Interface Types and Bounded Generic Types

Java Interfaces

We have noted that classes in Java define types in terms of the methods that may be called on an object of a particular type, and also say how those methods work in terms of what they do to the variables inside the object. However, Java allows these two separate aspects to be separated out through the use of the concept of an interface. Please note this is a specialist usage of the word "interface" to refer to an aspect of Java programming, so do not confuse it with the more general use of the word, for example when we talk about the "human computer interface" meaning how programs interact with the human user.

An interface in Java is like a class which only tells us what methods may be called on it, it does not tell us how those methods work. A Java interface is written in a file like a Java class, except that the word interface is used instead of the word class, and methods are given only by their headers. Here is a simple example:

interface PricedObject
 public int getPrice();
Just this is found in the file in the directory ~mmh/DCS128/code/pricedobjects. What this means is that if an object is of type PricedObject we can call the zero-argument method getPrice on it and it will return an integer. Remember, as we saw previously that a Java object may have several classes. No Java object may have as its actual type a type given by a Java interface. But it could have as its actual type a type which is a subtype of a Java interface.

We have already seen a class DrinksMachine where one of the methods is the zero-argument getPrice. However, for a DrinksMachine object to be considered to have type PricedObject the class not only has to have this method, but it also has to indicate that it implements the interface PricedObject. To do this, it just needs to have the words implements PricedObject added after the header to the class, so it becomes:

import java.util.ArrayList;

class DrinksMachine implements PricedObject
with everything else the same as before. Note that while a class can only extend one other class (using extends), it can implement (using implements) any number of Java interfaces. If a class implements more than one interface, the interfaces it implements are listed after the word implements separated by commas.

Now let's consider another class which implements PricedObject. Below is a simple example, where objects represent words whose price is determined by their Scrabble score ("Scrabble" is a game which involves putting letters togethers to make up words, with the letters that are harder to use having higher scores). Here is the code:

class ScrabbleWord implements PricedObject
 private String str;
 public static final int[] scores = {1,3,3,2,1,4,2,4,1,8,5,1,3,1,1,3,10,1,1,1,1,4,4,8,4,10};

 public ScrabbleWord(String s)
  str = s;

 public String getWord()
  return str;

 public int getPrice()
  String str1 = str.toUpperCase();
  int score = 0;
  for(int i=0; i<str1.length(); i++)
  return score;

 public String toString()
  return str;
As you can see, the only thing this has in common with the DrinksMachine code is that it has a method with header public int getPrice() and that this is indicated by having implements PricedObject in the class header. Note this is only given as an example, it is not a very efficient way of implementing this concept since every time the method getPrice is called, the Scrabble score has to be calculated again. A more efficient implementation would calculate it just once and store the result so it could be used again without recalculation (since Scrabble scores are fixed, they do not change over time).

The way in which Scrabble scores are calculated here is worth considering. There is an array of integers called scores in which the first item is the score of the letter 'A' (1), the second the score of the letter 'B' (3), the third the score of 'C' (3) and so on. You can use characters as if they are integers, they are equivalent to their ASCII representation. Where we have str1.charAt(i)-'A' this is the ASCII representation of the ith character of str1 less the ASCII representation of 'A'. So that gives us the position of the ith character of str1, and we use that to index the letter scores. Note that declaring the array scores as static means there is just one variable of this name shared by all ScrabbleWord objects, and declaring it as final means that its value cannot be changed.

The importance of the type PricedObject is that it enables us to write methods which take arguments where the only method we need call on them is getPrice returning an integer. This enables us to write general code which can be applied to a variety of types of object rather than write separate but near identical code for each different type of object. For example, the following method:

 public static PricedObject cheaper(PricedObject m1,PricedObject m2)
     return m1;
     return m2;
can be used to take two of any type of object and return whichever is the cheapest as given by its getPrice method. We can use it to compare two DrinksMachine objects or two ScrabbleWord objects (and actually we can use it to compare a DrinksMachine object with a ScrabbleWord object). The type given for the arguments simply indicates that the objects compared must be ones which have a getPrice method (and which are declared as such by heading them with implements PricedObject). Suppose this method is put in a class called PricedObjectOps. As it is a static method, the method is called on the class name, this is one of those classes which is used to bring together a number of related static methods rather than to define a type of object. Then the following code shows the method used to compare two drinks machines:
import java.util.Scanner;

class UseDrinksMachines7
 public static void main(String[] args)
  Scanner input = new Scanner(;
  System.out.print("Enter an identifier for a drinks machine: ");
  String id =;
  System.out.print("Enter its price: ");
  int p = input.nextInt();
  DrinksMachine mach1 = new DrinksMachine(id,p);
  System.out.print("Enter an identifier for another drinks machine: ");
  id =;
  System.out.print("Enter its price: ");
  p = input.nextInt();
  DrinksMachine mach2 = new DrinksMachine(id,p);
  DrinksMachine mach3 = (DrinksMachine) PricedObjectOps.cheaper(mach1,mach2);
  System.out.println("The cheaper machine is "+mach3.getIdentity());

