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School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science

c4dm internal seminar: Multilabel bird species classification (Dan Stowell)

22 January 2014

Time: 2:00 - 3:00pm
Venue: Top Floor Seminar Room, Informatics Teaching Lab

Can you recognise which bird species are singing in a 5-second sound recording? Could a machine? We'll describe how we built a system for the recent NIPS4b bird recognition challenge, a "multilabel" task with 87 different classes and up to 6 present at once. We'll talk about the choice of audio features, the choice of classifiers, what the other contestants did, and the outlook for automatic bird sound recognition.

C4DM internal seminar (WED 22nd Jan.)

Time: 2:00pm - 3:00pm

Place: ITL top seminar room

Title: Multilabel bird species classification

Speaker: Dr. Dan Stowell

Can you recognise which bird species are singing in a 5-second sound recording? Could a machine? We’ll describe how we built a system for the recent NIPS4b bird recognition challenge, a “multilabel” task with 87 different classes and up to 6 present at once. We’ll talk about the choice of audio features, the choice of classifiers, what the other contestants did, and the outlook for automatic bird sound recognition.

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