Algorithms and Data Structures in an Object-Oriented Framework (“ADSOOF”)

Implementing Lisp Lists

We have seen the use of Lisp lists, but we have not yet seen how to implement them. Remember, Lisp lists are defined by their operators, head gives the first element, tail gives a new Lisp list consisting of everything except the head element, and cons(n) gives a new Lisp list where the argument n is the head of the new list, and the tail of the new list is the list the cons method was called on. There is also the operation isEmpty which returns a boolean saying whether the list it is called on is empty or not, and the operation empty which returns a new list. As the type is defined completely by these methods and not by what inside an object of that type to make them work, we call it an abstract data type.

There are no operations which change the Lisp list they are called on, only operations which return new Lisp lists. As a result, Lisp lists are a constructive type, and Lisp list objects are immutable. This is an important and useful property, because it means there are no problems with aliasing. It does not matter if a Lisp list object is aliased by several variables, as it is not possible to make a destructive change on it by calling a method on one of those variables. It is not possible to make a destructive change on a Lisp list object by directly accessing a variable inside it, because it is an abstract data type, and the variables inside an object of that type are not accessible to outside code.

An array representation

A simple way to implement Lisp lists might be to represent Lisp lists directly by arrays. Inside a Lisp list object would be an array of the length of the Lisp list, and the order of the elements in the array would be the same as the order of the elements in the Lisp list it represents. This leads to the following code:

class LispList<E>
 private E[] array;

 private LispList(E[] a)
  array = a;

 public boolean isEmpty()
  return array.length==0;

 public E head()
  return array[0];

 public LispList<E> tail()
  E[] a = (E[]) new Object[array.length-1];
  for(int i=1; i<array.length; i++)
  return new LispList<E>(a);

 public LispList<E> cons(E obj)
  E[] a = (E[]) new Object[array.length+1];
  for(int i=0; i<array.length; i++)
  return new LispList<E>(a);

 public static <T> LispList<T> empty()
  return new LispList<T>((T[]) new Object[0]);

 public String toString()
  String str = "[";
      for(int i=1; i<array.length; i++)
  return str+"]";

The class LispList has type parameter E. This is indicated by following the class name with <E> in the class header. It enables us to create Lisp lists with any element type.

Note there is no public constructor for LispList, but there is a constructor declared as private. This is it:

 private LispList(E[] a)
  array = a;
The result is to create a new LispList object whose array variable refers to the array passed to the constructor. As this constructor is declared as private, it can only be used by the methods in the class LispList. You might wonder how LispList objects could be created at all without a public constructor. You can create a new LispList list object by calling the methods tail and cons on an existing LispList object, but to start off you can create a LispList object by the static method empty. This is its code:
 public static <T> LispList<T> empty()
  return new LispList<T>((T[]) new Object[0]);
It's a type parameterised method with T as its type parameter. It needs a declared type parameter of its own because, unlike the other methods in the class, it is a static method, meaning it is not called on a LispList object. The other methods use the type variable E which is declared in the class header, when one of these methods is called, the E in the code of the method will be set to the element type of the LispList object it is called on.

In the code for the method empty the technique we saw previously when we used arrays to implement ArrayList is used to create an array whose element type is given by the type parameter T. As we noted then, this technique results in a warning being issued when the code is compiled, but you can ignore that. The array created is of length 0 and of base type Object, and the (T[]) causes it to be viewed as of element type T. The static method calls the private constructor with this as its argument. So an empty list is represented by an object with an array of length 0 inside it. The call LispList.<Thing>empty() will create a new object of type LispList<Thing>, representing an empty list. Of course, Thing could be replaced by any type. You may find the idea of an empty list or an array of length 0, which nevertheless has to be considered as a list or array containing objects of a particular type even though there are none of them, to be rather odd. However, it is a necessary starting point here.

