally in the class, while the public method just makes a call to the private method with the extra arguments as required.

Merge sort on Lisp lists

Merge sort works in a similar way to quick sort - the list is divided into two parts, each part is sorted recursively, and then the two sorted parts are combined together to make a sorted whole. However, with quick sort, the task of comparing items in the list is done during the division into two parts and before the recursive calls, and the task of combining the two parts together after the recursive calls involves no comparison. With merge sort it is the other way round: the division into the two parts is simple involving no comparisons, while the work of comparing items against each other is done when the sorted lists are combined together.

The algorithm is to divide the initial list into two parts of roughly equal size. With linked lists this can be done by repeatedly taking two items off the front of the list, and putting one onto one new list and the other onto the other new list, until the whole list has been gone through. Then the two lists are sorted recursively, the base case of course being when the list being sorted is the empty list or has just one element. The resulting two sorted lists must be merged, hence the name of the sort algorithm. Merging involves taking whichever is the smallest of the front elements of the two sorted lists, and putting it on the front of the merger of the tail of the list it is taken off and the whole of the other list.

Using our example, sorting [4,6,3,7,5,1,2,9,8] first involves the division into the two lists [8,2,5,3,4] and [9,1,6,7]. You can see that these lists are the odd positioned and even positioned items from the original list in reverse order. Sorting these two lists gives [2,3,4,5,8] and [1,6,7,9]. Now merging them involves noting that the smallest item at the front of either is 1. Taking this off leaves [2,3,4,5,8] and [6,7,9]. Merging these two gives [2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]. Putting the 1 at the front gives [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9], which is the answer we want.

The following code implements this:

 pub1ic static LispList<Integer> sort(LispList<Integer> ls)
 // Returns a list containing the elements of ls in numerical ascending order.
 // Sorts using merge sort.
    return ls;
  LispList<Integer> ls1 = LispList.empty();
  LispList<Integer> ls2 = LispList.empty();
  for(;!ls.isEmpty(); ls=ls.tail())
      ls1 = ls1.cons(ls.head());
      ls = ls.tail();
         ls2 = ls2.cons(ls.head());
  ls1 = sort(ls1);
  ls2 = sort(ls2);
  return merge(ls1,ls2);

 public static LispList<Integer> merge(LispList<Integer> ls1,LispList<Integer> ls2)
     return ls2;
  else if(ls2.isEmpty())
     return ls1;
      Integer h1 = ls1.head();
      Integer h2 = ls2.head();
          LispList<Integer> ls3 = merge(ls1.tail(),ls2);
          return ls3.cons(h1);
          LispList<Integer> ls3 = merge(ls1,ls2.tail());
          return ls3.cons(h2);
It can be found in the file You can see that merge takes two lists as its arguments. The two base cases are when either of the lists is empty, since the merger of any list with the empty list must be that same list. The recursive call will always be a step towards a base case since it will always be with either one or the other list argument of one shorter length. As before, you can see we have argued that the code works not by tracing how one recursive call makes another recursive call which makes a further recursive call, and so on, but just by showing that if the recursive call works and there is a base case which works, then the whole thing works. This uses a principle you may have come across in mathematics as induction.

However, merging could be done using iteration rather than recursion, using the stack and reverse technique. In this case, we start with the two lists and a new list originally set to the empty list. We then take off from either of the two lists whichever has the lower top item, and put that item onto the new list. We do this until one of the lists is empty. Then the new list is the merger of the items taken off the two lists, but in reverse order. So we reverse them back again one by one onto whichever of the two original lists did not get completely emptied. Here is the code for this:

 public static LispList<Integer> merge(LispList<Integer> ls1,LispList<Integer> ls2)
  LispList<Integer> ls3 = LispList.empty();
      Integer h1 = ls1.head();
      Integer h2 = ls2.head();
          ls3 = ls3.cons(h1);
          ls1 = ls1.tail();
          ls3 = ls3.cons(h2);
          ls2 = ls2.tail();
      Integer h = ls3.head();
      ls1 = ls1.cons(h);
      ls3 = ls3.tail();
  return ls1;
You may be interested to know that recursion, as it actually works in practice, does the same thing, but with the mechanism for making new environments and returning to old environments in effect creating and reversing the merged list. Code for merge sort using this iterative version of the merge method can be found in
Matthew Huntbach

Last modified: 18 July 2005