Sorting Arrays and ArrayLists: Part 2

Constructive Quick Sort

Quick sort on arrayLists can be programmed in a way very similar to the quick sort on Lisp lists we saw previously: we create two new empty arrayLists, then add all the items of the original arrayList less than its first item to one of them, all the items greater than or equal to he first item to the other, sort these two lists, and join the results together with the old first item in the middle. Here is the code for this:
 public static ArrayList<Integer> sort(ArrayList<Integer> a)
     return a;
  ArrayList<Integer> smaller = new ArrayList<Integer>();
  ArrayList<Integer> greater = new ArrayList<Integer>();
  Integer pivot = a.get(0);
  for(int i=1; i<a.size(); i++)
      Integer n=a.get(i);
  return smaller;
You can find this code in the files and, the first displaying the randomly generated numbers which are sorted, the second giving only the timing figures. Note this relies on arrayLists being flexible in size, since we do not know in advance the number of items which are less than the first item. Note also that it uses another method which is provided for us by Java's code library, addAll. If a and b refer to two arrayList objects, then the call a.addAll(b) destructively changes the object referred to by a so that all the items from the object referred to by b are added to it, in the order they occurred, after the existing items.

If we wish to code constructive quick sort on arrays rather than arrayLists, we can do so by a simple trick. We go through the original array once to find the number of elements less than the pivot. This gives us the size of the array of elements less than the pivot, and by implication, the size of the array of elements greater than or equal to the pivot not including the pivot itself. So we create arrays of these sizes and go back through the original array putting its elements into one or other of the new arrays. We then sort these new arrays, and join the results together in a final array of the same size as the original array. This gives us the following code:

 public static Integer[] sort(Integer[] a)
     return new Integer[0];
  else if(a.length==1)
      Integer[] b = new Integer[1];
      return b;
      Integer pivot = a[0];
      int count=0;
      for(int i=0; i<a.length; i++)
      Integer[] smaller = new Integer[count];
      Integer[] greater = new Integer[a.length-count-1];
      for(int i=1, j=0, k=0; i<a.length; i++)
      smaller = sort(smaller);
      greater = sort(greater);
      Integer[] b = new Integer[a.length];
      for(int i=0; i<count; i++)
      for(int i=0; i<greater.length; i++)
      return b;
Note the code for the loop which goes through the original array (referenced by variable name a) and copies references to its items into either one or other of the new arrays (referenced by variable names smaller and greater). This is the loop:
  for(int i=1, j=0, k=0; i<a.length; i++)
Here, i is the index to the original array, j is the index to the array smaller and k is the index to the array greater. These three int variables are declared together in the initialisation part of the loop, but only i is updated in the update part of the loop. This is because each time round the loop we need to consider the next item from the array a, but we only update j if we add that item to the array smaller and we only update k if we add that item to the array greater. Remember that j++ means "use the value of j then increase it by 1". So smaller[j++]=a[i] is equivalent to:
Be careful to recall this is different from:
which is the equivalent of smaller[++j]=a[i], and remember that the ++ operators change the value of an integer variable permanently, so don't think that smaller[j++]=a[i] is the same as smaller[j+1]=a[i] where there is nothing to change the value of j.

You can find code for constructive quick sort of arrays of integers in the form given here in the files and

Quick Sort in Place

A simple way of obtaining destructive quick sort would be to copy the elements from the two sorted arrays in the above code back into the original array rather than into a new array, but otherwise use code similar to the constructive quick sort given above. This would give the code:
 public static void sort(Integer[] a)
      Integer pivot = a[0];
      int count=0;
      for(int i=0; i<a.length; i++)
      Integer[] smaller = new Integer[count];
      Integer[] greater = new Integer[a.length-count-1];
      for(int i=1, j=0, k=0; i<a.length; i++)
      for(int i=0; i<count; i++)
      for(int i=0; i<greater.length; i++)
and you can find this code in the files and Although this is destructive, since the array passed as an argument is changed, it does involve the construction of the two temporary arrays indexed by smaller and greater, and when each of these are sorted further temporary arrays are created as the algorithms is executed recursively. Since it is destructive, new arrays are not created in the base case when the array being sorted is of length 1 or 0.