while the next code shows the same method used to compare two scrabble words:
import java.util.Scanner;

class TestScrabble1
 public static void main(String[] args)
  Scanner input = new Scanner(;
  System.out.print("Enter a word: ");
  ScrabbleWord word1 = new ScrabbleWord(;
  System.out.print("Enter another word: ");
  ScrabbleWord word2 = new ScrabbleWord(;
     System.out.println("They have equal Scrabble scores");
      ScrabbleWord word3 = (ScrabbleWord) PricedObjectOps.cheaper(word1,word2);
      System.out.println("The word with lower Scrabble score is \""+word3+"\"");
This code also uses another method which is general to any object of a class which implements PricedObject:
 public static boolean samePrice(PricedObject m1,PricedObject m2)
  return m1.getPrice()==m2.getPrice();
Here return m1.getPrice()==m2.getPrice() is just a more concise way of writing if(m1.getPrice()==m2.getPrice()) return true; else return false. A similar method is:
 public static boolean isCheaper(PricedObject m1,PricedObject m2)
  return m1.getPrice()<m2.getPrice();
Note the difference between this and the method cheaper given above. Both take two arguments of type PricedObject, but cheaper returns a reference to whichever of these is the cheaper, while isCheaper just returns a boolean value, true if the first argument is cheaper than the second, false otherwise.

Bounded Types

Above we saw that if we wrote a method which had parameters with type PricedObject, we could call that method with arguments to match the parameter of any type which implements PricedObject, and we gave two types which did this, DrinksMachine and ScrabbleWord.

Now suppose we want to do something similar with a method which takes an arrayList of objects and returns a reference to whichever of them has the highest price according to their getPrice method. We might suppose the following code would work:

 public static PricedObject mostExpensive(ArrayList<PricedObject> a)
  PricedObject highestSoFar = a.get(0);
  for(int i=1; i<a.size(); i++)
      PricedObject next = a.get(i);
         highestSoFar = next;
  return highestSoFar;
where the parameter given as type ArrayList<PricedObject> could be matched against an arrayList whose actual type was either ArrayList<DrinksMachine> or ArrayList<ScrabbleWord>, or an arrayList of some other type which implements PricedObject. But this does not work in Java. Although a variable of type PricedObject may refer to an object of type DrinksMachine or ScrabbleWord, a variable of type ArrayList<PricedObject> cannot refer to an object of type ArrayList<DrinksMachine> or ArrayList<ScrabbleWord>. In general terms, if Y is a subclass of X, then a variable of type X may refer to an object of type Y, but a variable of a type parameterised with X may not refer to an object of the same type parameterised with Y.

As a simple explanation of why this is the case, an object of type ArrayList<PricedObject> may have objects of type ScrabbleWord and of type DrinksMachine (and any other type which implements PricedObject) added to it. But an object of type ArrayList<DrinksMachine> should not have objects of type ScrabbleObject added to it, and an object of type ArrayList<ScrabbleObject> should not have objects of type DrinksMachine added to it. We would not be able to protect against this if these arrayList objects were referred to by variables of type ArrayList<PricedObject>.

To get around this problem, Java introduces the idea of bounded generic types. Here is how the code for the method mostExpensive should be written using this concept:

 public static <T extends PricedObject> T mostExpensive(ArrayList<T> a)
  T highestSoFar = a.get(0);
  for(int i=1; i<a.size(); i++)
      T next = a.get(i);
         highestSoFar = next;
  return highestSoFar;
This is a method where T is a type parameter, but the additional information is given that T is of some type which is a subtype of PricedObject. So T could be DrinksMachine or ScrabbleWord or it could be PricedObject. Which one is determined by the base type of the arrayList passed to it as an argument. Since we know T must be one of these types, we know we can call the method getPrice on objects of type T, and we know we can pass objects of type T to methods whose parameters are of type PricedObject.

The type Comparable

The type PricedObject was given here as just a very simple example of the way Java uses interfaces to enable general code to be written. Although this was devised just as an illustration, the Java library has many interface types which are predefined. One of the most widely used, and relevant to this course, is Comparable. If you had to write code for Comparable yourself, it would look like:
interface Comparable<T>
 int compareTo(T item);
So, it is like our PricedObject interface in that any class will be a subtype so long as it has the one method specified, and the class header indicates that it implements the interface. Here the one method in the interface is compareTo, while in PricedObject it was getPrice. This compareTo method is the one we have already seen to compare objects of type String and Integer. As we have seen, if we have two objects referenced by variables obj1 and obj2 then obj1.compareTo(obj2) returns a negative integer if obj1 is less than obj2, a positive integer if obj1 is greater than obj2 and 0 if they are equal in their natural ordering. With strings, the natural ordering is alphabetic.