The method head simply returns a reference to the first item in the array of the object it is called on. The methods tail and cons work by creating a new array representing the new list, and then using the private constructor to put that array inside a new LispList object. In the case of tail, the new array is of length one less than the original array and the items from the original array (less its first item) are copied in order into the new array. In the case of cons the new array is of length one greater than the original array, the argument to the method is put in its first component, and the items from the original array are copied in order into the rest of the new array.

Note the big difference between the code here and the code we saw previously which used arrays to implement a flexible sized array-like object. In that case, we created a new array to represent the array changing in size, but we replaced the existing array in the object with that new array. This resulted in destructive operations: methods to add or delete items from the collection caused the object itself to change. Here with Lisp lists, we create a new array to represent adding or deleting the first element in the cons and tail operations, but the new array is put inside a new object using the constructor, and a reference to the new object is returned. So the object the method was called on is not itself changed.

In addition to the methods required for Lisp lists, we also add code for the method toString so that if a LispList object is printed it will be in its standard textual form, that is with enclosing square brackets and elements separated by commas.

Suppose we have variables ls1, ls2 and ls3 of type LispList<Integer>. Suppose ls1 is set to refer to the object representing list [5,8,4,3]. How this is represented can be shown diagrammatically as:

If we were then to execute

  ls2 = ls1.cons(7);
  ls3 = ls1.tail();
the result can be shown diagrammatically as:

The three arrays here cannot be changed in any way because they can only be accessed by the code inside the class LispList, and this code does not make any changes to the arrays, it only creates new arrays. Calling cons and tail on the object referred to by ls1 does not cause that object to be changed, it causes new objects to be created.

You can find the code here in the code folder in the file Note it is given the name LispListA because the alternative implementation discussed below is given the name LispList.

A linked list representation

An alternative way of representing Lisp lists uses the concept of linked lists. Linked lists are built up out of “cells” linked together. To see how this works, consider the following class:

class Cell <T>
 T first;
 Cell rest;

 Cell(T h, Cell<T> t)
It is a generic class, with type variable T. An object of type Cell<T> has inside it two variables, first of type T and rest of type Cell<T>. It has a constructor which takes arguments of these types and sets the variables to them, it has no other methods. This is the simplest possible example of a recursive class, it has inside it a reference to an object of its own type. An object of type Cell<Integer> might have its first variable set to 5 and its rest variable set to refer to an object of type Cell<Integer> whose first variable holds 8 and whose rest variable is set to refer to an object of type Cell<Integer> whose first variable holds 4 and whose rest variable refers to an object of type Cell<Integer> whose first variable holds 3 and whose rest variable is ... . It might seem this would have to go on forever, but remember a variable of an object type can be set to null. So replace the ... by “set to null” and we have ended our description of the structure. If the original object is referred to by a variable of type Cell<Integer> called obj this can be shown diagrammatically as:

The symbol for an object variable set to null is like that used for "earth" in electrical circuit diagrams. A simpler representation is:

This is referred to as a cells and pointers diagram.

Here, a variable set to null is shown by a diagonal line through the box that represents it. A Cell object is represented by the two boxes representing its variables, first and rest, joined together. Note that an arrow representing an object reference leaves from one of those boxes representing a variable, but points to a whole object represented by conjoined boxes, not to any individual box. We refer to this sort of structure as a “linked list” since it consists of cells linked together in a list. The linked list structure may be used as a data structure to represent the abstract data type Lisp list. The particular configuration shown above could be used as an alternative representation of the Lisp list of integers we write textually as [5,8,4,3].

As we did with our array representation of Lisp lists, a linked list data structure needs to be held inside an object which represents a Lisp list. So the complete structure for the Lisp list [5,8,3,4] is that shown diagrammatically as:

where the variable inside the LispList object called myList refers to the actual linked list, just as in our array representation there was a variable called array inside a LispList object which referred to the actual array.