However, there is another version of quick sort on arrays which does not involve any construction of new arrays. Instead it works just by swapping the items around in the array, as we saw previously with the destructive selection sort. This is referred to as quick sort in place

The algorithm is the same before: divide the array into two portions, one containing all the items less than the pivot, the other containing all the items greater than or equal to the pivot, then sort each of these two portions recursively. However, in this case instead of creating new arrays, we move the items about in the original array until they are in positions where one section of the array is smaller items and the other section is larger items. We do not know at the start how many items are less than the pivot and how many are greater, so the two sections are not necessarily equal in length. The base case is when the section being sorted has 0 or 1 items in it.

There are several variations on the way this can be coded, but they all work on the principle of starting with two indexes to the portion of the array being sorted, one indexing either end. The lower one is increased to index further up the array and the higher one is decreased to index lower down the array, until the lower one indexes an item greater than or equal to the pivot and the upper one indexes an item less than the pivot. These two items are then swapped in position. This is repeated until the two indexes have crossed over. At that point, the array has been partioned into a smaller and larger section, and these sections are sorted recursively.

Here is some code to do this:

 public static void sort(Integer[] a)

 private static void sort(Integer[] a,int from,int to)
      Integer pivot = a[from];
      int low=from+1,high=to-1;

 private static void swap(Integer[] a,int pos1,int pos2)
  Integer temp = a[pos1];
In this version, the first item in the section of the array being sorted is used as the pivot. Once the high index has crossed with the low index it may need to be moved down further until it indexes an item less than or equal to the pivot, which thus must be the last item in the smaller valued section of the array. This item is swapped with the pivot item, so the pivot item is positioned between the smaller items and the larger items. When the recursive sorts are finished, the whole array will then be sorted.

The work of the sorting is done in the method sort which takes three arguments, a reference to the array, the position of the first item in the section of the array which is currently being sorted, and the position following the position of the last item in the section of the array being sorted. Initially this method is called with the two positions being0 and the length of the whole array. So note that instead of actually creating separate arrays to sort using a recursive method, we have a method which sorts a section of one array, and recursive calls sort smaller sections of the same array.

Let us consider an example. Suppose the whole array being sorted is

Then we take 30 as the pivot, and start with the low index at 1 and the high index at 9 (the index of the last component of the array). Then the low index is increased until it has the value 2 which indexes 47 which is greater than 30, and the high index remains at 9 as this indexes the value 20, which is less than 30. Swapping 47 with 20 gives:
[30,25,20,99,8,12,28,63,16,47]  low=2  high=9 
The low index is increased by one and indexes the number 99 which is greater than 30. The high index is decreased by one and indexes the number 16 which is less than 30. These two numbers are swapped round giving:
[30,25,20,16,8,12,28,63,99,47]  low=3  high=8
Now low is increased until it indexes the next item which is greater than the pivot, which is 63 at position 7 while high is decreased until it indexes the next item which is less than the pivot, which is 28 at position 6. At this point, high and low have crossed over.
[30,25,20,16,8,12,28,63,99,47]  low=7  high=6
Swapping the pivot with the item indexed by high gives:
We can now recursively sort the portion of the array [28,25,20,16,8,12] and the portion [63,99,47]. But there is no need to copy the numbers into separate arrays to do this, we just call the sort method with the whole array, 0 and 6 as its arguments to sort the first part, and with the whole array, 7 and 10 to sort the second part. When both parts are sorted, the whole array is sorted.

Code for this version of quick sort can be found in the files and Code using the same algorithm, but applied to an arrayList rather than an array can be found in the files and

Merge Sort of arrays

The merge sort algorithm, which we saw previously with Lisp lists can also be applied to arrays. Unlike quick sort, however, merge sort cannot be done completely in place, it always needs the creation of temporary arrays. Since merge sort works by dividing the original array into two equally sized halves, we can create these half sized arrays immediately and sort them (note they will differ in size by one if the original array is of odd length). It does not matter which items go into each half, since in merge sort the work of comparing items is done after the recursive calls when the sorted collections are merged.