Where Comparable differs from PricedObject is that it is a parameterised type. So, just like ArrayList and LispList which we have seen earlier, it is a way of constructing a type from a base type. The type Comparable<String> has the method int compareTo(String item) in it, the type Comparable<Integer> has the method int compareTo(Integer item) in it, and so on.

If you want a type Thing to have its own version of the compareTo method, then you must give it the class header:

class Thing implements Comparable<Thing>
As an example, let us consider a version of the ScrabbleWord class we gave earlier:
class ScrabbleWord implements Comparable<ScrabbleWord>
 private String str;
 private int score;
 public static final int[] scores = {1,3,3,2,1,4,2,4,1,8,5,1,3,1,1,3,10,1,1,1,1,4,4,8,4,10};

 public ScrabbleWord(String s)
  str = s;
  String str1 = str.toUpperCase();
  score = 0;
  for(int i=0; i<str1.length(); i++)

 public String getWord()
  return str;

 public int getScore()
  return score;

 public int compareTo(ScrabbleWord word)
  return word.score-score;

 public String toString()
  return str+"("+score+")";
You can find this in the file in the directory ~mmh/DCS128/code/gensort Here the Scrabble scores are worked out when a new ScrabbleWord object is created, and stored in a variable in the ScrabbleWord object called score. This class has its own compareTo method, which provides a natural ordering for objects of the class, which is the reverse order of Scrabble scores. So, the higher the Scrabble score of a word, the earlier it would come in any sorted collection of ScrabbleWord objects.

The importance of this is that we can now write generic code where the same code can be used for any type of objects, so long as it implements the Comparable interface. Previously, we had to write separate code to sort collections of strings, collections of integers, and collections of any other type. But that is unnecessary. Here, for example, is a class which provides a static method to sort (using selection sort) any arrayList, so long as the objects in the arrayList are of a class which implements the Comparable interface:

import java.util.ArrayList;

class SelSort
 public static <T extends Comparable<T>> void sort(ArrayList<T> a)
  for(int i=0; i<a.size()-1; i++)
      int pos = findMinPos(a,i);

 private static <T extends Comparable<T>> int findMinPos(ArrayList<T> a,int pos)
  for(int i=pos+1; i<a.size(); i++)
  return pos;

 private static <T> void swap(ArrayList<T> a,int pos1,int pos2)
  T temp = a.get(pos1);

With this, the call SelSort.sort(a) will sort the arrayList referred to by the variable a in ascending numerical order if it is an arrayList of integers, in alphabetic order if it is an arrayList of strings, and in order of Scrabble score (highest scoring words coming first) if it is an arrayList of ScrabbleWord objects.

Here is some code you can use to test the above class to sort an arrayList of ScrabbleWord objects:

import java.util.*;

class SortScrabble1
 public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
  Scanner input = new Scanner(;
  System.out.println("Enter some words (all on one line):");
  String line = input.nextLine();
  String[] words = line.split(" ");
  ArrayList<ScrabbleWord> a = new ArrayList<ScrabbleWord>();
  for(int i=0; i<words.length; i++)
     a.add(new ScrabbleWord(words[i]));
  System.out.println("The words in order of their Scrabble score are:\n"+a);
and here is some code which uses it to sort an arrayList of integers:
import java.util.*;

class SortIntegers1
 public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
  Scanner input = new Scanner(;
  System.out.println("Enter some integers (all on one line):");
  String line = input.nextLine();
  String[] words = line.split(" ");
  ArrayList<Integer> a = new ArrayList<Integer>();
  for(int i=0; i<words.length; i++)
  System.out.println("Sorting the integers gives:\n"+a);
The code for the other sorting algorithms which we gave previously can also be generalised to sort an arrayList of any type of object (so long as it implements Comparable). All that needs to be done is replace the specific type of object being sorted with the type variable T and then give the bound to T that it extends Comparable<T> for those methods which call compareTo on objects in the arrayList, or which call other methods which do so. The method compareTo is the only method which the sort code requires to be called on items in the arrayList being sorted, so that is enough to completely generalise the code. Here is the code for generalised quick sort:
import java.util.ArrayList;

class QuickSort
 public static <T extends Comparable<T>> void sort(ArrayList<T> a)

 private static <T extends Comparable<T>> void sort(ArrayList<T> a,int from,int to)
      T pivot = a.get(from);
      int low=from+1,high=to-1;

 private static <T> void swap(ArrayList<T> a,int pos1,int pos2)
  T temp = a.get(pos1);
So calling QuickSort.sort(a) where a refers to an arrayList will sort that arrayList, using quick sort, and sorting it in the natural order given by the compareTo method in the class for the objects being sorted.

