













This page presents and distributes a Wireless Simulation Environment for Multimedia Networks. There are two versions of the simulators, the original (old) WiSE-MNet and the new WiSE-MNet++


WiSE-MNet++ and WiSE-MNet are based on Castalia/Omnet++ and enable the modeling of the communication layers, the sensing and distributed applications of Wireless multimedia sensor networks (WMSNs), i.e. networks with sensors capturing complex vectorial data, such as video and audio.


The environment is designed to be flexible and extensible, and has a simple perception model that enables the simulation of distributed computer-vision algorithms at a high-level of abstraction.


WiSE-MNet++ is a considerably extended version of WiSE-MNet. WiSE-MNet++ includes the implementation of several state-of-the-art algorithms for smart-camera networks. A visual comparisons between WiSE-MNet++ and other simulators is shown in this Venn diagram







Download the WiSE-MNet++ software [zip]


User guide [pdf]


Hands-on tutorial [pdf]


Video tutorial [video]


Case Studies covered in the WiSE-MNet++ paper

- Pipeline for the Case Study 1

- Camera network and sample trajectories for Case Study 2


Reference for the WiSE-MNet++ simulator


Networked Computer Vision: the importance of a holistic simulator [pdf]

    J.C. SanMiguel, A. Cavallaro

    IEEE Computer, July 2017, Vol. 50, No. 7, pp.35-43



*** GitHub repository ***



WiSE-MNet (older version of the simulator)


Download the user guide [pdf]


Download the WiSE-MNet software [zip] – beta version: feedback welcome, please write to wise@spevi.org



Reference for the WiSE-MNet simulator


WiSE-MNet: an experimental environment for Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks [pdf] [presentation]
C. Nastasi, A. Cavallaro
Proc. of Sensor Signal Processing for Defence (SSPD), London, UK, 28-29 September, 2011



Application of the simulator


Distributed target tracking under realistic network conditions [pdf] [presentation]
C. Nastasi, A. Cavallaro
Proc. of Sensor Signal Processing for Defence (SSPD), London, UK, 28-29 September, 2011



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