Here is code for merge sort of an array of integers:

 public static void sort(Integer[] a)
      int i,mid = a.length/2;
      Integer[] half1 = new Integer[mid];
      Integer[] half2 = new Integer[a.length-mid];
      for(i=0; i<mid; i++)
      for(; i<a.length; i++)
      int j=0, k=0;
      for(i=0; j<half1.length&&k<half2.length; i++)
      for(; j<half1.length; i++, j++)
      for(; k<half2.length; i++, k++)
The code before the recursive calls
creates two new arrays, and then copies the items from the first half of the original array into one of them, and copies the items from the second half into the other. The recursive calls apply the same algorithm on these two arrays. The base case is when the array is of length 0 or 1, so as the recursive calls are guaranteed to be on arrays of smaller size than the original array, the base case will eventually be reached.

The code after the recursive calls merges the two sorted temporary arrays, referred to by variables half1 and half2, back into the space of the original array referred to by variable a. It uses the technique we saw with partioning in constructive quick sort of an index for each of the individual arrays, again with the names i for the main array and j and k for the smaller arrays. Again, i is increased each time round the loop, and either j or k as appropriate, but not both, is increased each time round the loop. The merge part looks at the item in the array half1 indexed by j and the item in the array half2 indexed by k. It copies whichever of them is smaller into a[i] and increases the index of whichever array it was copied to by one, so next time round the loop the following item in the array is looked at.

We can consider how this algorithm works on the array we used before, [30,25,47,99,8,12,28,63,16,20]. It is divided into two halves, [30,25,47,99,8] and [12,28,63,16,20]. Sorting these gives [8,25,30,47,99] and [12,16,20,28,63]. Now let us consider merging them. We have:

[_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_] i=0   [8,25,30,47,99] j=0   [12,16,20,28,63] k=0
The first array here actually still stores the numbers in their original order, but that is irrelevant as they will be overwritten in the merger. Here, starting off with i, j and k all at 0, half1[j] is 8 and half2[k] is 12, so half1[j] is the lower, it is copied into a[i] and j is increased by one, giving:
[8,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_] i=1   [8,25,30,47,99] j=1   [12,16,20,28,63] k=0
Now half2[k] is lower than half1[j] so it is copied into a[i] and k is increased by one giving:
[8,12,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_] i=2   [8,25,30,47,99] j=1   [12,16,20,28,63] k=1
And now half2[k] is lower than half1[j] again, so it is copied into a[i] and k is increased by one again, giving:
[8,12,16,_,_,_,_,_,_,_] i=3   [8,25,30,47,99] j=1   [12,16,20,28,63] k=2
Once again, half2[k] is lower than half1[j], so the situation becomes:
[8,12,16,20,_,_,_,_,_,_] i=4   [8,25,30,47,99] j=1   [12,16,20,28,63] k=3
But now half1[j] is lower than half2[k], so the situation becomes:
[8,12,16,20,25,_,_,_,_,_] i=5   [8,25,30,47,99] j=2   [12,16,20,28,63] k=3
You can see that by carrying on this work, the original array will be filled with the items from the other two arrays in sorted order. Actually, it won't quite work like this, it will always be the case that j reaches the length of half1 when k hasn't reached the length of half2, or the other way round. Once the all the items from one of the arrays have been copied into the original array, any items left in the other array have to be copied in after them, that is why we have the additional statements:
  for(; j<half1.length; i++, j++)
  for(; k<half2.length; i++, k++)
The body in one or other of these loops will be executed, depending on whether j is less than half1.length or k is less than half2.length, to copy the remaining items into the original array. The other loop will only get as far as the loop test which will be false before the body is executed.

Code for merge sort of arrays of integers, together with support code to give your own integers, generate and print random integers, or generate random integers and sort them but just give timing figures can be found in the files, and There is also code, with similar supporting code, to merge sort arrays of strings in the files, and You will need the file to generate random strings.