Java's built-in sort code uses the same generalisation. We saw that the static method sort taking an arrayList as an argument and sorting that arrayList destructively is provided in the class Collections which is in the java.util package. So Collections.sort(a) will sort the arrayList referred to by a according to its natural ordering. It will do this even if the objects in the arrayList are ones we have defined ourselves rather than of a class which is already provided by the Java code library. All that is required, if they are of a type we have defined ourselves, is that the class for that type is indicated correctly as implementing the Comparable interface.

One further requirement is needed for the code above to be completely general. Where we have written

<T extends Comparable<T>>
to give a type parameter to methods and say this must be a type which extends Comparable with itself as base type, it is more correct to write:
<T extends Comparable<? super T>>
What this means is that T must implement the interface Comparable but possibly with a base type which is a superclass of T. To see why this is so, consider the examples we gave previously of a class DrinksMachine, and two extended versions of this class, ExtDrinksMachine1 and ExtDrinksMachine2. If we want objects of type DrinksMachine to be able to be sorted by our generic sort code, we would put a method with header int compareTo(DrinksMachine item) into the class DrinksMachine and add to the class header implements Comparable<DrinksMachine>. This method would be inherited by ExtDrinksMachine1 and ExtDrinksMachine2. So ExtDrinksMachine1 does not implement Comparable with itself as base typee, rather it implements Comparable with DrinksMachine as base type, and the same applies to ExtDrinksMachine2.

If all this seems rather complicated, you need not worry too much about it. The main thing you need to know is that if you are writing code for an algorithm which depends on items having some sort of ordering, you can make the code general by using a type variable such as T for the type of the items, and then put <T extends Comparable<? super T>> in the headers for the methods of the code before the return type of each method.

As an example, consider the code we used to sort Lisp lists using quick sort previously. This was written then as code to sort a Lisp list of integers. A generalised version of this code which can sort a Lisp list of any base type (so long as it is a type which implements Comparable) is given below:

class QuickSortLispLists

 public static <T extends Comparable<? super T>> LispList<T> sort(LispList<T> ls)
  return sort(ls,LispList.<T>empty());

 private static <T extends Comparable<? super T>> LispList<T> sort(LispList<T> ls1,LispList<T> ls2)
    return ls2;
  T pivot = ls1.head();
  ls1 = ls1.tail();
  LispList<T> smaller = LispList.empty();
  LispList<T> greater = LispList.empty();
  for(; !ls1.isEmpty(); ls1=ls1.tail())
      T h = ls1.head();
         smaller = smaller.cons(h);
         greater = greater.cons(h);
  greater = sort(greater,ls2);
  return sort(smaller,greater.cons(pivot));

With this, if ls1 and ls2 are of type LispList<String>, the call ls2=QuickSortLispLists.sort(ls1) will cause ls2 to refer to a new Lisp list which contains the strings from ls1 sorted in alphabetic order. If ls1 and ls2 are of type LispList<ScrabbleWord>, the call ls2=QuickSortLispLists.sort(ls1) will cause ls2 to refer to a new Lisp list which contains the words from ls1 sorted in order of their Scrabble score. And so on for Lisp lists of any base type which implements Comparable.

Below is code which gives a front end so you can test this with Scrabble words:

import java.util.Scanner;

class SortLispListScrabble

 public static void main(String[] args)
  Scanner in = new Scanner(;
  LispList ls1,ls2;
  System.out.print("Enter a list (of words): ");
  String str = in.nextLine();
  ls1 = parseScrabbleLispList(str);
  System.out.println("The list you entered (with Scrabble scores) is: ");
  ls2 = QuickSortLispLists.sort(ls1);
  System.out.println("The list sorted is: ");

 public static LispList<ScrabbleWord> parseScrabbleLispList(String str)
  String line = str.trim();
  String contents = line.substring(1,line.length()-1).trim();
     return LispList.empty();
  String[] words = contents.split(",");
  LispList<ScrabbleWord> list = LispList.empty();
  for(int i=words.length-1; i>=0; i--)
      list = list.cons(new ScrabbleWord(words[i]));
  return list;

The method parseScrabbleLispList is needed to convert a string of words into a Lisp list of ScrabbleWord objects. It works similar to code we have seen before for constructing Lisp lists from their text equivalent. It first strips off the opening and closing square brackets, then splits the resulting string into individual words using the comma as the separator, then creates ScrabbleWord objects for each word and joins them to a list.
Matthew Huntbach

Last modified: 8 September 2005