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Comparison of face verification results on the XM2VTS database

  1. Matas and M. Hamouz and K. Jonsson and J. Kittler and Y. Li and C. Kotropoulos and A. Tefas and I. Pitas and T. Tan and H. Yan and F. Smeraldi and J. Bigun and N. Capdevielle and W. Gerstner and S. Ben-Yacoub and Y. Abdeljaoued and E. Mayoraz, Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Barcelona (Spain), pages 858-863, vol 4, September 2000


The paper presents results of the face verification contest that was organized in conjunction with International Conference on Pattern Recognition 2000. Participants had to use identical data sets from a large, publicly available multimodal database XM2VTSDB. Training and evaluation was carried out according to an a priori known protocol. Verification results of all tested algorithms have been collected and made public on the XM2VTSDB website, facilitating large scale experiments on classifier combination and fusion. Tested methods included, among others, representatives of the most common approaches to face verification - elastic graph macthing, Fisher's linear discriminant and Support Vector Machines.

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