Merge sort can be applied to arrayLists as well as to arrays. The files and show merge sort applied to arrayLists.

Note the merge sort code we have given here is destructive, because the merger puts the sorted objects back into the same array or arrayList object they came from originally. If they were instead put into a new array or arrayList, we would obtain constructive merge sort.

Java's sorting methods

Sorting is such a fundamental task in computing that anyone who deserves the description "Computer Scientist" ought to have a good familiarity with the main sorting algorithms. It also helps us develop an understanding of algorithms and of how code translates algorithms into something the computer can obey to see these sorting algorithms and to see Java code for them. However, in practice as a Java programmer you would not have to write your own code to sort arrays of data. It is such a common operation that the Java library provides code for you which does the job. Not only does this mean you don't have to write your own code, you can also be sure that the developers of the Java language put a lot of thought into the code library they distribute with it. You can therefore be sure that the array sorting methods they provide do not contain any errors and are written to be the most efficient algorithm for sorting.

The philosophy of the Java language is to re-use code wherever possible. So it's always a good idea to see if the Java language already supplies code in its code library to fill a need you have, rather than write code yourself. Note that it is not impossible for code supplied from elsewhere to be error free. It is however much more likely to be error free than code you have written yourself, in particular if you are using it in a standard way to do standard tasks. As a novice programmer, you can safely assume that the Java compiler and Java library code will always work correctly - if your code does not work, it will be because of an error or a misassumption you have made, not because of an error in the compiler of library code.

The Java class Arrays in the package java.util contains a range of static methods for doing common array operations. It has a static method called sort which destructively sorts arrays of any objects. So Arrays.sort(a) where a refers to an array will change the array that a refers to so that it is sorted. Note that the sorting it does is in the order given by the compareTo method of the objects it is sorting. For example, if str1 and str2 are of type String then str1.compareTo(str2) gives a negative number if str1 comes before str2 alphabetically, and a positive number if str1 comes after str2 alphabetically. This means that if a is of type String[] then Arrays.sort(a) will sort the array referred to by a into alphabetical order. This is not the only possible ordering you might want to apply to an array of strings. For example, you might want to sort an array of strings in order of their length rather than alphabetically. We will see later how code for sorting can be generalised to allow different orderings to be specified. The ordering given by an object's compareTo methods is referred to as the natural ordering.

Even with an array of integers, while you might think the only possible ordering you would ever need is the natural ordering of ascending numerical order, there could be other possibilities, apart from the obvious descending numerical order. Suppose, for example, you were running a competition "guess the number of marbles in a jar", and you knew the answer was 1037. Then if you had guesses stored in an array, you would want to order those guesses in the order "closest to 1037". In this ordering, 1042 comes before 1027, but after 1039. Again, this illustrates the importance of being precise in your specification. What you assume is the only possible interpretaton of some vaguely worded specification such as "sort this array" may not be the only possible one. It is always good to write specifications for code that has to be written in such a way as there cannot possibly be any alternative way of interpreting the specification.

In the files and, you will find code that uses Java's sort method to sort an array of randomly generated integers, in the first case displaying the integers before and after sorting, in the second displaying only timing figures. In the files and, you will find code that uses Java's sort method to sort an array of randomly generated strings (using the file to generate them). The strings are sorted in their default order, which is alphabetical.

The Java class Collections is equivalent to the Java class Arrays but dealing with arrayLists rather than arrays. Actually, it deals with a range of Collection types, of which ArrayList is just one example, but it is the only example we have seen so far. So if a is a variable of type ArrayList<Integer> or ArrayList<String>, or an arrayList of any other base type so long as that base type may have the method compareTo called on it, then Collections.sort(a) will re-order the contents of the arrayList referred to by a according to the ordering given by the compareTo method of the base type.

In the files and, you will find code that uses Java's sort method to sort an arrayList of randomly generated integers, in the first case displaying the integers before and after sorting, in the second displaying only timing figures. In the files and, you will find code that uses Java's sort method to sort an arrayList of randomly generated strings.

Matthew Huntbach

Last modified: 24 February 2006