Jane Reid's project suggestions 2003/04
Areas of interest
My main interests lie in information
retrieval (IR), especially user-centred issues, and the sub-area of
structured document retrieval (SDR). Have a look at the IR group Web page to see what
we've been doing recently. I also have an interest in distance
Topics of particular interest at present are:
- information seeking in structured documents
- interface design for structured document retrieval systems
- information seeking and retrieval for distance learning
Projects on these topics are likely to take a "multi-disciplinary"
approach, and draw on other areas / disciplines, e.g.
- information science
- experimental psychology
- cognitive science
Since this type of project will require learning quite a few new
skills, some prior knowledge of the following areas MAY be an advantage:
- human-computer interaction (e.g. through the GUI module)
- basic experimental statistics
Contrary to some people's expectations, projects in these areas are NOT
easy (ask any of my previous project students!), but they do require
different skills from traditional programming-based projects.
Typically, a project like this might involve:
- requirements capture with real users
- small-scale implementation
- experimental design, pilot test and experiment
- statistical and qualitative analysis of data
Specific projects
In traditional information retrieval systems, documents are retrieved
as atomic units. However, documents often display a logical
structure. For example, a large corporate report will contain a
title page, introductory material and several chapters, each composed
of sections (this may be stored in mark-up languages such as SGML).
Another example of highly structured documents are web
documents, where the structure can be internal (HTML or XML), and
external (documents connected by hyperlinks). From the user's
point of view, presenting only some components of documents can make it
easier to distinguish potentially relevant documents from
irrelevant ones. It can also make it easier for a user to target
components of a document that may be most useful, especially for long
documents, and documents that cover a variety of subjects. This
is the aim of structured document retrieval. A further
development of structured document retrieval, called focussed retrieval,
aims to support users in their information-seeking behaviour by
presenting them with best entry points (BEPs), i.e. only those document
components that provide the best starting-points for browsing to
relevant document components.
Possible project topics in this area include the following at present.
Most will require reasonable programming skills, and will involve
getting to grips with XML at a basic level. They will also involve
learning some basic experimental design and statistical analysis, so
you should have taken (and enjoyed!) the GUI module.
- Examining different types of BEPs, including user criteria for
BEP selection, and the usage and effectiveness of the different types.
- Exploring a possible relationship between query type/complexity
and BEP type.
- Work on BEPs in the context of new data we have recently gathered
(during INEX).
- Exploring a possible relationship between query type/complexity
and interface designs to support information seeking behaviour.
- Extending a specific, existing interface (the RLB interface) to
accommodate browsing within an individual document, as well as browsing
between documents.
- Interface design for SDR systems to incorporate information
regarding ranking and structural information for individual document
components, as well as relationships between document components.
Other possible projects concern distance learning, especially the
application of information seeking and retrieval in this context.
Possible topics in this area might relate to the following (but are very
- Design and implementation of a virtual learning environment,
using open source software, to support distance learning in the Open and Distance Learning Unit.
- Evaluation of virtual learning environments.
- Multimedia information retrieval for distance learning.
Interested? Want to find out more?
Mail me to make an appointment.
Also feel free to propose an idea of your own around the topics
described above.