Algorithms and Data Structures 2005: 2nd Term-time Test Results

The second term time test was sat on April 4th. A copy of the test with model answers filled in can be found here

Each question was marked out of 20, for a total of a maximum of 100 marks for the paper. 

A table giving the marks for each student for both term-time test, but with students given only by examination number, can be found here.

As this table shows, the test was extremely poorly done. If most people attended the lectures, worked on the lab exercises in the week they were set, read the notes, and in general put in the amount of effort this course requires, the blame for the poor performance might fall on the lecturer. However, in the second half of the course lecture attendance was extremely poor - at times less than 20% of those registered for the course. Few people seemed to be putting in any serious effort into the lab exercises. When I was in the lab towards the end of the term, there were sometimes just two or three people doing that week's exercise. I am happy to take comments on this, either by email or through the discussion forum, but unless students on this course can convince me otherwise, I do think the main cause for failure was just not putting in the amount of effort required.

Below is some comment on each of the questions.

Question 1

Most people seemed to have some idea of what an ordered binary tree is. However, many marks were lost because of very vague and sloppy definitions. An important aspect of this course is learning to give precise definitions of algorithms and data structures in English.

A common mistake was to say that a binary tree is ordered if "the root of the left branch is less than the root item and the root of the right branch is greater than the root item". This is not the case, what is required is that every item in the left branch (not just the root) is less than the root item, and every item in the right branch is greater than the root item. It is also necessary to say that both branches must also be ordered in the same way.

The question asked for an informal explanation of how an ordered binary tree is used to maintain a set of objects. This required some exlanation of how the set operations: add, delete and membership test are represented with trees. Many people missed off this part altogether.

Question 2

This was a question on the abstract data type List. The lecture on this concept was very poorly attended, and I saw almost no-one doing the exercises that were set (in week 10) on this topic. Doing these exercises was an essential part of learning this material.

Many people answered this question as if it were on linked lists. The introduction to the question made clear what methods are available on List objects and said that you could assume nothing else about them. It ought to have been obvious therefore, that an answer which didn't use these methods but instead assumed that List objects had public fields called first and next could not possibly be correct.

Some people who did understand that linked list data structures and List objects are not the same thing failed to appreciate the point that was made in the lectures and notes that List objects of the form we have used are immutable. A major problem was to assume that l1.cons(n) will change the object referred to be l1 so that the list it represents has n added to its front. In fact, as the question itself states, the cons method returns a new list object. So, for example, l2=l1.cons(n) does not change the list referred to by l1 but does make a new List object which represents that list with n added to the front, then sets l2 to refer to that new object. The effect of changing the object which l1 refers to is achieved by the statement l1=l1.cons(n). This doesn't actually change any object, rather the call to l1.cons(n) causes a new object to be created, and the assignment causes l1 to stop referring to what it used to refer to and start referring to this new object.

Quite a common error was to confuse the == and = symbols. The double equals symbol == is used either to test that two numerical values are equal, or that two object references refer to the same object. The single equal symbol = is used for assignment. The statement a=b causes the value in b to be copied into a writing over the old value of a if they are of a numerical type. Otherwise, it causes a to stop referring to what it used to and start referring to the object that b refers to.

A few people answered this question as if List object were the same thing as arrays and so list[i] would refer to the ith item in the list referred to by list. This suggests that they have paid no attention to any of the material in the second half of this course.

Question 3

This question was particularly badly answered, many people either leaving it blank or giving an answer so scrappy that almost no marks could be given for it. In fact it was a very straightforward question, asking you to do nothing more than reproduce material given in the notes here. Note that the question asked for a "Java implementation" which means that actual Java code is required. Many people just gave English descriptions of queues, which is not what the question was asking for. Some just reproduced the diagram that was given in the notes. It is fine to use diagrams to illustrate a concept if appropriate (but it wasn't appropriate here as the question clearly asked for a "Java implementation" i.e. Java code). However, a diagram should be accompanied by an explanation, not given entirely on its own.

Would a correct approach to this question have been to memorise the code given in the notes and reproduce it? No. Memorisation is not a good learning technique. If you understood the concept of fields within an object manipulated by the methods of an object, and if you understood linked lists to the point of knowing how to move a pointer to remove the front item and add a new item to the back through a pointer to the back, you should have been able to work out the answer by knowing the concepts. In general, memorising things you don't understand is a difficult task, it is easier in the long run to understand and then use your understanding. As I put it once, one way to learn how to drive from A to B would be to memorise all the hand movements and foot movements a driver makes to drive a car from A to B. But a better way would be just to learn the basic concepts of driving. Then from those concepts you could drive from A to B as just one aspect of being able to drve from any starting place to any finishing place.

