IST-2000: CRUMPET- Creation of User-friendly Mobile services Personalised for Tourism


See also: CRUMPET Web site

Service: To provide the customer with tourism-related content, that supports intelligent, anytime, anywhere communication. Specific tourism-related content of interest includes: Restaurants, Local attractions, Travel Shopping.

Functionality: (Pre-)determine a customer's physical location; be aware of the customer's preferences associate the customer's preferences with (for example): the location / type of location time of day weather conditions previous actions in similar circumstances .... To search for the relevant information and retrieve and present information (eg. a map). To suggest actions to the customer. To react to the customer's choice with further relevant information. To be aware of the (network) communication capabilities (WLAN, GSM, GPRS, UMTS / fixed) and the corresponding Quality of Service in all communication. To be aware of changes to the communication capabilities, and to adapt the presentation accordingly. To take account of the terminal type, including next generation mobile phone / PDA / PC hybrid terminals. To make reservations. To make payments.


Stefan Poslad (Principal Investigator at QMUL and Project Coordinator)
Laurie Cuthbert


European Union


Related QMUL Publications (see Stefan's publications)


Further work and ongoing work