If we are writing a version of LispList using this representation, the public methods must have exactly the same headings as the public methods when we used arrays to represent lists. It is important that this is so, because the way other classes use LispList objects should not depend on what we choose to put inside them to make them work. When we represented Lisp lists by arrays, the class declared a private variable holding an array of element type E where E is the type variable of the class, and then had a private constructor which enabled us to put an array inside a new LispList object. So now we need a private variable holding a linked list, let us call it myList, and a private constructor which creates a new object of type LispList with its myList variable set to the argument of the constructor. This means our code for the class LispList implemented using linked lists starts off as:

class LispList<E>
 private Cell<E> myList;

 private LispList(Cell<E> list)

The result of calling head on a Lisp list represented in this way is the value of the variable first in the cell that myList refers to, which is 5 in the example given. So this gives us code for head:
 public E head()
  return myList.first;
The result of calling tail on a Lisp list represented by a linked list is a new LispList object holding all the elements except the first one of the linked list from the LispList object it is called on. If we have obj as above, then if we also have obj1 of type Cell<E>, then if we execute we get the result:

Note that if we want to show the full effect of executing we should show it as:

The reason for this is that it causes obj1 to become an alias for which is the structure referred to by the rest variable in the object referred to by the obj variable. This variable is shown diagrammatically by the right hand box of the conjoined boxes to which the arrow from the box representing obj points. This diagram shows the code works by causing the second cell in the linked list to be shared (and hence all the following ones to be shared), it does not cause any actual “copying” in the sense of creating new cells.

So after this, obj1 refers to a linked list whose first element is 8, whose second element is 4, whose third element is 3 and which has no more elements. This is the linked list representing the tail of [5,8,4,3]. But it is important to note that obj1 is not itself the object that represents the Lisp list [8,4,3]. As previously, a Lisp list was represented by an object with a variable referring to an array inside it, so now a Lisp list is represented by an object with a variable referring to a linked list inside it. So the following is how the Lisp list [8,4,3] is represented with variable ls3 referring to it:

The code for tail must get the linked list which contains all but the first element of the original list. This is given by But it must then put this inside a new object, using the constructor for LispList, and return a reference to that new object. This results in the code for tail being:

 public LispList<E> tail()
  return new LispList<E>(;
Note that the result of the call ls3=ls1.tail() can be shown diagrammatically as:

An important aspect of this is that the data from the original Lisp list is shared when the new Lisp list is created from it. It isn't necessary to copy it all into a new structure, as it was when we used arrays to represent Lisp lists, so this saves on both time and memory.

Similar applies with the cons operation. A new linked list which is like an existing linked list with an extra item added to its front can be created by constructing a cell using the constructor for the type Cell, whose first variable is set to the extra item, and whose rest variable is set to refer to the original linked list. Again, to complete the operation, this new linked list must be put inside a new LispList object, and a reference to that object is returned as the result of the call to the cons method. This means that the code for the method is:

 public LispList<E> cons(E item)
  return new LispList<E>(new Cell<E>(item,myList));

Following from our above example, if we next make the call ls2=ls1.cons(7) the overall structure we get is:

Note that even though the linked lists share cells, operations on one Lisp list will not interfere with another Lisp list because there are no operations which actually change the linked lists. For example, if we have variable ls4 of type Cell<Integer>, then calling ls4=ls3.cons(2) will result in the following structure:

Constructing a new linked list, with 2 added to the front of the linked list representing [8,4,3] does not cause any change to the other lists which end in [8,4,3]. It might seem, for example, that ls1=ls1.tail() causes a change. It does cause ls1 to stop referring to a LinkedList<Integer> object representing [5,8,4,3] and start referring to one representing [8,4,3]. However, it is important to realise this is done by constructing a new object, not by changing an existing one. The situation after executing this can be shown diagrammatically as:

So note the object which ls1 was originally referring to has nothing referring to it. If nothing refers to an object, it “disappears”, meaning that the computer store allocated for it may be re-used, with the term used for this being “garbage collected”. However, it is possible that another variable could have been set to it, for example ls5=ls1 causes ls5 to refer to what ls1 refers to (aliasing), and it stays referring to that even if ls1 is changed to refer to something else. If the object that ls1 originally refers to disappears, the cell its myList variable refers to, containing 5 does not disappear, because it is still referred to by the rest variable of the cell containing 7.