Question 4

Part a), asking for the difference between pre-order and post-order tree traversal was reasonably well done. But part b) which asked you to "explain the technique which is used to obtain breadth-first tree traversal" was badly done. The technique was explained in the lectures and can be found in the notes here so there was nothing tricky or hard in expecting you to know it. Quite a few people answered this question as if it were "explain what breadth-first search is". That was not the question and there were no marks for answering it - please note there are never any marks for answering a question that isn't set. So it pays to read a question and make sure you answer it, rather than just glance at it and asssume it says something that it doesn't. What was required in this question was some explanation of the technique used to obtain breadth-first search, that is to note it involves using a queue.

Part c) was answered so sloppily in many cases that it was hard to understand if the person knew the answer and just couldn't express it very well, or didn't know the answer and was just waffling. However, quite a few people did manage to indicate they knew that to join two linked lists you had to change the next field of the last cell of the first linked list to make it refer to the first cell of the second linked list. In fact, since linked lists are represented by pointers to their first cell, you could just say that you have to change the next field of the last cell of the first linked list to be equal to the second linked list (this would then cover the case when the second linked list is empty). However, many people omitted to say how you get to the last cell of the first linked list. Since linked lists are represented by pointers to their first cell, part of the algorithm to join them destructively involves moving a pointer down the first list until it points to the last cell. Note that it is incorrect to say (as quite a few did) that you have to "make the next field of the last cell of the first list point to the first item of the second list". This is because "the first item" refers directly to the item held in the first field of the first cell of the list, and that it not the same thing as the cell itself.

Marks were lost in part d), as in the other parts, by sloppy writing and incorrect use of terminology. There seemed, however, to be a reasonable general understanding of the stack and reverse technique, even if it wasn't always well expressed.

Question 5

This question was badly done, indicating a widespread lack of understanding of what is just about the main aspect of this course - the idea of abstract data types. An abstract data type has to function in a particular way, but what is in the class that represents it doesn't matter so long as it causes objects of that class to behave in the correct manner. So, for example, we saw many different ways of implementing the abstract data type Set, but all of them had to provide the set operations add, delete and member which appear to the front-end code that makes use of them to operate in the same way. So we had to show how a particular value of a set as the front-end saw it could be represented by a setting whatever data structure, array and count, or linked list, or tree, and so on, appeared inside the object that represented the set.

The same applies with sequences, which is what question 5 was about. We have the abstract concept of a sequence as a list of objects where the particular order in which the objects appear in the list matters, and where there is an insertion point. The operations on a sequence are to add a new item at the current position of the insertion point, to delete the item at the current position of the insertion point, and to move the insertion point forwards and backwards. You saw this in the week 6 exercise, which presented a sequence maintenance program. Whatever data structure you chose to put inside the class representing sequences it had to be such that the public methods coule be written to manipulate it and so provide the operation of the sequence manipulation program that was required.

Many people in answering this question chose to answer it as if it were "choose three data structures at random and describe them". Either no attempt was made to say how the data structure chosen could represent a sequence, or the attempt that was made indicated a misunderstanding of the idea of abstract data types as the data structure chosen could not represent sequences.

Stacks, queues, ordered binary trees and arrays of booleans were all examples of data structures quite a few people chose to answer this question where it ought to be obvious they are not suitable implementations of sequences. A stack is a list with an insertion point fixed at one end, while a queue is a list with an insertion point fixed at one end and a deletion point fixed at the other. So how could either possibly represent the concept of a list with an insertion/deletion point that can be moved around? With ordered binary trees and arrays of booleans representing sets of integers, there is no concept of the items in the representation having been entered in a particular order. So how could they possibly represent a sequence where the order in which the items are entered is part of the concept of the abstract data type?

Again, there was no trickery involved in this question, and the answer ought to have been clear to anyone who attended the relevant lecture and/or read the relevant set of notes (here) since all it involved was re-iterating what was in that lecture and those notes. The three data structures which it was spelt out in the notes and lectures that could be used to represent sequences were a partly filled array with two indexes (one to give the position of the last cell currently counted as data, the other to give the insertion point), a doubly-linked list with a pointer to the cell representing the current insertion point, and two singly-linked lists where one represents the data before the current insertion point and the other represents the data after it. A fully-filled array with an integer giving the current insertion point was another acceptable answer, since this was given and explained as the solution to the lab exercise on building a constructive implementation of sequence

Matthew Huntbach

Last modified: 18 April 2005