An empty list can be represented by an object of type LispList whose myList variable is set to null. For example, ls5=LispList.<Integer>empty() would result in what could be illustrated diagrammatically as:

Then the code for the static method empty can be given by:

 public static <T> LispList<T> empty()
  return new LispList<T>(null);
So note that an empty Lisp list is not represented by null but by an object which has a variable referring to a linked list inside it, and that variable is set to null. This is important, because we want to be able to call methods on an object representing an empty Lisp list. We want to be able to call the methods cons, isEmpty and toString on it. You cannot call any method on null (or a variable set to null), if a method is called on a variable and that variable is set to null when the code executes, a NullPointerException is thrown. Note that as we have given the code, a NullPointerException will be thrown if the methods head or tail are called on an object representing the empty Lisp list. This is because head attempts to access the variable myList.first and tail attempts to access the variable, but myList is set to null for an empty Lisp list.

Putting all this together, the following code gives a complete implementation of Lisp lists using linked lists:

class LispList<E> 
 private Cell<E> myList;

 private LispList(Cell<E> list)

 public boolean isEmpty()
  return myList==null;

 public E head()
  return myList.first;

 public LispList<E> tail()
  return new LispList<E>(;

 public LispList<E> cons(E item)
  return new LispList<E>(new Cell<E>(item,myList));

 public static <T> LispList<T> empty()
  return new LispList<T>(null);

 public String toString()
     return "[]";
     return "["+head()+restToString(tail());

 private static <T> String restToString(LispList<T> l)
     return "]";
     return ","+l.head()+restToString(l.tail());

 private static class Cell <T>
  T first;
  Cell<T> rest;

  Cell(T h,Cell<T> t)
This code can be found in the file in the code folder.

You can see an odd thing here, the class Cell is declared inside the class LispList (you can tell this because the opening { isn't matched by a closing } until the last line). A class declared inside another class is known as a nested class. Like methods and variables declared inside classes but outside methods, a nested class may be declared as public or private, and it may or may not be declared as static. Declaring a nested class as private means it may only be used by other code in the same class. Declaring a nested class as static means, like declaring a method as static, that it is self-contained, it is not attached to any particular object of the class it is in.

So the class Cell is declared as static private inside the class LispList. This means that objects of the type Cell can only be created and accessed by the methods in the class LispList. It cannot be referred to at all by any other code, although when the public methods for LispList are called, that will result in objects of class Cell being manipulated.

Application and Implementation

The point that was made previously with arrayLists needs to be made again here: it is important to draw a complete distinction between the code which implements an abstract data type (implementation code), and the code which makes use of objects of that abstract data type (application code). We saw application code for Lisp lists here and here, it did not matter when this code was used whether the Lisp lists were implemented using arrays or linked lists, since it would still appear to behave in exactly the same way. The only difference that might be observed is that a more efficient implementation, such as the linked list one, might be observed to run quicker.

The cells and pointer diagrams showing how the implementation using linked lists works only need to be considered when building the implementation. You need not be concerned about what is happening underneath when you run code using linked lists.

Computer programs for realistic applications are long and complex. Separating the code into different portions, each of which can only interact with other portions in particular ways defined by their public methods, is a good way of making sense of our code and being able to modify it and being assured that modifying one portion will not have unexpected effects on another. For example, we might originally have decided to use the array implementation of Lisp lists, and then written programs using Lisp lists. When we realised the linked list implementation would be more efficient, none of our programs which used Lisp lists would need to be changed because they relied only on the public methods for Lisp lists: head, tail, cons, isEmpty and empty (and also toString) and changing the implementation did not change the public appearance of the way these methods worked.

Matthew Huntbach

Last modified: 5 July 2019